Prior Learning Assessment Implications for Transcription and Transfer AACRAO Transfer Conference July 15, 2013 Lauren Smith, Ph.D. Director for Adult Learning & Associate Professor University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Diane Treis Rusk, Ed.D. System Planner for Undergraduate Education University of Wisconsin System Administration
Prior Learning Initiative Goals Establish PLA principles and guidelines to support system-wide PLA implementation. Realize an increase of returning adult students participating in PLA by Accelerate adult student progress toward degree. Hold down cost of degree completion. Diane Treis Rusk, UWSA 07/15/2013
Initiative Assumptions System principles guide local policy. Faculty engagement is essential. Assurance and maintenance of academic quality. Focus on PLA oriented to adult learners. 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Transfer Discussion Elements What is PLA? Why is PLA and transfer of CPL important?What are the barriers to transfer of CPL?What practices may ease transferability of CPL?Application for your institutions and systems. 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
The evaluation of college-level learning outcomes that an individual attained outside of the university classroom. The translation of prior learning competencies to a university standard of measurement of learning associated with a course and credits. 07/15/2013
PLA Formats Relevant to Non-Traditional Age Students Individualized student portfolios or interviewsDepartmental challenge examsCredit for military or corporate training (ACE Recommendations)DSST Credit by Exam (f.k.a. DANTES)College Level Examination Program (CLEP)Advanced PlacementInternational Baccalaureate (IB) 07/15/2013 Diane Treis Rusk, UWSA Common PLA Formats
How PLA Can Help Graduation Rates CAEL National Study of PLA and non-PLA Students Slide courtesy of CAEL Kline-Collins, R. (2010). Fueling the Race to Postsecondary Success, Council on Adult and Experiential Education. Chicago.
Discussion 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference What policies does your university have about PLA credit transfers? Are policies different for PLA transfers than for other credit transfers? What are the implications of such differences? What barriers do you perceive in relation to PLA credit transfer?
Transfer Continuum No Transfer - No Remedy No Transfer – Remedy (Re-evaluate) Limited Transfer Full Transfer 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Theories of Transferability Source of assessment matters. Original source data required. Acceptance dependent on available documentation. Acceptance dependent on perceived reliability and validity of tool. Acceptance dependent on articulated learning outcomes. Transfer policies fall along a continuum. 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Transfer Recommendations from UW-System Initiative Update using Advisory Committee recommendations Credit for prior learning granted by one UW institution should be accepted and transferred by all UW institutions. The receiving institution determines how the credit will apply to the major and degree. Credit awarded by PLA should be recorded as a course equivalent whenever possible. 07/15/2013 UWSA
Barriers and opportunities for transfer of CPL Confidence in Assessment Principles Transcription and Documentation Advising and Faculty Engagement 07/15/2013 UWSA
Build Confidence in Assessment Principles PLA methods measure college-level learning, not experience. PLA is comparable to assessment that takes place in the college classroom. PLA evaluates multiple levels of learning. PLA can be utilized across all fields. Quality Assumptions 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin System
PLA methods measure college- level learning, not experience. Clearly define the college-level learning outcomes. What are the associated course or curricula? What are the relevant sequences. Determine how the student will demonstrate competency. How will learning be documented? What is the required level of proficiency? Sort inputs from outputs. Grant credit for learning obtained through experience, not the experience. Disentangle learning activities from learning outcomes. 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Demonstrate how PLA is comparable to assessment that takes place in the college classroom Quality Practices Align Determination of credit award is made by appropriate academic subject matter or credentialing experts. Evaluators hold an advance degree in a relevant field or discipline. Programs are regularly monitored, reviewed, evaluated and revised. Methods in place to monitor authenticity of materials submitted. Monitor reliability and validity of assessment. Similarities Evaluate the same learning outcomes and competencies. Advise students as to what competencies they must demonstrate to pass a course. Inform students of resources available to them. Formative and summative evaluation.Quality of feedback promotes learning. Differences Student previously acquired the content through external formal or informal learning opportunities. Faculty member/IAS does not deliver content. Student may provide documentation of competencies, rather than demonstration of competencies. University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Explore how PLA is comparable to assessment that takes place in the college college. Utilize measurement methods that fit the nature of the learning and the intended outcome Examinations EssaysDemonstration /PresentationDocumentationPerformance EvaluationReports, Critiques, ArticlesPortfolioInterviews 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Recognize PLA evaluates multiple levels of learning. Consider program level outcomes and assessment methods.
PLA can be utilized across fields UWSA Slide courtesy of UW-Whitewater 07/15/2013
Discussion 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference In what ways might the transcription process create barriers to PLA transfer? How does your institution transcript PLA credits?
Transcription and Documentation Transfer Assumptions Based on AACRAO, ACE, CHEA Joint Statement The sending institution has a responsibility to furnish sufficient information for the receiving institutions to judge the quality and the quantity of the student’s work. Transfer decisions should be student-centered, striving for appropriate balance among fairness, consistency, flexibility, good educational practice, and academic program integrity. 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin System PLA Initiative Balanced Sufficient Information
Transcription Recommendations Credit awarded by PLA should be recorded as a course equivalent whenever possible. Placement of credit by PLA should appear at the top of the transcript Institutions will establish and integrate methods to collect student-level data. 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Documentation Example UW Pilot Institution Credit for Prior Learning Rubric Criteria 5 points1 point Sources of Learning Describes relevant experiences.Does not describe relevant experiences. Evidence Aligned with Experience Discusses how learning arose from experiences. Does not discuss how learning arose from experiences. Evidence Aligned with learning Outcomes Provides adequate and appropriate evidence of learning in designated areas. No evidence of learning in designated areas. Evidence Aligned with College Level Learning Justifies that learning meets criteria for college level learning. No evidence that learning meets criteria for college level learning. Lists Supporting Documentation/Resources Lists documents and other resources, providing effective evidence of learning from experience. No listed documents and other resources, providing effective evidence of learning from experience. University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Discussion 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference What challenges do you perceive in relation to advising adult students about PLA? What challenges do you perceive in creating faculty/staff buy-in?
Principles of Advising 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference Faculty and staff aware of PLA Faculty/staff experts available Students informed of transfer issues Careful attention to student course of study Records maintained by appropriate faculty/staff and students
Challenges to engaging faculty/staff 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference Limited Access for Students to PLA Lack of Familiarity Workload Concerns about quality
Practices to Build and Engage Faculty: one campus approach 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference Approach Faculty/Staff as needed: Check policy with leadership Request help with specific classes Train as needed Create tools: Portfolio examples provide starting point Broad evaluation guidelines provide flexibility Specific evaluation tools provide efficiency
Engaging Faculty and Staff 10/11/2012 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference Defer to discipline experts Create efficiencies Quality portfolios High bar for admission to program
Building Capacity PLA Academic Planning and Policy Task Force PLA Advisory & Implementation and Advisory Committee Institutional Pilot Program 10/11/2012 Diane Treis Rusk, UWSA
Phase I Pilots Phase II Pilots UW-Colleges UW-Oshkosh UW-Superior UW-Whitewater UW-Green Bay UW-Stout UW-Platteville Planning Phase II UW-Parkside UW-Stevens Point Building Institutional Capacity Institution-wide support Focus varies Faculty support Measurable and quantifiable outcomes 10/11/2012 Diane Treis Rusk, UWSA
Transfer Discussion Elements Application for your institutions and systems. 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Transfer PLA practices at your institutions Discussion GroupTimeObjective Small Groups 10 minutesReview and post institutional policies and practices. Large Group Walk-around Review 5 minutes Review policy and practice postings of other groups. Reconvene for large group discussion Large Group Discussion 10 Observations, and recommendations. University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference
Questions to Consider What barriers to Credit for Prior Learning have we not discussed? What do you think are the top reasons PLA does not transfer well? What must happen, either at an institution or across a system, for PLA to transfer more easily? 07/15/2013 Diane Treis Rusk, UWSA
Large Group Discussion Questions What surprises you about transfer practices and policies at other institutions? What do you think are the top reasons PLA does not transfer well? What must happen, either at an institution or across a system, for PLA to transfer more easily? 07/15/2013 University of Wisconsin - AACRAO Transfer Conference