Changes to assessment and reporting of children’s attainment Monday 12 th October A guide for Parents
Aims of the session Share some key curriculum changes in English and Maths Explain the implementation of the National Curriculum. Help you to understand how your children are assessed in school. Help you to understand the implications of the above (and reassure you!)
What changes have come from the Department for Education (DfE)?
The National Curriculum New expectations from September 2014 No longer assessing with levels New assessment and reporting system now in place
New Expectations in Primary Maths What has been taken out? Informal written methods of calculation Calculators Separate strand for using and applying What is there less of? Emphasis on estimation Less work on data handling (statistics)
What’s in? Roman numerals Times tables up to 12 x 12 Equivalence between metric and imperial Long division and algebra (Y6)
What is there more of? More challenging objectives, especially in number Formal written methods introduced earlier More work on fractions More emphasis on reasoning and problem solving Greater fluency with number facts expected
What does ‘reasoning’ look like? True or false? 4 × 6 = 23 4 × 6 = 6 × 4 24 ÷ 6 = 6 ÷ 24 4 × 6 = 8 × 3 12 × 2 = 24 × 4 Can you explain your thinking without working out the answers? Jane says this shape is divided into quarters. Is she right? How do you know?
National Curriculum - English Reading word reading comprehension (both listening and reading) Writing transcription composition Spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation Spoken Language
Reading Read for pleasure from a range of fiction and non- fiction including our literary heritage Word reading: pupils applying their knowledge to understand the meaning of new words Learning of classic & modern poetry (including reciting poetry) introduced
Writing Greatly increased expectations in grammar and punctuation in both knowledge and application Focus on spelling and phonics Children must produce ‘quality writing’ Handwriting is expected to be joined, fluent and speedy style.
Spelling and Phonics Statutory lists of words to be learnt in Years 3 – 6 Specific spelling rules to be taught NB This does not mean that pupils did not do these objectives before the New Curriculum Phonics remains a focus as does the phonics test at the end of Year 1
Spoken Language ‘Spoken language underpins the development of reading and writing.’ ‘Teachers should therefore ensure the continual development of pupils’ confidence and competence in spoken language and listening skills’ In the classroom teachers will ensure children: Develop speaking and listening skills Debating, questioning and presenting
What does look like in the classroom? P:\staff\NP Staff\CURRICULUM COORDINATORS\English\speaking and listening\debating\Should I - Shouldn't I.ppt dex.html#tab2 R:\English Comprehension\Themed Comp Y6.pdf P:\staff\NP Staff\CURRICULUM COORDINATORS\English\SPAG resources whole school\yr 1-6 assessments\Year 3 Grammar Check.docx
Changes in Foundation Subjects Greater emphasis on teaching English through our foundation subjects As a school we are developing a more creative curriculum which is part of our School development plan and will be the focus of the up coming INSET days.
Assessment Changes
Early Years Foundation Stage From September 2016 all children in Foundation are to be assessed with a Department for Education (DfE) accredited Baseline Assessment. The purpose of the Baseline is to check each child’s level of development at the beginning of their formal schooling in order to measure how they have progressed by age 11, when they finish KS 2. By giving all children a baseline assessment when they first start Primary School, schools will have a clear idea about progress made by all children and be able to identify and support those who need extra help.
Baseline Assessment From September 2015, schools are able to choose whether they opt in or out of the Baseline Assessments. As a school we have chosen to complete the Baseline from this September. We are using an assessment that relies on teachers’ observations of children skills within the normal day to day school routines. This is in line with the everyday practice of our Foundation classrooms. We have worked alongside Pre-Schools and Parents to provide information for completion of the assessments.
Changes in the Classroom What ‘language’ will now be used to assess your child?
Levels have gone and have been replaced with end of year expectations Government requirement to report to parents whether their children have met end of year expectations Children will be assessed as: Emerging Developing Secure
All children at the start of each Year begin at EMERGING. As they begin to achieve the objectives for that year, they move through to DEVELOPING and towards SECURE. Secure is the desired grade for the end of each academic year, to be ready/prepared for the following Year. In addition children will be assessed on their ability to apply what they have learned. This is called ‘in greater depth’.
What if my child struggles with the new objectives? Nothing has changed. Teachers will continue to plan their teaching around the individual learning needs of every child. Teaching will be appropriate to need based on your child’s learning objectives progressive
High Achievers Government now say that schools should encourage more in-depth and investigative work to allow a greater ‘mastery’ and understanding of concepts and ideas. Therefore if your child is achieving well, they will study in greater depth rather than move onto the following year group’s work.
How will we report back to parents? Your child will be assessed as either Emerging, Developing or Secure within their year group expectations. This will be reported at the end of the year. We will update you on how your child is progressing at parent evenings in the usual way.
Year 2 and Year 6 testing The Year 2 and Yr 6 national tests will continue as before. Children will be given a standardised score (100 being average) rather than a level.
From 2016, KS1 (year 2) national curriculum test outcomes will no longer be reported using levels. Scaled scores will be used instead.Scaled scores The new tests consist of: English reading Paper 1: combined reading prompt and answer booklet English reading Paper 2: reading booklet and reading answer booklet English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: spelling English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: questions mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic mathematics Paper 2: reasoning sample questions 2016 KS1 national curriculum tests 2016 KS1 national curriculum tests
From 2016, KS2 (Yr 6) national curriculum test outcomes will no longer be reported using levels. Scaled scores will be used insteadScaled scores The tests will include a small number of questions designed to assess the most able pupils so separate tests, such as the previous level 6 tests, are no longer required. The mental mathematics test has been replaced with an arithmetic test.
The KS2 tests consist of: English reading: reading booklet and associated answer booklet English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: short answer questions English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic mathematics Paper 2: reasoning mathematics Paper 3: reasoning A full set of sample tests and materials has been published to help teachers prepare for the 2016 KS2 national curriculum tests.2016 KS2 national curriculum tests.
It is important to note that… The curriculum is now very challenging. The bar has been raised for every year group. Nationally all schools expect there to be a dip in the number of pupils meeting expected levels by the end of Year 6. This dip will lessen as year groups work through the new curriculum.
Any Questions? Thank you for you coming today and for your continued support of your child’s learning. All this information will be available for you to take away and can also be found on the school website.