Working together to transform cancer services in South East Wales
Experience Based Design Workshop 25 th March 2015 Headline outputs
Discussion groups 1.Chemotherapy at VCC 2.Radiotherapy at VCC 3.Chemotherapy outreach 4.Outpatients 5.Inpatients
Celebrations Activity We asked each group: - What are you really proud of? - What already works well? - What do you want to build on?
Chemotherapy at VCC TopicNotes Headlines Team working Patient satisfaction Safety of service Efficient use of resources Research focused Surprises We all said the same thing – this surprised us Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales Build upon this Maintain and improve on the positives Maintain culture of Velndre
Radiotherapy at VCC TopicNotes Headlines We are innovative and proud of that We are patient focused We are good team workers Surprises E-irmer is a good thing We are stronger than we think Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales We have the skills and the will to improve We need good design for the new build
Chemotherapy outreach TopicNotes Headlines Closer to home (capacity) PCH environment (dedicated suite) Integration with local DGH services Velindre-run (highly trained staff) Surprises Aftercare Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales Dedicated, standardised facilities – integration with e.g. local IT services Mapping travel times (breakdown HB boundaries) Partnership working with the Third sector Velindre ’s role in outreach units Velindre branding
Outpatients TopicNotes Headlines Good communication Patient-centred Commitment of staff Accessible/efficient Holistic Quick reporting radiology Surprises Rapid access Positive patient experience Awareness of holistic need Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales Maintaining community feel Continue the ‘cancer’ identity Self check in Changes to current set up
Inpatient TopicNotes Headlines Excellent patient care Patient experience Patient choice – food Cleanliness Patient safety Decreased infection rates MDT Communication Surprises We just manage and cope Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales Maintaining staff attitude Patient-centred care – dignity Engage patients and staff in and out of HB’s Velindre leading cancer services
Frustrations Activity Then we asked:- What prevents you doing an even better job? - What would you like to change? - What would be even better if…?
TopicNotes Headlines Capacity – facilities and staff Staff attitudes to change Technology (chemocare etc) Funding Surprises That we were in agreement Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales Safe systems across all Velindre sites Consistency of service across all sites Centralisation of services within the site (adjacency) Increased research focus would require increased capacity. Chemotherapy at VCC
Radiotherapy at VCC TopicNotes Headlines We need more capacity! Resource constraints limit achievements Facilities no longer fit for purpose Surprises Capacity isn’t just Linac based Capacity affects everyone Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales If capacity doesn’t go up our reputation and achievements will go down
Chemotherapy outreach TopicNotes Headlines Current lack and location of capacity Variability between units (sub-optimal infrastructure Patient support personnel Physical environment Lack of patient choice Surprises Outreach not always perceived by patients/families as a Velindre service Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales Sharing our expertise (equity) Collaborative ways of working with Health Boards eg IT Planning/organisation of services eg chemo assessment *Pathways Integration with haematology Velindre branding Access to trials
Outpatients TopicNotes Headlines IT/CANISC Space and environment Effectiveness? How to prioritise? Patient dignity Primary care links Call system Surprises We all agree! Why don’t patients complain more? Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales Infrastructure Time to review and evaluate – leading to change Long term vision Adjacencies Improve patient dignity
Inpatient TopicNotes Headlines Environment, space, structure Rehab space Staff training(?) time – share good practice Documentation – paper and anisc(?) Dignity Funding Dischsarge Out of area Linking across boundaries Surprises Decreased service out of hours Insights into ‘so what’ for the future of cancer services in South Wales Design the space to give an efficient layout for patient flow Engage LHBs
Staff engagement discussion
Headlines To ensure engagement does not appear tokenistic: Maintain engagement and momentum throughout the process and embed this into all departments and strategic planning Take opportunities to promote this with all staff and invite them to comment / provide suggestions Have a representative from each Department in the SOP team (including patients). (There are workstream leads who will seek staff) Explore how best to communicate with staff. Ideas: Monthly video clip with updates on actions and FAQs that managers can share with staff Not always by Provide a summary of the SOP Invite staff to be involved in the future design to help engage them Use of facebook – all staff can be friends and make recommendations/suggestions and would be a way of engaging staff who can’t attend events Department level to meetings to hear about the SOP and comms strategy All departments can contribute to engagement by inviting the SOP team to your department/area
Final discussions