ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Editorial Board June 27, 2015
Update on IPEDS Academic Library component ◦ Bob Dugan, University of West Florida 2015 ACRL survey and instrument ◦ Terri Fishel, Macalester College Conversation with the audience about data collecting ◦ Mark McCallon, Abilene Christian University We are all members of the ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Editorial Board
first data collection completed in April 2015 summary of challenges academic libraries encountered with the IPEDS survey: ◦ IPEDS AL component definitions ◦ HR component
e-books and e-media: counted simultaneous use; excluded e-content from databases e-government documents: excluded in counts microforms, maps, and non-print: excluded in counts circulation: restrictive definition to essentially transactions over the circulation desk; inclusion of non-returnable ILL; included renewals and reserves
circulation: no identification for means to count/report e-resources such as e-books expenditures for salary and wages: included staff salaries from any identified institutional source but excluded student assistants if not expended from the library’s budget
libraries accustomed to reporting FTE counts by library staff classification IPEDS counts headcounts in the Human Resources component; used BLS SOC staff classification which does not align with past library surveys; collects gender and ethnicity Institutional HR departments often did not consult with library to align data reported for staffing types; headcount hinders staff benchmarking based upon FTE and typical staff classifications
an ACRL, ALA and ARL Joint Task Force convened in May 2015 to address issues ◦ ARL and ACRL had five members each; ALA Office of Research & Statistics and IPEDS AL component survey director ◦ Conference calls and a face-to-face in DC on June 19 The TF developed several recommendations for review here at ALA (
Library Collections count titles rather than simultaneous use count titles accessible via library catalog or discovery system for: ◦ e-books ◦ open access resources ◦ government documents ◦ maps, microforms and media
Library Services count only initial circulation ◦ exclude renewals and reserves count e-book and e-media usage ◦ downloads and views use COUNTER metrics if you have them ◦ optional; not required Library Expenses salaries and wages from all institutional sources (may not be acceptable because of the other IPEDS components which capture expenses)
change for the next data collection cycle for IC Header (starts on August 5, 2015) ◦ no longer have to state how much the library expended as a screening question we should know by August 2015 which recommendations IPEDS has accepted from the Joint Task Force, if any IPEDS spring data collection to start December 9, 2015
Why the ACRL Survey? ◦ Comparison data ◦ Benchmarking ◦ Identifying trends ◦ If you are not an ARL library, this is your only source IPEDS vs ACRL Survey ◦ Why both?
IPEDS ◦ institutional survey, not library focused ◦ certain data elements are no longer collected ◦ staffing data is collected from HR not library ◦ any changes require approval by OMB; minimum of two years ACRL ◦ Flexibility, responsive and adaptive to changing needs in 21 st century ◦ Utilize NISO standards for many of our definitions; also ALS ◦ Able to release results in less time ◦ We collect the IPEDS data elements and can generate a report for you to share with your IPEDS data keyholder – so you just fill out ONE survey
Staffing – distinguish from IPEDS in order to collect more specific staffing data Salary data – IPEDS limit salary data to just library budget ◦ IPEDS is institutional, ACRLMetrics is library specific New as well as traditional services – services are also big piece missing from IPEDS ◦ Institutional Repositories ◦ Reference consultations Utilize new tools made available by new systems ◦ Discovery tools ◦ ERMS
Accountability Assessment Best practices Peer comparison Informed decision-making Demonstrating value Analyze trends – local and national
visited 6/2/2015
From ACRLMetrics, Counting Opinions (report run 6/6/2015)
Permission to use granted by Christina Hillman; Lavery Library 6/5/2015
(previous slide)
Contribute for the "common good” Low cost for access to entire data available in ACRLMetrics Collecting data on 21st century libraries that will help us track trends We need your feedback on what questions should be added, when definitions need improvement, and what trends we should be investigating Image Source:
What do you find difficult and challenging when collecting statistics? Is there anything that we could do from our end to help make this less burdensome?