Scientific Revolution and European Exploration Notes
Scientific Revolution Notes Learning Objective: Today we will about learn about the events that led to the birth of modern science.
Scientific Revolution Terms 1. Scientific Revolution- series of events that led to the birth of modern science 2. theories- explanations scientists develop to explain observed facts 3. Ptolemy- Greek thinker that wrote about astronomy 4. Nicolaus Copernicus- Polish astronomer believed the sun was the center of the universe
5. Johannes Kepler- German astronomer discovered planets move in elliptical orbits 6. Galileo Galilei- Italian scientist, first to study sky with a telescope 7. Sir Isaac Newton- English scientist who discovered laws of gravity and motion 8. Scientific Method- a step-by-step process for performing experiments
Scientific Revolution Notes 1. During the Renaissance, well educated people began to focus more on the world they lived in. They began to make advancements in education. 2. The Scientific Revolution happens in Europe from It is a time period when educated people gained knowledge and used it to explain the world they saw. 3. The word science comes from the Latin word meaning “knowledge”. Scientists observe the world to identify facts about it. The explanations scientists develop to explain what they observe are called theories. 4. Scientists studied the work of Greek thinkers like Ptolemy. Ptolemy wrote about astronomy, geography and logic. He believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Ptolemy was a rationalist, or a person who looks at the world in a reasonable way.
CFU Explain what happened in Europe during the Scientific Revolution. Where does the word science come from?
Scientists 5. Nicolaus Copernicus wrote On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres. He discovered that the sun was the center of the universe and that the planets revolved around the sun.
6. Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer who discovered that the planets moved in elliptical, or oval, orbits and not in circular orbits.
CFU What important scientific discovery did Nicolaus Copernicus make? How did Johannes Kepler prove Copernicus wrong?
Scientist continued 7. Galileo Galilei was an Italian scientist that was the first person to study the sky with a telescope. He also invented the thermometer in 1593.
8. Sir Isaac Newton was an English scientist who was one of the greatest scientist who ever lived. He discovered the law of gravity and the laws of motion. 9. The work of Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes help shape the Scientific Method, which is the step-by-step process for performing experiments.
CFU Name two important discoveries made by Galileo. Name two important discoveries made by Sir Isaac Newton. Explain what the Scientific Method is.
European Exploration Notes Learning Objective: Today we will learn about discoveries made by European explorers.
European Explorers Vocabulary Terms 1. Henry the Navigator- helped Portugal gain success on the seas 2. Vasco da Gama- Portuguese sailor that sailed around Africa to India 3. Christopher Columbus- Italian sailor that thought he found a shorter route to Asia
Vocabulary Continued 4. Ferdinand Magellan- Spanish sailor that sailed around the world 5. circumnavigate- to sail all the way around 6. Sir Francis Drake- English sailor that stole treasure from Spain 7. Spanish Armada- a group of 130 Spanish ships sent to attack England
European Exploration Notes 1. European Christians wanted to convert more people to their religion to stop the spread of Islam. 2. Sailors used the astrolabe and compass to find routes to faraway places. Portuguese Sailors 3. Portuguese used triangular sails that, unlike traditional square sails, allowed ships to sail against the wind. 4. Prince Henry the Navigator was responsible for much of Portugal’s success on the seas. 5. In 1498 Vasco da Gama sailed around Africa and landed on the west coast of India.
Vasco da Gama’s Route
CFU Name two instruments used by sailors to help them sail to far away places. Why did the Portuguese use triangle shaped sails instead of square sails? What route did Vasco da Gama take to sail from Portugal to India?
6. Italian sailor Christopher Columbus thought he had found a shorter route to Asia, but instead he ended up sailing to a small island in the Bahamas.
7. The crew of Ferdinand Magellan became the first crew to sail all the way around the world. To circumnavigate means to sail all the way around.
CFU Where did Columbus sail to? Magellan and his crew became the first crew to complete what amazing feat?
8. English sailor Sir Francis Drake began stealing treasure from Spanish transport ships. 9. In 1588 Spain sent 130 ships, called the Spanish Armada, to attack England. Spain’s attempt to conquer England failed and this became a victory for Protestantism.
CFU What is Sir Francis Duke known for? Why did Spain send the Spanish Armada to England? Did they reach their goal?
3 Reasons for Exploration 10. Three Reasons for Exploration Gold- Europeans wanted to gain wealth. Glory- Europeans sailors wanted to be famous. God- European Christians wanted to spread their religion to new lands.
CFU List 3 reasons why explorers in Europe sailed to far away lands.