Welcome to AP Physics I Ms. Wallace Room 104
September 2 Question of the Day You have 10kg feathers, 10kg sand, and 5kg lead. Rank the magnitude of these 3 objects for each of these criteria: 1) The mass 2) The weight 3) The volume 4) The density 5) The force needed to throw it 2m Today’s Activities: -Syllabus -Safety rules Homework: -Get syllabus & safety rules signed -Get composition book
September 3 Question of the Day #1 What factors affect the speed of a car rolling down a ramp? Brainstorm at least 4 influences on the speed of the car. Today’s Activities: -Ramp Angle Lab Homework: -Read Course and Exam Description -Skim Equations & Constants Sheet Ch 1 Quiz – Sept 14
No Question of the Day today. September 4 Today’s Activities: -Finish Ramp Angle Lab Homework: -Finish Lab -Ramp Ranking Task Chapter 1 Quiz on Sept 14 6 th period, please put chairs up at end of class
Question of the Day #2 The following graph describes the motion of a car traveling from rest down a ramp and onto a flat surface. Describe the motion of the car at each labeled point along the graph. Discuss what is happening to the velocity and what forces are causing this to happen. September 8 Today’s Activities: -Significant figures and scientific notation Homework: -Finish Sig figs and Sci not worksheet Chapter 1 Quiz on Sept 14 A B C
Ch 1 Homework – due Sept 14 5 th Edition – Ch 1 Section 3,4,5,6 Questions: 5,9 Problems: 1-4, 8,9, 12,13, 18 General Problems: 33 More info: Ch 29-1, Ch 27-1, Ch 32 7 th Edition Questions: 2,5 Problems: 1-4, 7, 8,12,13, 16 More info: Ch 29-1, Ch 27-1, Ch 32 Answers to odd problems & general problems in back of book
Question of the Day #3 Put into scientific notation and conserve sig figs: a) b) 102c) 30,000d Use factor label method to convert: 25kg/L to g/mL September 9 Today’s Activities: -Properties of Matter, Vocab Notes Homework: -Start Ch 1 Homework – due Sept 14 Chapter 1 Quiz on Sept x x10 2 3x x10 -1
Question of the Day #4 Use factor label method to convert the speed of light: 3x10 8 m/s to mi/hr Calculate the correct answer when you divide 1.02x10 7 by 3.55x10 3. September 10 Today’s Activities: -Graph matching lab Homework: -Ch 1 Homework – due Sept 14 Chapter 1 Quiz on Sept x x10 9 7x10 8 mi/hr
Question of the Day #5 In the graph matching lab, are you investigating the motion of a system or an object? Justify your answer. Be sure that your justification shows a clear knowledge of the difference between a system and an object. September 11 Today’s Activities: -Finish Graph matching lab -Ch 1 Homework Homework: -Ch 1 Homework – due next class Chapter 1 Quiz next class
Nothing used past this slide
Question of the Day #2 Looking at the following diagrams of ramp angles, rank each ramp from lowest magnitude to greatest magnitude for each of these conditions: 1) The force of gravity causing the greatest acceleration of a ball 2) The speed of a ball at the bottom of the ramp 3) The greatest distance a ball will travel upon leaving the ramp September 4 Today’s Activities: -Finish Ramp Angle Lab Homework: -Finish Lab -Ramp Ranking Task Ramp A Ramp B Ramp C
September 4 Question of the Day #2 Two objects are released from rest at the top of identical ramps (see figure). The sphere rolls down the ramp. The small block slides down the other ramp without friction. Which object reaches the bottom first, and why? Hint: think of the factors affecting the speed of the car discussed yesterday. Today’s Activities: -Finish Ramp Angle Lab Homework: -Finish Lab -Ramp Ranking Task