True of false? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer. False – nicotine is the addictive drug in cigarettes. Over 1,000 people die each day from smoking. True Chewing tobacco contains less nicotine than cigarettes. False – chewing tobacco contains more nicotine. E-cigarettes are less harmful than cigarettes. False – they contain nicotine and various unknown chemicals; long-term risks, second hand exposures have not been studied. Cigarette smoking kills more people each year than all deaths due to AIDS, heroin, crack, cocaine, car accidents, murder, fire, and alcohol combined. True Smoking pipes and cigars is a great deal less dangerous than smoking cigarettes. False – pipes and cigars contain a high amount of nicotine. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Lesson 4 © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Average smoker starts at age 14. If smoking continues at the current rate among youth in this country, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 will die early from a smoking- related illness. That’s about 1 of every 13 Americans aged 17 years or younger alive today. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Tobacco is a plant used for the production of tobacco-related products, such as cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Nicotine is the addictive toxic substance found in tobacco leaves – it is a derivative of tobacco. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Carcinogens are chemicals or agents that cause cancer. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals. Of these, at least 40 are carcinogens. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide, a toxic gas that keeps oxygen from getting into the bloodstream. Pipe tobacco, cigars, herbal cigarettes, chewing tobacco and snuff also contain nicotine and tar, and therefore contain a large number of carcinogens. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Tar is a sticky, black substance in tobacco smoke. Tar contains the following carcinogens: Cyanide Formaldehyde Lead Vinyl chloride © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Most common method of using tobacco is smoking cigarettes. Other methods of using tobacco include: Cigars Pipes Hookahs Smokeless tobacco ENDS (e-cigarettes) © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
A cigar is defined as a roll of tobacco wrapped in leaf tobacco or in a substance that contains tobacco; A pipe is a narrow tube where tobacco sits in a bowl at the end, a stem connects the bowl to the mouthpiece. Cigars and Pipes contain the same toxic and carcinogenic compounds found in cigarettes and are not a safe alternative to cigarettes. A single large cigar can contain more than a 1/2 ounce of tobacco -- as much tobacco as an entire pack of cigarettes. One cigar also contains 100 to 200 milligrams of nicotine, while a cigarette averages only about 8 milligrams. Cigars and Pipes © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Cigars and Pipes Health Effects: Regular cigar smoking and pipe use is associated with an increased risk for cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx (voice box), and oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, throat). Cigar smoking is linked to gum disease and tooth loss. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Hookahs are water pipes that are used to smoke specially made tobacco that comes in different flavors, such as apple, mint, cherry, chocolate, coconut, licorice, cappuccino, and watermelon. Using a hookah to smoke tobacco poses serious health risks to smokers and others exposed to the smoke from the hookah. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Because of the way a hookah is used, smokers may absorb more of the toxic substances also found in cigarette smoke than cigarette smokers do. An hour-long hookah smoking session involves 200 puffs, while smoking an average cigarette involves 20 puffs. The amount of smoke inhaled during a typical hookah session is about 90,000 milliliters (mL), compared with 500–600 mL inhaled when smoking a cigarette. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Snuff/chewing tobacco leads to mouth sores and oral cancer. Smokeless tobacco products also contain other carcinogens, such as arsenic, nickel, benzopyrene, and polonium. Chewing tobacco contains more nicotine than cigarettes. Some facts: Holding an average-size dip in your mouth for 30 minutes gives you as much nicotine as smoking three cigarettes. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), of which electronic cigarettes are the most common prototype, are devices that do not burn or use tobacco leaves but instead vaporize a solution the user then inhales. Therefore, liquid nicotine is heated, creating vapor rather than burning tobacco and creating smoke This is why “smoking” an ENDS is referred to as vaping ENDS solutions and emissions contain other chemicals, such as nicotine and other toxins. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigs, are battery-operated products designed to deliver nicotine, flavor and other chemicals. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
© 2015NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX) Liquid nicotine solution is not regulated by the FDA and is not in a child- proof container.
With your partner, discuss if the following statements about e-cigarettes are Myths or Facts: 1. E-cigarettes are not safe. 2. E-cigarettes don’t have nicotine. 3. E-cigarettes can help smokers quit. 4. E-cigarettes aren’t marketed to kids. 5. There is secondhand emissions from e-cigarettes. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
1. E-cigarettes are not safe. Fact! E-cigs are unregulated by the FDA, no one knows for sure what’s in them. Studies have found toxic chemicals, including ingredients similar to that in antifreeze and formaldehyde. 2. E-cigarettes don’t have nicotine. Myth! Almost all e-cigs contain nicotine, including many that claim they are nicotine-free. Nicotine is an addictive substance that can have negative health impacts, including on adolescent brain development. 3. E-cigarettes can help smokers quit. Myth! The FDA hasn’t found any e- cigarettes to be safe and effective in helping smokers quit. 4. E-cigarettes aren’t marketed to kids. Myth! E-cigarette use among middle and high school students tripled from Aggressive industry tactics include candy flavors. For the first time ever, teens are smoking e-cigs more than traditional cigs. 5. There is secondhand emissions from e- cigs. Fact! The aerosol (vapor) emitted by e-cigs and exhaled by users contains carcinogens, such as formaldehyde. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
Current use of electronic cigarettes increased among middle and high school students from 2011 to Nearly 4 of every 100 middle school students (3.9%) reported in 2014 that they used electronic cigarettes in the past 30 days—an increase from 0.6% in More than 13 of every 100 high school students (13.4%) reported in 2014 that they used electronic cigarettes in the past 30 days—an increase from 1.5% in © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)
FEDERAL Only e-cigarettes that are marketed for therapeutic purposes are currently regulated by the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). Currently, the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) regulates: cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, roll-your-own tobacco, and smokeless tobacco. FDA has issued a proposed rule that would extend the agency’s tobacco authority to cover additional products that meet the legal definition of a tobacco product, such as e-cigarettes. TEXAS New TX Legislation: tobacco substitute or tobacco products to definition of tobacco products prohibited for minors under 18. Defines e- cigarettes specifically as an item prohibited for minors under 18. (Signed by governor 5/28/15) © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX) Video
Some call e-cigs healthier. Sure, if inhaling toxic chemicals sounds healthy to you. Assignment: Navigate to learn about the health risks of e-cigs, and find out why “harmless water vapor” is the most inaccurate description ever. © 2016NorthsideISD(SanAntonio,TX)