Department of Higher Education and Training Annual Performance Plan (2016/17) Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 6 April 2016
Presentation Outline 2 1.Strategic Overview 2.Budget Programmes and Financial Information 3.Programme Plans and Targets for 2016/17 -Administration -Planning, Policy and Strategy -University Education -Technical and Vocational Education and Training -Skills Development -Community Education and Training
Strategic Overview 3 The Department’s strategic goals leading to 2020 focuses on the provision of a sound legislative framework, teaching and learning support services, capacity development through infrastructure as well as facilitation of strong stakeholder network We also aim to ensure continuous service delivery excellence within the Department and its institutions During the first financial year (2015/16) of the five-year Strategic Plan, the Department assumed full responsibility for the functions of TVET colleges from provincial spheres of Government This has effectively increased the staff complement from to
The Programme, Vocational and Continuing Education and Training, was reconfigured and split into two delivery programmes, namely: – Technical and Vocational Education and Training, with a purpose to plan, develop, implement, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, programmes, assessment practices and systems for TVET – Continuing Education and Training, with a purpose to plan, develop, implement, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, programmes, assessment practices and systems for community education and training The Department now has six budget programmes Strategic Overview 4
Other Strategic Developments during 2015/16 9 Community Education and Training (CET) colleges were established with full functional Councils This new institutional type complements the – 50 Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges – the university sector that has in the past two years increased by three more universities to make a complement of 26, spread across all 9 provinces The life-span of the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) was extended by a further 2 years to 31 March The National Skills Development Strategy III was also extended by the same period Strategic Overview 5
The 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan also includes updates (as annexures) to the Strategic Plan ( ) in respect to the following new: – TVET programme – CET programme Strategic Overview 6
The financial information of the Department is presented as follows: -An explanation of the Department’s structure, budget and expenditure trends -A summary of the allocations per programme over the 2016 MTEF period -A summary per economic classification that covers the key expenditure items -Key budget pressures that are facing the Department -Financial performance Financial Information 7
The budget for the Department is distributed into Six Programmes During the 2015 MTEF period, the programme structure still consisted of Five Programmes Treasury approval was obtained to split the former Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training into the new Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training and a new Programme 6: Community Education and Training The name for Programme 2 was also changed from Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination to Planning, Policy and Strategy Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends 8 8
The programmes as incorporated in the 2016 MTEF period and the Estimates of National Expenditure are as follows: 1) Administration Provide strategic leadership, management and support services to the department 2) Planning, Policy and Strategy Provide strategic direction in the development, implementation and monitoring of departmental policies and the HRD strategy 3) University Education Develop and coordinate policy and regulatory frameworks for an effective and efficient university education system. The branch also provide financial support to universities, NSFAS and to national institutes for higher education 9 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends 9
4) Technical and Vocational Education and Training Plan, develop, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, programmes, assessment practices and systems for Technical and Vocational Education and Training 5) Skills Development Promote and monitor the national skills development strategy. Develop a skills development policy and regulatory framework for an effective skills development system 6) Community Education and Training Plan, develop, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, programmes, assessment practices and systems for Community Education and Training 10 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends 10
The budget also includes “direct charges” which are amounts reflected that constitute a direct commitment from the National Revenue Fund in terms of specific legislative requirements and are not defined as Voted funds such as for the above 6 programmes The “direct charge” for the Department is the skills levy revenue collected by SARS for the SETAs and NSF 11 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
For the 2016 MTEF period, the Department’s budget (excluding direct charges) increases at an annual average rate of 9.8%, from R42.0 billion in 2015/16 to R55.3 billion in 2018/19 The amount of R49.2 billion for 2016/17 is an increase of R7.3 billion (nominal increase of 18 per cent) on the 2015/16 allocation, excluding direct charges Direct charges (the skills levies for SETAs and the NSF), increases at an annual average rate of 11.8% from R15.8 billion in 2015/16 to R22.1 billion in 2018/19 12 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
The Department’s budget is dominated by Programme 3: University Education, which represents 80.4% of the budget in 2016/17 (See slide 16). As a result, transfer payments also dominate the budget in terms of the economic classification of expenditure (See slide 17) Normal Departmental services (excluding university transfers, transfers to public entities, Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges, Adult Education and Training centres, other organisations and earmarked funds) represents 16.7% of the budget Compensation of employees amounts to R million for 2016/17. Remaining funds for operations amounts to R million in 2016/17 which represents 0.8% of the budget 13 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
The Department received additional allocations of R24.1 billion over the MTEF period. These additional funds are mainly for the following purposes: – Compensation of Employees: 2015 public sector wage settlement (R840 million) – The “zero per cent” increase in university fees (R5.7 billion) – NSFAS: Historic debt relief (R2.5 billion) – NSFAS: Support to unfunded continuing and new students (R8 billion) – Function shift: Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority from the Department of Public Service and Administration (R312 million) 14 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
– Function shift: Medical Students funding from the Department of Health (R75.3 million) – Direct Charges: SETAs and NSF (R6.7 billion) The following baseline reductions were effected: – PSETA (Skills levy) (R43 million) – Goods and Services (R29.4 million) 15 Structure, Budget and Expenditure Trends
Programme Adjusted Appropriation R’000 Medium-Term Expenditure Estimate R’ /162016/172017/182018/19 Administration Planning, Policy and Strategy University Education Technical and Vocational Education and Training Skills Development Community Education and Training Subtotal Direct charge against the National Revenue Fund Total Financial Information 16
Economic Classification Adjusted Appropriation R’000 Medium-Term Expenditure Estimate R’ /162016/172017/182018/19 Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Transfers and subsidies National Student Financial Aid Scheme Public entities (SAQA, CHE, QCTO) SETA transfers (DHET’s contribution) Universities TVET colleges (Subsidies) Community Education Training Centers Higher Education South Africa for HEAIDS project Commonwealth of Learning and IBSA Other (Leave gratuity) Payments for capital assets Subtotal Direct charge against the National Revenue Fund Total Financial Information 17
System Pressures: -The Department acknowledges the current fiscal constraints of Government with an impact on service delivery -The Department is unable to attain the growth requirements within the post-school education system in terms of enrolments, infrastructure development, increased operations and student support. This is linked to the implementation of the White Paper and is receiving attention through an initiative with National Treasury -Key risks associated with student fee increases and the operational staff costs at institutions Key Budget Pressures Facing the Department 18
Operational Pressures: -The capping of compensation of employees is still placing a burden on the ability to roll out the new staff establishment and regional presence -Institutional monitoring and evaluation remains limited -The Department is still relying on NSF project support such as the funding of the National Artisan Moderation Body -Cost implications for examination services remain a concern Key Budget Pressures Facing the Department 19
The Department managed to remain within its budget since being in operation from 1 April 2010 Underspending on voted funds were as follows: 2010/11: R million 2011/12: R million 2012/13: R3.751 million 2013/14: R1.931 million 2014/15: R1.160 million Unspent amounts were committed for specific goods or services as well as outstanding claims for examiners and moderators Financial Performance 20
21 Strategic Objective (1): To ensure effective human resource management within the Department by filling 90% of vacant funded positions and implementation of an effective performance management system Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Approved funded positions filled (%)90% Disciplinary cases resolved within 90 days (%)100% Average number of days to fill an advertised post (days) 180 days Programme 1: Administration Programme Purpose: Provide strategic leadership, management and support services to the department
22 Strategic Objective (2): To ensure effective financial management through the application of good financial management systems, including management accounting, financial accounting and supply chain management in line with the requirements of the PFMA Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Creditor payment age (days)30 days Strategic Objective (3): To improve efficiency through the development of approved annual ICT procurement plans for the implementation of the necessary information technology infrastructure and systems Approved ICT procurement plans per annum (n) 1 Programme 1: Administration
23 Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy Programme Purpose: Provide strategic direction in the development, implementation and monitoring of departmental policies and the HRD strategy.
24 Strategic Objective (1): To develop 2 new Post-School Education and Training policies namely, the National Policy on Career Development Services across all spheres of Government and the Policy for Open Learning and Distance Education by 31 March 2017 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target New Post-School Education and Training steering mechanisms developed and approved (n) The National Policy on Career Development Services across all spheres of Government Policy for Open Learning and Distance Education Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
25 Strategic Objective (2): To develop a Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for effective implementation of oversight of the PSET system and produce annual monitoring reports by 31 March 2017 Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target M&E frameworks for Post-School Education and Training system approved (n) Approved M&E frameworks for Post- School Education and Training system Monitoring reports on Post-School Education and Training approved (n) Approved International Relations monitoring report Approved Macro Indicator trend report on PSET Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
26 Strategic Objective (3): To develop and implement 1 teaching and learning support plan aimed at improving access to quality teaching and learning in the PSET system by 31 March 2017 Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target Teaching and learning support plans for Post- School Education and Training approved (n) Materials developed for the identified 2 Programmes to be piloted in 2017/18 and approved by 31 March 2017 Teaching and learning support implementation reports approved (n) Approved report on the implementation of the strategy on open learning and distance education Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
27 Strategic Objective (4): To develop management information systems for colleges, SETAs and private post-school institutions by 31 March 2018 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Statistical reports published (n) Annual Report on Skills Supply and Demand published Annual Post-School Statistical Report published Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
28 Programme 3: University Education Programme Purpose: Develop and coordinate policy and regulatory frameworks for an effective and efficient university education system. Provide financial support to universities, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme and National Institutes for Higher Education
29 Strategic Objective (1): To develop 7 new and review 2 policies/regulations/pieces of legislation to ensure sound provision of university education by 31 March 2017 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target New higher education steering mechanisms developed and approved (n) Professional qualifications for Early Childhood Development (ECD) educators published in the Government Gazette Policy on creative and innovation outputs published in the Government Gazette Governance indicators for universities approved by the Director-General Programme 3: University Education
30 Strategic Objective (1) Performance Indicator2016/17 Target New higher education steering mechanisms developed and approved (n) A policy on internationalisation of higher education published in the Government Gazette A policy on community service for graduates published in the Government Gazette A policy on differentiation in higher education published in the Government Gazette Programme 3: University Education
31 Strategic Objective (1) Performance Indicator2016/17 Target New higher education steering mechanisms developed and approved (n) Ministerial Statement to guide the management and utilisation of the University Development Grant approved by the Minister Higher education steering mechanisms revised and published (n) Revised funding framework for Higher Education Institutions published in the Government Gazette Revised Language Policy for Higher Education published in the Government Gazette Programme 3: University Education
32 Strategic Objective (2): To develop 1 integrated plan that will enable collaboration between university education and other PSET sectors by March 2017 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Higher education integrated plans approved (n) Integrated plan for offering NQF Level 5 qualifications in the PSET system approved for implementation Programme 3: University Education
33 Strategic Objective (3): Monitor and evaluate the higher education sector and produce 12 annual oversight reports Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Monitoring and Evaluation reports on higher education produced and approved (n) A report on the HEAIDS Programme for the 2015/16 financial year approved by the Director-General by 30 September 2016 A report on the financial health of universities in the 2015 academic year, approved by the Director- General by 31 December 2016 Programme 3: University Education
34 Strategic Objective (3) Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Monitoring and Evaluation reports on higher education produced and approved (n) A report on the effective use of the 2015/16 Foundation Provision Grant approved by the Director-General by 31 December 2016 A report on the effective use of the 2015/16 Teaching Development Grant approved by the Director-General by 31 December 2016 Programme 3: University Education
35 Strategic Objective (3) Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Monitoring and Evaluation reports on higher education produced and approved (n) A report on the effective use of the 2015/16 Research Development Grant approved by the Director- General by 31 December 2016 A report on the 2015 research outputs of universities published on the Departmental website by 31 March 2017 An annual report on the effective use of the infrastructure and efficiency grants for universities approved by the DG by 31 March 2017 Programme 3: University Education
36 Strategic Objective (3) Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Monitoring and Evaluation reports on higher education produced and approved (n) An annual report on the effective use of new universities earmarked grant approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2017 An annual report on the achievement of Ministerial enrolment targets approved by the Minister by 31 March 2017 An annual report on PHEIs’ compliance with the regulations approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2017 Programme 3: University Education
37 Strategic Objective (3) Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Monitoring and Evaluation reports on higher education produced and approved (n) An annual report on the implementation of the SSAUF Programme approved by the Director- General by 31 March 2017 A report on the Council Capacity Development Programme approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2017 Programme 3: University Education
38 Strategic Objective (4): To develop and implement a Teaching and Learning Development Capacity Improvement Programme (TLDCIP) covering 5 plans to improve the capacity of universities in terms of teaching and research by March 2017 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Teaching and learning support plans for higher education developed and approved (n) TLDCIP project plan for ECD teacher education approved by the Director- General by 30 September 2016 TLDCIP project plan for Primary teacher education approved by the Director-General by 30 September 2016 Programme 3: University Education
39 Strategic Objective (4) Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Teaching and learning support plans for higher education developed and approved (n) TLDCIP project plan for TVET and Community College lecturer education approved by the Director-General by 30 September 2016 TLDCIP project plan for special needs teacher education approved by the Director-General by 30 September 2016 Programme 3: University Education
40 Strategic Objective (5): Develop and implement a student leadership capacity development strategy and Central Application Services to support access to Post-School institutions by 31 March 2020 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Implementation reports on student support services in Higher Education Institutions approved (n) A report on student support services in Higher Education Institutions signed by the Director-General by 31 March 2017 Programme 3: University Education
41 Strategic Objective (6): Publish an annual first-time entering undergraduate cohort analyses report Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Cohort study reports on higher education published per annum (n) An updated cohort study report including the 2015 audited data published on the Departmental website by 31 March 2017 Programme 3: University Education
42 Strategic Objective (7): Facilitate stakeholder networks through the establishment of a BRICS Think Tank and participative academic forum and report progress on partnerships annually Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Partnership reports produced and approved per annum (n) A report on the 2016 BRICS Academic Forum and Think Tank partnerships approved by the Minister by 31 March 2017 Programme 3: University Education
43 System performance targets to be monitored and reported Performance Indicator Baseline (2014 academic year) 2016/17 Target (2015 academic year) Students enrolled in public higher education studies at universities (n) Success rates at universities (%)77% Graduates in Engineering Sciences from universities (n) Graduates in initial Teacher Education from universities (n) Doctoral graduates from universities (n) Research Masters graduates (n) Programme 3: University Education
44 Performance Indicator Baseline (2014 academic year) 2016/17 Target (2015 academic year) Additional first-time entrants (black and women) to academic workforce in addition to normal replacement and plans (n) -100 First year students in foundation programmes (n) Eligible university students obtaining financial aid (n) Graduates in Human Health and Animal Health from universities (n) Programme 3: University Education
45 Performance Indicator Baseline (2014 academic year) 2016/17 Target (2015 academic year) Universities offering accredited TVET college qualifications (n) -10 University academic staff with PHDs (%)43% Graduates in Natural and Physical Sciences from universities (n) Higher education undergraduate success rates (contact) (%) 82%80% Higher education undergraduate success rates (distance) (%) 68% Programme 3: University Education
46 Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training Programme Purpose: Plan, develop, implement, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, Programmes, assessment practices and systems for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
47 Strategic Objective (1): To develop 1 and revise 2 legislative and guiding frameworks aimed at steering the Technical and Vocational Education and Training sector by 31 March 2017 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target New Technical and Vocational Education and Training steering mechanisms developed and approved (n) National admission and promotion guidelines for NC(V) approved by the Minister by 31 March 2017 Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
48 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Technical and Vocational Education and Training steering mechanisms revised (n) Revised current costing model for TVET college programmes approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2017 Revised conduct policy for NC(V) approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2017 Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
49 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (2): To standardise the level of governance across TVET institutions, monitor implementation and take appropriate actions when deficiencies are detected by 31 March 2017 Monitoring and Evaluation reports on TVET colleges produced and approved (n) Monitoring and Evaluation report on TVET institutions approved by 30 September 2016 Monitoring and Evaluation report on TVET institutions approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2017 Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
50 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (3): To develop and implement 1 teaching and learning support plan for TVET institutions by 31 March 2017 Annual teaching and learning support plans for Technical and Vocational Education and Training developed and approved (n) Annual teaching and learning support plans for TVET colleges approved by the Director-General by 30 September 2016 Implementation reports on teaching and learning support plans in TVET colleges approved (n) Implementation report on teaching and learning support plans in TVET colleges approved by the Director- General by 31 March 2017 Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
51 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (4): To improve success in programmes offered in TVET institutions by developing and implementing 1 student support plan by 31 March 2017 Annual student support services plans for Technical and Vocational Education and Training developed and approved per annum (n) Student support services plan approved by the Director-General by 30 September 2016 Implementation reports on student support services in TVET colleges approved (n) Implementation report on the student support services plan in TVET colleges approved by the Director- General by 31 March 2017 Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
52 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (5): To ensure geographic spread of TVET institutions through the establishment of 12 additional sites of delivery, i.e. campuses, by 31 March 2020 TVET colleges infrastructure/facilities maintenance reports approved (n) TVET colleges infrastructure maintenance report approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2017 Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
53 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (6): To establish a coordinating structure for support and research in the TVET sector by 31 March 2017 Coordinating structure for stakeholder engagement established (n) Coordinating structure for stakeholder engagement (SAIVCET) established by 31 March 2017 Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
54 System performance targets to be monitored and reported Performance Indicator Baseline 2014/ /17 Target Headcount enrolments in TVET colleges (n) Certification rates in TVET qualifications (%)NC (V) L4: 34.4% N3: 55.4% N6: 42.7% NC (V) L4: 40% N3: 65% N6: 45% Lead time to issue certificates to qualifying candidates (months) 12 months3 months Percentage of public TVET college examination centres conducting national examinations and assessments in compliance with national policy (%) 70%100% Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
55 Performance Indicator Baseline /17 Target TVET throughput rate (%)-15% Number of additional beds for student accommodation in public TVET colleges (n) Qualifying TVET students obtaining financial assistance (n) Funded NC(V) L4 students obtaining qualification within stipulated time (%) -14% TVET institutions compliant to governance standards by 2019 and increasing every year thereafter (%) -30% Students entering the Foundation Programme by March 2017 (n) Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
56 Programme 5: Skills Development Programme Purpose: Promote and monitor the national skills development strategy. Develop a skills development policy and regulatory framework for an effective skills development system
57 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (1): To steer and support skills development institutions to implement the National Skills Development Strategy through the development of a new steering mechanism (1 regulations) and revise 2 legislative frameworks (inclusive of strategies and policies) by 31 March 2017 New skills development steering mechanisms developed and approved (n) Workplace based learning programme regulations approved by the Minister by 31 December 2016 Programme 5: Skills Development
58 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Skills development Steering mechanisms revised (n) National Skills Development Strategy approved by the Minister by 31 March 2017 SETA landscape approved by the Minister by 31 March 2017 Programme 5: Skills Development
59 Strategic Objective (2): To standardise the level of governance across Sector Education and Training Authorities by 31 March 2020, monitor and compile annual quarterly reports and take appropriate actions where deficiencies are detected Performance Indicator2016/17 Target SETA monitoring reports on skills development produced and approved (n) SETA monitoring reports on skills development approved Programme 5: Skills Development
60 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (3): To effectively manage artisan development assessment services inclusive of RPL in order to produce qualified artisans per annum by 31 March 2017 Average lead time from trade test application received until trade test conducted at INDLELA (days) 120 days National artisan learners pass trade test rate at INDLELA (%) 52% Programme 5: Skills Development
61 System performance targets to be monitored and reported Performance IndicatorBaseline2016/17 Target Work based learning opportunities (n) New artisans qualified per annum (n) New artisan learners registered nationally per annum (n) National artisan learners employed or self- employed (%) -67% Proportion of SETAs meeting standards of good governance (%) - 100% Programme 5: Skills Development
62 Programme 6: Community Education and Training Programme Purpose: Plan, develop, implement, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, programme assessment practices and systems for community education and training
63 Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (1): To develop 4 guiding frameworks (policies and regulations) aimed at steering the CET system by 31 March 2017 New Community Education and Training (CET) steering mechanisms approved (n) Monitoring and evaluation policy for Community Colleges approved by 30 September 2016 Regulations for the establishment of the satellite Community Learning Centres (CLCs) approved by 31 December 2016 Programme 6: Community Education and Training
64 Performance Indicator 2016/17 Target New Community Education and Training (CET) steering mechanisms approved (n) National Curriculum Policy for Community Colleges developed and approved by 31 March 2017 Conduct policy for General Education and Training Certificate for adults approved by 31 March 2017 Programme 6: Community Education and Training
65 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (1): To develop and implement 1 teaching and learning support plan for CET colleges by 31 March 2017 Teaching and learning support plans for CET colleges approved (n) Annual plan for education, training and development improvement plan for CET approved by 31 March 2017 Strategic Objective (2): To ensure geographic spread and maintenance of 9 CET colleges by 31 March 2017 CET college infrastructure/facilities maintenance reports approved (n) CET college infrastructure/facilities maintenance reports approved by 31 March 2017 Programme 6: Community Education and Training
66 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (1): To develop and implement 1 teaching and learning support plan for CET colleges by 31 March 2017 Teaching and learning support plans for CET colleges approved (n) Annual plan for education, training and development improvement plan for CET approved by 31 March 2017 Strategic Objective (2): To forge links with strategic partners and stakeholders in the community education and training sector by developing and approving a strategy on strategic partnerships with key strategic partners by 31 March 2017 Strategies on strategic partnerships approved (n) Strategy on strategic partnerships approved by 31 March 2017 Programme 6: Community Education and Training
67 Performance Indicator2016/17 Target Strategic Objective (1): To forge links with strategic partners and stakeholders in the community education and training sector by developing and approving a strategy on strategic partnerships with key strategic partners by 31 March 2017 Strategies on strategic partnerships approved (n) Strategy on strategic partnerships approved by 31 March 2017 Programme 6: Community Education and Training
68 System performance targets to be monitored and reported Performance IndicatorBaseline2015/16 Target Headcount enrolments in CET colleges (n) Certification rates in CET formal qualification (%) -35% Programme 6: Community Education and Training
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