ORGANIZATIONAL DECISION – Making and Information Systems.


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Presentation transcript:

ORGANIZATIONAL DECISION – Making and Information Systems

WHAT IS DECISION MAKING? Decision making is the process of selecting a course of action among several alternatives. The purposeful selection from among a set of alternatives in the light of a given objective.

THREE TYPES OF DECISION MAKING Structured Decisions Semi-Structured Decision Unstructured Decisions

ORGANIZATIONAL DECISION MAKING LEVELS Operation Level Managerial or Tactical Level Strategic or Executive Level

TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS There are two main categories of organizational information systems Operations Support Systems Management Support Systems.

OPERATIONS SUPPORT SYSTEMS These are information systems which generate a variety of general information products to support the general day-to-day operations of organizations. Examples of Operations Support Systems are: Transaction Processing Systems, Process Control Systems

TRANSACTION PROCESSING SYSTEMS Transaction Processing Systems are an important example of operations support systems that record and process data resulting from business transactions, update of operational databases, and produce business documents and other general information which any member of the organization can use. Process Control Systems

MANAGEMENT SUPPORT INFORMATION SYSTEMS There are three main types of Management Support Systems. Management Information Systems Decision Support Systems Executive Information Systems

OTHER INFORMATION SYSTEMS Expert Information Systems: These are mostly computer programs/software which perform or carry out logical processes which are normally associated with human intelligence.

Geographic Information Systems: These are special decision support system that uses geographic databases to construct and display maps and other graphical displays that support decisions affecting the geographical or spatial distribution of people and other resources.

Knowledge Management Systems: These refer to the process an organization uses to gain the greatest value from its knowledge assets.

Enterprise Information systems: These are systems that allow organizations to integrate information across operations and units on an organization wide basis, rather than storing information at separate locations throughout the organization.