Biography Currently, Consultant in Substance Misuse In Cumbria for Greater Manchester West NHS FT Trained in General Adult Psychiatry and Substance misuse in Manchester. As a Trainee worked in Psychiatry in various areas in Manchester and Salford. Worked in Substance Misuse in Inpatient Regional Centres in Manchester Worked in Substance Misuse in the Community in Blackburn, Wigan prior to Cumbria
Managing Alcohol to support recovery in Mental Health Case Studies – what is working well
Managing Alcohol to support recovery in Mental Health - Case Studies Background to service Recovery initiatives Supporting Recovery in alcohol Implications for mental health consequent to supporting recovery in alcohol
Formation of Unity Greater Manchester West NHS FT successful in tender process for Cumbria Community and prison based adult drug and alcohol recovery services 3 year contract from 01/07/12
Unity in Cumbria Large area Diverse regions Multiple organisation Different alcohol problems
Allerdale Better than England Average Worse than England Average
Carlisle Better than England Average Worse than England Average
Barrow in Furness Better than England Average Worse than England Average
Asset Based Community Development Assets Needs “creating not just recovery oriented treatment but a world in which recovery can flourish” William White 2011
Recovery Focus At outset – Community development lead – Asset building fund. As time progressed – Recovery Occupational Therapist – Clinic / Employer Liaison/Growing well/ Learn to Care Ashley Gibson
Alcohol recovery 12 step AA meeting -Carlisle Search for the hero inside yourself - West Nurse led Clinics – Barrow Discovery group/ Core group - Kendal Developments in one site used in other sites
Comorbidity psychiatric illness in people with drug or alcohol problems Number ( percent) total = 62 (alcohol) Non substance induced psychotic disorder12(19) Personality disorder33 (53) Severe depression21 (34) Mild depression29 (47) Severe anxiety20 (32) Psychiatric disorder present53 (85) Weaver et al Common disorders are common in people with alcohol problems Hence treatment of alcohol problems in general will have impact on mental health
Dual Diagnosis specific strategies Patient with dual diagnosis high risk – National Confidential Enquiry Formation of Unity Alcohol services no longer within local mental health trust Close collaboration using alcohol detoxification beds Collaboration and development of policy Ongoing meetings
Review of talk Background to Service Recovery initiatives Supporting Recovery in alcohol Implications for mental health consequent to supporting recovery in alcohol Questions