Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. True or False – What do you think? Read the statements below Write 1-6 and put T (True) or F (False) next to each number. 2. People who self-harm are attention seeking. 1. People who self-harm are manipulative. 5. Self-harmers need to see a psychiatrist in order to get better. 4. People who self-harm tend to be teenage girls and they grow out of it. 3. Psychiatry alone has had a little success helping those who self- harm. 6. Self-harm is usually carried out in private. Much of the self- harming that occurs goes undiscovered. Many of those who self-harm go to great lengths to make sure it goes undiscovered. FAL SE TRU E FAL SE TRU E
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Lesson Outcome Working AtWorking Beyond I can state two things about self-harm and name three ways to avoid it. I can state four things about self-harm and name five ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. What is self harm?
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. What is Self Harm Self harm is the term used to describe when someone deliberately hurts themselves as a way of dealing with their emotions. This means that for some people self harm is what we call a 'coping strategy'. They may do this in a number of ways, including: Cutting or scratching themselves Burning themselves with a flame or something hot Causing bruising to the body by hitting themselves Throwing their body against something that will hurt Taking overdoses of tablets or medication Inserting objects into the body Hair pulling (also known as trichotilliomania) Swallowing toxic substances (including lots of alcohol) or inappropriate objects.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Why do people self harm? To help them cope with their feelings. To release tension caused by anxiety, grief or anger. To feel as though they have control over something in their lives. To make ‘real’ emotional pain they are unable to express. Sometimes a means of communication, to tell themselves and others that they need help. Sometimes people also hurt themselves because they want to punish themselves, out of anger, fear or lack of confidence.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Self harm is NOT an attempt at suicide If you hurt yourself this does not mean you want to die. Attempted suicide is when your aim is to die. Self harm is not suicide is not attention seeking is not a cry for help is not a fashionable or cool thing to do is not something that can't be cured is not 'mad' or 'weird‘ is not a mental illness; it is a symptom of internal stress or distress is not done because people enjoy the pain
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Look at your picture In your groups you need to decide how harmful you think this is. You now need to place your picture on the line safeharmful
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Look at your picture Now in your groups you need to decide how socially acceptable you think this is. You now need to place your picture on the line socially acceptablesocially un-acceptable
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. What does this tell us about our attitude towards different types of self harm? Have your views on self harm changed?
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Is self harming common in young people? It is a major public health issue among young people in the UK and it is quite common. The Samaritans reported that three teenagers self-harm every hour
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. MAY 2014 There has been an increase in the number of teenager who self-harm in England in the last decade, according to a World Health Organisation collaborative study. It was found that up to 20% in 5 young people say they self harm. In compared to 2002 it was 6.9%. It stated “Our findings are worrying. We don’t know enough about it but parents are busy and stressed, and children’s lives are becoming more pressurised. They know they need better grades to get to university, but there’s no guarantee of a job at the end of it all”.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it.
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Coping Strategies for Self Harm From the coping strategies sheets write down which you think would be the most beneficial coping strategies – write down 10 ideas. Harmless – Factsheet 1 - Advice for young people – Page Stick this in your books
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Self Harming – Where to get Support School counsellor, GP / doctor Parent
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Michael Dad recently left Spends his whole time in the gym Has been keeping away from his friends He’s angry and snappy His friend saw burns on his arm WHAT COULD SIMON’S FRIENDS DO TO HELP? WHERE COULD SIMON GET SUPPORT?
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Extension next slide – If have time with class
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Think about how Michael might feel at different points in a typical school day. What would be the good bits and bad bits – why? 1 What should Michael’s friend do next? 2 Michael’s friend decides to try to help him – how might the conversation go? Think about how Michael feels & how his friend feels 3
Lesson Outcome I can explain what self-harm is and state a number of things about it and ways to avoid it. Young people’s experiences of self harm Falling out of trees - The continuum (5.29min) You can get better