C HAPTER 19, S ECTION 1 Metals
Good conductors of heat Good conductors of electricity All but one (mercury) are Solid at room temperature Have Luster (reflect light) Are Malleable (can be hammered or rolled into sheets) Are Ductile (can be drawn into wires) Most have 1-3 electrons in their outer energy level and typically form Ionic Bonds
M ETALLIC B ONDING Positively charged metallic ions are surrounded by a cloud of electrons. The electrons move freely among many positively charged ions.
Group 1 of the periodic table Are softer than most other metals Most REACTIVE of all the metals They react rapidly with water and oxygen Have one electron in outer shell Francium is extremely rare and radioactive Radioactive element: is one in which the nucleus breaks down and gives off particles and energy
Group 2 of the periodic table Have 2 electrons in their outer shell Used in fireworks! Magnesium-bright white Strontium-Red
T RANSITION E LEMENTS Groups 3-12 Transition elements are the most familiar because they are found in nature as uncombined elements, unlike Group 1 & 2 elements which are less stable
I RON T RIAD Iron, Cobalt, & Nickel All three of these elements are used in the process to create steel and other metal mixtures. Iron is the most widely used of all metals
C OINAGE M ETALS Copper, Silver, & Gold Group 11 Were once used to make coins…why not anymore? Were used to make coins because they are so stable and malleable Most coins now are made of nickel and copper
Atomic numbers Are called lanthanides because they follow the element lanthanum Some of the lanthanides are used by the movie industry and to produce the colors you see on your tv screen! Atomic numbers Are called actinide series because they follow the element actinium All of the actinides are radioactive & unstable
Ch.19, Section 2
N ONMETALS Usually gases or brittle solids at room temperature Right of the metalloid line (staircase) Not malleable Not ductile Do not conduct electricity Do not conduct heat Typically not shiny (have no…..) Luster
Most is found in the compound water The word hydrogen is derived from the Greek term for “water forming” When water is broken down into its elements, hydrogen becomes a gas made up of diatomic molecules
D IATOMIC M OLECULE Consists of two atoms of the same element in a covalent bond. Many elements exist in this way because they are too reactive to exist alone in nature. Other examples: Chlorine, Nitrogen Fluorine, Oxygen Bromine, Hydrogen and Iodine
T HE NOBLE G ASES The noble gases exist as isolated atoms. They are stable because….. why? Their outermost energy level is full (with 8 electrons) The stability of noble gases is what makes them useful….. Helium’s light weight is what makes it useful in blimps and balloons Neon and Argon are used in “neon lights” for advertising Krypton is used in electric light bulbs to produce light in lasers for laser light shows
M IXED G ROUPS Ch.19, Section 3
M ETALLOIDS Can form ionic or covalent bonds Have metallic AND nonmetallic characteristics Touch the stair step line Are semiconductors Conduct an electric current under certain conditions, not all of the time or never!
O THER G ROUPS : Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen
Different forms of the same element and have different molecular structures. Read Page 586 and be able to talk about the allotropes of carbon…
S YNTHETIC E LEMENTS Created elements by a scientist usually in a lab Besides technetium 43 and promethium 61, each synthetic element has more than 92 protons. We call these elements having more than 92 protons Transuranium elements These do not belong to metals, nonmetals, or metalloids; they are their own section of the table All transuranium elements are synthetic and unstable, and many disintegrate quickly