Keywords: proton, neutron, electron, shells, negative, atomic number, mass number C2 Topic 1 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table This topic looks at: The structure of the atom Subatomic particles and electron shells The periodic table How can you use the following numbers to give you the amount of protons, neutrons and electrons? Draw the structure of an atom and label it’s subatomic particles giving their mass and charge Electron Structure – Draw the electron structure of these elements then state their electronic configuration: Na Cl Al What do the periods and groups tell you about the electron structure? Period Group On the periodic table – colour the metals and non metals separate colours and label the following:- Alkali metals, Halogens, Transition Metals, Noble gases.
Keywords: stable, full shell, positive, negative, transfer, molten, bonds C2 Topic 2: Ionic Bonding This topic looks at: Ionic Bonding, structure and properties Naming and formula of ionic compounds Precipitates Using the structure of ionic compounds can you explain why 1)They have high boiling/melting points 2) They can conduct when molten but not when solid Keywords (electrostatic forces, position, negative, ions, lattice) Show the ionic bonding of NaCl (don’t forget your charges!) Give Definitions for the following ION CATION ANION IONIC BONDING What does electrolysis mean? Write a brief explanation below – include diagrams Keywords: anion, cation, shells, current, ions,
Keywords: precipitate, insoluble, soluble, charges, balanced, solid, C2 Topic 2: Ionic Bonding This topic looks at: Ionic Bonding, structure and properties Naming and formula of ionic compounds Precipitates Writing Ionic Formula Complete the table Write the formula for 1.Sodium chloride 2.Magnesium hydroxide 3. Potassium nitrate 4. Calcium carbonate 5. Copper nitrate 6. Aluminium oxide 7. Magnesium oxide 8. Calcium hydroxide Precipitates Using the following table write the precipitates in the following reactions 1.Sodium hydroxide + barium chloride ___________________________ 2.Silver nitrate + potassium chloride ___________________________ 3.Barium chloride + sodium sulphate ___________________________ Write the tests for the following ions Carbonate CO 3 2- Sulfate SO 4 2- Chloride Cl - Metal Ions K +, Ca +, Cu 2+, Na + Give definitions for the following Precipitate Soluble Insoluble
Keywords: stable, full, shell, sharing, non metals, C2 Topic 3: Covalent Bonding and Separation This topic looks at: Covalent bonding Separating techniques Giant molecular covalent structures Explain the differences in diamond and graphite, make reference to their structures. Simple Covalent Bonding Draw the covalent bonding in Water H 2 O Chlorine Cl 2 Methane CH 4 What is covalent bonding and why does it occur? What are the properties of covalent compounds and how do they compare to ionic compounds? Keywords: strong, delocalised electrons, conduct, slide, layers
Keywords: separating funnel, fractional distillation, boiling points, C2 Topic 3: Covalent Bonding and Separation This topic looks at: Covalent bonding Separating techniques Separating Air How can you separate oxygen and nitrogen from air? Use the following diagram to help you How could you separate Miscible liquids Immiscible liquids What do the following mean? MISCIBLE IMMISCIBLE What is chromatography and how can you calculate the r f value Keywords: freezing, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, solvent, solution, solute
Keywords: outer electron, nuclear attraction, electrons, nucleus, reactivity C2 Topic 4: Groups in the Periodic Table This topic looks at: Alkali Metals Noble Gases Halogens Draw the electronic structure of Fluorine & Chlorine. State their electronic configuration. Use this to explain how the reactivity changes as you go down the group. How do colour & state change as you go down the group. What does this tell you about their MP & BP? Alkali Metals Draw the electronic structure of Lithium, sodium and potassium. Use this to explain how the reactivity changes as you go down the group What do all the elements in Group 1 have in common? What do all the elements in Group 7 have in common? Write word and symbol equations for the reaction of the alkali metals with water 1.Lithium 2.Sodium 3.Potassium How could you test for the products formed?
Keywords: inert, delocalised electrons, conduct, unreactive, sea of electrons C2 Topic 4: Groups in the Periodic Table This topic looks at: Alkali Metals Noble Gases Halogens Noble gases What are the noble gases and what can they be used for? Transition Metals? What are the transition metals? Displacement Reactions of the Halogens Write word and balanced symbol equations for the displacement reactions of the halogens. How does this show you which is the most reactive? 1.Potassium bromide + chlorine 2.Potassium iodide + chloride 3.Potassium iodide + bromine What is Metallic bonding? Draw a diagram to explain your answer Will Aluminium be better at conducting that potassium? Why?
Keywords: temperature, bond breaking, bond making C2 Topic 5: Chemical Reactions This topic looks at: Exothermic and endothermic reactions Factors that affect rates of reaction Rates of Reaction. Using the particle model explain how the following affect the rate of reaction using diagrams. Concentration Surface Area Temperature Catalyst Energy Diagrams – Draw on energy diagrams to represent, explain using bond breaking and formation EXOTHERMIC ENDOTHERMIC What happens to the temperature in Endothermic reaction? Exothermic reaction? What is a catalyst and what can they be used for?
Keywords: Cabron-12, atomic mass, ratios, C2 Topic 6: Quantitative Chemistry This topic looks at: RAM and RFM Empirical formula Calculating masses of reactants and products Percentage mass How can you calculate the percentage mass of an element in a compound? Calculate the percentage mass of oxygen in 1. CO and 2. CO 2 What is the empirical formula? Work out the following empirical formulas below 1.Water, is a sample contains 0.6g of hydrogen and 4.8g of oxygen 2. Lithium carbonate, if a sample contains 2.8g of lithium and 2.4 g of carbon and 9.6g of oxygen. What is the RAM of 1.Carbon 2.Magensium 3.Pb 4. Potassium 5. Neon How can you work out the yield? What are the reasons for not achieving the expected yield? What is the RFM of 1.Water 2.Carbon Dioxide 3.CaCO 3 4.Mg(OH) 2 5.H 2 SO 4
Keywords: Cabron-12, atomic mass, ratios, C2 Topic 6: Quantitative Chemistry This topic looks at: RAM and RFM Empirical formula Calculating masses of reactants and products Calculating Reactants and Products 1. a. What is the theoretical yield that could be obtained from 256g of sulfur dioxide. 2SO 2 + O 2 2SO 3 b. The actual yield of sulfur trioxide produced is 202g. Calculate the percentage yield. 2. a. Iron is extracted from iron oxide by reducing with carbon Fe 2 O 3 + 3CO 2Fe + 3CO 2 Calculate the theoretical yield of iron that could be obtained from 320 g of iron oxide. b. The actual yield of iron produced is 89.6g. Calculate the percentage yield. Why is it expensive to dispose of waste products? Using ideas about waste products explain why people would object to a proposal to build a new factory to manufacture plastics near to their home? Name 3 products made in the petrochemical industry