A UFO has landed outside your house!
Dead or Alive? Living or non Living? When you investigate you see that a small green like blob of jelly has fallen from the space craft. How can we tell if the blob is living or non living?
Task Brainstorm how you would be able to find out whether the blob was living or not. (record your ideas) Share your ideas with a neighbour.
What makes something living Living things require the following features in order to survive and classify them:
M Movement: the ability to move to get food, water, light and other things that the organism may need.
R Respiration: the ability to burn up food to release the energy needed to run the other life processes.
S Sensitivity: they must be aware of their surroundings and be able to respond to them.
C Circulation: Materials must be able to circulate within the organism. Such as food, gases and wastes
G Growth: the ability to grow and mature to survive to reproduce.
R Reproduction: the ability to produce offspring to keep the species going.
E Excretion: the ability to remove waste products from their bodies.
N The ability to produce or find food to supply energy and raw materials
Movement Respiration Sensitivity Circulation Growth Reproduction Excretion Nutrition
Task Is our Alien living or not? Complete the work sheet “is it living”