Life Science – Part II Mrs. Hawkins’ 4 th Grade Class
THE BIG IDEA!!! Living organisms depend on one another and on their environment for survival.
Ecosystems are made up of the physical environment of a place and the organisms that live together. Ecosystem = place + creatures Scientific terms: Ecosystem = Environment + Community Environment Community
Every ecosystem has living and nonliving components, or parts.
Look for the living and nonliving components in this ecosystem.
An ecosystem can be characterized, or described by its living and nonliving components. For example, when you look at this ecosystem you can identify it as being a desert ecosystem because you can see cactus, dry brush, and sand.
Identify the living and nonliving components of this ecosystem. What would you call this ecosystem?
In any particular environment, some kinds of plants and animals survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all. Think of the types of plants and animals that could survive and those who could not survive in this glacial environment.
Think about the types of plants and animals that would survive in this environment. How do these plants and animals differ from those found surviving in a glacial environment?
Which plants and animals could NOT survive in this meadow environment?
Many plants depend on animals for pollination and seed dispersal, and animals depend on plants for food and shelter. Many plants depend on animals for pollination and seed dispersal, or spread. Animals also depend on plants for food and shelter.
This butterfly is helping pollinate this flower.
This hummingbird is receiving food energy from the nectar found in this plant.
This squirrel is receiving food energy from this nut.
This bird finds shelter on a tree branch.
This young man is helping to disperse seeds. Have you ever helped to disperse, or spread seeds?
Animals and plants depend on each other. Think back on what you learned about the Energy Pyramid.
Plants and animals are all dependent upon one another. In this food web you can see how each creature depends on another for survival.
Our world is filled with microorganisms. These tiny creatures are so small that you can only see them with a microscope. Microorganisms are usually very beneficial, or helpful to the environments in which they live. Most are helpful but a few cause diseases.
Remember, many microorganisms help to recycle dead matter in our environment and return energy to Earth’s system.
POP QUIZ TIME!!! 1. Every ecosystem can be characterized, or described by 2 components. What are these components. A. Living and nonliving components 2. List the types of animals and plants that would survive well in an ocean environment. A. Fish, whales, coral, kelp, octopus, seaweed, sharks
3.Plants and animals depend upon each other for many things. List 3 of these things. A. Shelter, seed dispersal, pollination, food 4.What are microorganisms and why are they important to our environment? A. Microorganisms are tiny creatures that are too small to be seen without a microscope. Microorganisms help to recycle matter and energy into Earth’s system.
Our BIG IDEA – Living organisms depend on one another and on their environment for survival.