THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE 1A Living Environment Murtaugh
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What are the major unifying themes between the different disciplines of science? Why is it important to study living organisms? Why and how are living and non-living organisms alike and different? How can you differentiate between living and non- living? How do living organisms interact with their surroundings?
VOCABULARY: Alive/Life- exhibiting all characteristics of life Biology- study of life Homeostasis –maintaining a stable internal environment Nonliving- showing some or none of the characteristics of life. Regulation- to control Stimulation- responding to the environment Synthesis- to produce or make
SCIENCE IS AN ORGANIZED WAY OF INVESTIGATING THE NATURAL WORLD. Biology – the study of life Biology is linked to other sciences by major unifying themes ie.) physics – locomotion What are the major unifying themes between the different disciplines of science?
UNIFYING THEMES FOR ALL OF THE SCIENCES Energy – required to grow and reproduce Evolution – a change in living things over time Patterns of change – life cycle of humans, leaf drop of trees in the fall, the moon cycle Scale and Structure – all organisms are of a particular size and arranged in a certain way Systems and Interactions – how organisms interact with their environment (ecosystem) Stability – systems to maintain equilibrium (homeostasis) Unity and Diversity – the similarities and the differences that are formed in nature, ie.) a protist and a killer whale!
CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS 1.Are made up of basic units called CELLS. 2.Are based on universal genetic code – DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). 3.Uses Energy (metabolism) 4.Have a definite form and limited size. 5.Have a limited life span.
CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS (CONTINUED) 6.Grows 7.Reproduces 8.Responds to environmental changes (stimulation/maintains homeostasis) 9.Evolves, adapts or changes over time
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIVING AND NONLIVING Nonliving things may show one or more of these characteristics, but never all of them!!!!!!!!!!! ie) Viruses Have genetic material Uses hosts to reproduce Can mutate and evolve DO NOT metabolize DO NOT respond to stimuli DO NOT have components of cells Viruses are NOT living
WHAT IS A LIFE PROCESS? All living things carry out a variety of “life” processes (a set of steps) that help maintain a constant internal environment. Homeostasis – all processes that help maintain a constant internal environment This is not a life process but is the result of all life processes working correctly
LIFE PROCESSES 1. Nutrition – taking materials from the external environment and changing them into usable forms. Ingestion- taking in food from the environment OR Digestion – breakdown of food materials into simpler forms that an organism can use
LIFE PROCESSES 2. Transport – process of substances entering and leaving cells to become distributed to other cells. ex) Circulatory System 3. Respiration – process of using materials to make and release chemical E (ATP). ***This is not breathing***
LIFE PROCESSES 4. Synthesis – combining smaller or simpler substances to form more complex substances, to make ex) glucose to form carbohydrates (dehydration synthesis) 5. Growth – the increase in size of the cell (s) *** some cells grow in size while others become more specialized (differentiation)
LIFE PROCESSES 6. Excretion – removal of wastes from an organism (NOT pooping- that is elimination) *** remember, one organisms waste, is another organisms requirement for life! ie) Plants and Humans 7. Regulation – all the activities that help an organism respond to its environment and maintain equilibrium (what is normal)
LIFE PROCESSES 8. Reproduction – the process by which organisms make new organisms of their own kind Two types: Asexual – involving 1 parent, offspring are identical to the parent Sexual – involves 2 parents, offspring are similar, but not identical to the parent
LIFE PROCESSES 9. Metabolism – all the chemical reactions that occur within the cells of an organism. It is a process that involves the continuous release and use of energy! How ? 1. breakdown of complex substances (hydrolysis) 2. building of complex substances from simpler ones (dehydration synthesis) Metabolism includes nutrition, synthesis and respiration!!!!
ORGANIZATION OF LIFE Cell- smallest unit of life Tissue Organ Organ System Organism- most complex part of life