Using Presentation Aids The proper way. What Not to do: Sometimes the best way to learn is to see what the audience sees when you are doing things the.


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Presentation transcript:

Using Presentation Aids The proper way

What Not to do: Sometimes the best way to learn is to see what the audience sees when you are doing things the wrong way. For example, this slide. What do you think is wrong with it? I mean, it includes all my thoughts regarding one of the problems of relying too much on visual aids and gives you an idea of what we see when you are putting too much on an individual slide. Also, if I am relying on the visual aid to include all the words of my speech, why would I want to even deliver a speech. After all, you can all read. But alas, every once in a while you get teachers who do just this, I see speeches that are set up this way, and we all just want to scream because we can easily see what the problems are when speeches or lectures are set up this way. Yes, I am still reading, but why not? Isn’t it my God-given right to deliver a speech any way I want? And, isn’t it your duty to listen to my speech, no matter how inappropriate my use of visual aids are? And, SHOULDN’T I GET A GOOD GRADE IF I INCLUDE EVERY THOUGHT, ALL MY LOGIC, ALL MY DEVELOPMENT, AND ALL MY THOUGHTS WORD FOR WORD LIKE AN ESSAY? AFTER ALL, ISN’T SPEECH JUST THE SAME THING AS WRITING, BUT JUST DELIVERED ORALLY INSTEAD OF WRITTEN FORM? Um...

Sometimes it is easier to see an example than explain one.

The Value of Presentation Aids Audience understands ideas better. Audience remembers ideas more. Listeners can organize ideas better. Gain and maintain audience attention more effectively.

The Value of Presentation Aids Illustrates sequence of steps clearer Helps promote visual rhetoric – the process of using images as an integrated element in the total communication effort

Types of Presentation Aids Three-dimensional – Objects: add interest because they’re tangible – Models: good when actual objects are difficult or impossible – People: good when assistance is needed to illustrate a concept

Two-dimensional Drawings Photographs Slides Maps Types of Presentation Aids

Two-dimensional Graphs Bar: for comparisons Pie: for distributions Line: for progressions Picture: for illustrations Charts Types of Presentation Aids

Name the Visual Aid

Name The Type

Other Two-dimensional Aids Flipcharts Chalkboards or whiteboards Overhead transparencies Computer-generated aids Types of Presentation Aids

Tips for two-dimensional computer- generated aids (page 1 of 2) Use limited text Use bullets and parallel structure Use headings to summarize essential point Control PowerPoint images Make type large enough to easily be seen

Repeat visual elements Choose appropriate, easy-to-see typefaces and fonts Use colors to compliment message (positive or negative) Use white space effectively Tips for two-dimensional computer- generated aids (page 2 of 2)

Check your color scheme Yes, I have had this color scheme (or something similar) used before.

Appropriate and Easy-to-see Typefaces & Fonts Which are appropriate? Which are easy-to-see?

Maintain Consistency With size With color With bullets With fonts

Use High-Contrast Colors Some combinations have low–contrast Others have high–contrast Which color combination is easier on your eyes?

Types of Presentation Aids Audiovisual Aids DVDs CDs Videotapes MP3s and other music formats Podcasts

Types of Presentation Aids Tips for Using Audiovisual Aids Pick best excerpts Rehearse with equipment Don’t play long portions Make volume reasonable

Guidelines for Developing Presentation Aids Make easy to see Keep simple Select right ones Avoid dangerous or illegal ones

Guidelines for Using Presentation Aids Rehearse with your aid. Focus eye contact on audience, not the aid. Explain the aid. Do not distribute the aid. Use animals with caution.

Guidelines for Using Presentation Aids Time the presentation aid appropriately Remove when finished referring to it Position it ahead of time Consider asking others to help you with the viewing of the aid Use technology effectively Remember Murphy’s Law

Managing Handouts Effectively Do not distribute during speech Tell listeners when to refer to handouts Control listeners’ attention; number pages Prepare overheads to match Handouts can summarize Key ideas for audience to remember