Renewable Energy energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar power.
Renewable Energy in North Carolina Biofuels/biomass Animal waste regeneration Solar Wind Hydroelectric Wave energy geothermal
Biomass renewable organic matter, can include biological material derived from living, or recently living organisms, such as wood and wood waste, waste, and alcohol fuels. Biomass alcohol fuel, or ethanol, is derived almost exclusively from corn.
Biofuel Biodiesel is fuel made from plant oils that can be used in diesel engines. They are typically made of renewable organic raw materials such as soybean or rapeseed oils, animal fats, waste vegetable oils or microalgae oils.
Animal Waste Regeneration Use animal waste like manure to create compost and biofuels Farms use an anaerobic digester Example Loyd Ray Farms m/watch?v=oKREkWt0j IU
Solar power in North Carolina Solar power =power obtained by harnessing the energy of the sun's rays. We have 166 solar companies rank 4th in the country in installed solar capacity. Enough to power 104,000 homes In 2014, $652 million was invested on solar installations in North Carolina.
Wind power in North Carolina Wind energy is a source of renewable power which comes from air current flowing across the earth's surface. Wind energy is green power (clean), sustainable, affordable, keeps money local (local energy) North Carolina's wind resources are mainly located along the coastal and mountain regions
Geothermal Energy Heat from the Earth com/watch?v=e1r7fX O0QII
Hydroelectric Energy production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. 73 Hydroelectric dams in North Carolina
Wave energy Electric generators are placed on the ocean surface Used in desalination plants, water pumps, power plants
Wave energy in North Carolina funded by the North Carolina General Assembly Coastal Wave Energy Research Project investigates the potential of wave power to generate electricity in North Carolina.
REPS Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard Rural cooperatives must acquire 10% of retail electric sales from renewables Sales of electricity generated from solar energy are required to reach 0.2% by 2020 for investor-owned utilities requires investor- owned electric utilities in North Carolina to meet 12.5% of their retail electricity sales through renewable energy resources or energy efficiency measures by 2021.