Español 2 lunes el 21 de marzo Daily Warm Up (pick up new sheet) – Go over & Collect last week’s warm up sheet Correct Near Future/Future worksheet – Pass back & go over Future Mini Quiz Saber/Conocer worksheet – Must complete parts A, B, & C (D optional) Tarea/HW: -Review Ser vs. Estar & Saber vs. Conocer notes. -Review the Near Future & Future comparison notes. *Test next week Monday 3/28*
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: lunes el 21 de marzo Translate the following sentences into Spanish. Use a form of Saber or Conocer based on the context. 1.The hairdresser knows how to cut hair. 2.The policeman knows Chicago. 3.I know Mrs. Benner 4.We don’t know the answers.
Español 2 martes el 22 de marzo 4 th hour B lunch Wed. Daily Warm-up Correct Saber/Conocer worksheets – yesterday’s worksheet – Friday’s worksheet Ser & Estar Activity (¿Cuál verbo?) – Power point review with response cards Tarea/HW: -Review Ser vs. Estar & Saber vs. Conocer notes. -Review the Near Future & Future comparison notes. *Test next week Monday 3/28*
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: martes el 22 de marzo Translate the following sentences into Spanish. Use a form of Ser or Estar based on the context/reason. 1.The nurse is in the hospital. 2.He is an accountant. 3.I am from Perú. 4.Sara is happy. Pick up a red correcting pen when you’re done.
Español 2 miércoles el 23 de marzo Daily Warm Up (turn in 4 th -6 th hour) Test Review Work Day – Complete the Guía de Estudio (study guide) & check in with me. Then… – Pick up and complete the practice problems page & check in with me when you are done also. Tarea/HW: -Estudia, estudia! Grammar Test is Monday 3/28!! 4 th hour B lunch
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: miércoles el 23 de marzo Write out each sentence & fill in with the correct form of Ser or Estar. 1.Olga _____ muy seria y trabajadora. 2.Yo _____ estudiando para el examen. Write out each & fill in with the correct form of Saber or Conocer. 1.Mi famila y yo _____ a nuestros vecinos. 2.Tú _____hablar español. *4 th -6 th hour turn in today* Pick up a White Board & suppli es when you finish.
Español 2 jueves el 24 de marzo Daily Warm Up (turn in today hours 1-3) White Board Practice for Test: Saber vs. Conocer Check in your Test Practice Problems sheet – If you didn’t yesterday. Tarea/HW: -Estudia, estudia! (Grammar Test is Monday!!) ½ day 4 th -6th Fire Drill 10 am
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: jueves el 24 de marzo Translate the sentences into Spanish using Future or Near Future. Be sure to pay attention to the context clues “will or going”. 1.The secretary will work tomorrow. 2.I will be a social worker. 3.We are going to help the teacher. 4.They are going to build the school. *Turn in today when you are finished.* Pick up white board supplies too
Español 2 viernes el 25 de marzo Tarea/HW: NO SCHOOL
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: viernes el 25 de marzo NO SCHOOL
¡Examen Ahora! NO TALKING while people are testing. When you finish, pick up the vocab 2.1 list and define the terms. NO PHONES! IF I SEE IT YOU WILL GET A ZERO ON THE ASSESSMENT. el 4 de marzo