Español 2 lunes el 1 de febrero Daily Warm Up (get new sheet) Shoe Verbs worksheet (go over as a class) Reflexive Verbs review – Picture Worksheet – Create 5 sentences about your daily routine using reflexive verbs and write on the backside of the worksheet. Tarea/HW: -Study/Review 1.1 grammar notes & vocab. -Get Syllabus/Expectations sheet signed. Test will be Thursday!! Signed expectation sheets go in basket on front desk.
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: lunes el 1 de febrero Stem Change/Irregular Yo worksheet -staple to back of warm up sheet when done.
Español 2 martes el 2 de febrero Daily Warm Up Reflexive Verbs Reference Sheet – Highlight old vocab Share out daily routine sentences Grammar 1.1 Review Packet Tarea/HW: -Finish review packet if you didn’t finish in class. -Study/Review 1.1 grammar notes & vocab. Grab a highlighter. Test is Thursday!!
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: martes el 2 de febrero Conjugate the following reflexive verbs. Remember to include the pronoun (me,te,se, nos, os, se) in front. 1.Yo/ducharse 2.Ella/despertarse (ie) 3.Nosotros/vestirse (i) 4.Tú/cepillarse los dientes 5.Ellos/afeitarse
Español 2 miércoles el 3 de febrero Daily Warm Up Quizlet: Vocab 1.1 Practice White Board Practice (Test Review) Homework packet questions?? Tarea/HW: -Study/Review 1.1 grammar notes & vocab. Signed expectation sheets go in basket on front desk. Test is Tomorrow! ¡Examen mañana!
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: miércoles el 3 de febrero Fill in the blank with the proper form of each adjective. Remember gender & number agreement!! 1.Los chicos son _____, no son bajos. 2.Paco es moreno y Sara es _____. 3.Jose prefiere pasar el rato solo, él no es _____. 4.Mis amigas les gusta jugar el fútbol, ellas son _____. Extrovertidoalto atléticomoreno
Español 2 jueves el 4 de febrero Daily Warm Up EXAMEN: Grammar Test 1.1 Define the section 1.2 vocab terms – Check them in with me when done for a grade. Tarea/HW: -study the new 1.2 vocab terms Saca el libro
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: jueves el 4 de febrero Write the question & answer for each. 1.How much time did you spend reviewing outside of class over the last week (approximately) for this test? 2.How do you feel you will do on this test?
¡Examen Ahora! NO TALKING while people are testing. When you finish, Define the 1.2 vocab terms. Sit quietly until all are finished. If you have other work, you can work on that. NO PHONES! IF I SEE IT YOU WILL GET A ZERO ON THE TEST. El 4 de febrero
Español 2 viernes el 5 de febrero Daily Warm Up (turn in today) Vocab Pronunciation – Show me your finished list Vocab Picture Cards – Cut & label Tarea/HW: -study the new 1.2 vocab terms *1.2 Vocab Quiz will be next Thursday 2/11* ¡Saca tijeras!
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: viernes el 5 de febrero Write the Spanish term for each picture. Use your vocab 1.2 list
Monday Vocab cards warm up Game of some kind (familia bingo, tomalo..) Tener phrases 4 square TPR(sherrades) w/tener phrases