Page 1 Task 38 Australia New Zealand Participating Countries USA Canada Croatia Austria The Netherlands Denmark UK Sweden Norway Finland Ireland Highlights of IEA Bioenergy Task 38 Activities Susanne Woess-Gallasch and Bernhard Schlamadinger Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems
Page 2 Task 38 Participating Countries 1/2 National CountryTeam LeaderInstitution AustraliaA. CowieState Forests New South Wales AustriaB. SchlamadingerJoanneum Research S. Woess-Gallasch CanadaT. HattonCanadian Forest Service, NRCan CroatiaS. Fijan- ParlovEKONERG DenmarkN. HedingDanish Forest and Landscape Research Inst. FinlandI. SavolainenVTT- Processes K. Pingoud IrelandK. ByrneUniversity College Dublin
Page 3 Task 38 Participating Countries 1/2 Country National Team Institution Leader New Zealand K. Robertson Forest Research Norway B. Solberg Agricultural University of Norway Sweden L. Gustavsson Mid Sweden University The NetherlandsK. Kwant NOVEM A. Faiij Utrecht University United KingdomR. Matthews Forestry Commission Research Agency USA M. Ringer National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Page 4 Task 38 Objectives Develop, compare and make available models for assessing GreenHouse Gas (GHG) balances Assess the life cycle GHG balance of bioenergy and C sequestration systems Identify and analyze synergies between afforestation for carbon sequestration and enhanced bioenergy use Aid decision makers in selecting mitigation strategies to optimize GHG benefits Assist in the implementation of LULUCF articles of the Kyoto Protocol Contribute to work of the IPCC and national agencies related to GHG inventories (C sequestration, wood products, bioenergy)
Page 5 Task 38 Key activities 1/2 Online Bibliography: GHG Balances of Bioenergy, Forestry, Wood Products, Land Use, and Land-Use Change Standard Methodology for GHG Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems Project-based GHG Accounting: Guiding Principles with a Focus on Baselines and Additionality
Page 6 Task 38 Key activities 2/2 Position papers Workshops Workshop documentation: hardcopies streaming videos and PPT files on website Task Website: documentation of all activities, e.g. “Methodological toolbox” Methods Models Data Case studies
Page 7 Task 38 Task 38 Workshop Rotorua, New Zealand, (March 22-25, 2004): Conference on The role of Carbon Sequestration and Bioenergy in national and international Greenhouse-Gas Markets Field Tour
Page 8 Task 38 Next Task 38 Workshop in Canada Victoria / Vancouver, Canada (September 13 –16) Joint workshop with Canadian Government: Forest Carbon Sequestration-Carbon Market Trading Topics: Canada´s Carbon Accounting and Reporting System Canada´s GHG Offset Trading System Afforestation and fast growing plantation domestic initiatives Field course Afforestation carbon management and monitoring protocols ½ day NGO workshop
Page 9 Task 38 Task 38 work Completed work: Frequently Asked Questions paper Task 38 Folder Case Studies Soil Carbon Paper Ongoing work: Country reports Trading Biomass, Bio-electricity,Green Certificates, or CO 2 Credits
Page 10 Task 38 Frequently Asked Questions Covers Bioenergy carbon sinks and global climate change Informs Industry Scientists policy makers interested public distributed worldwide Available from website:
Page 11 Task 38 Country Reports – information concerning bioenergy and LULUCF General description of energy system, GHG balance and LULUCF situation Policies and measures at national, regional and local levels Bioenergy and carbon sequestration research projects and programmes Covers all 13 participating countries
Page 12 Task 38 Case Studies1/2 Apply the ‘standard methodology’ to actual bioenergy and/or C sequestration projects Assess and compare GHG balances of different projects Compare to fossil energy systems Recommend options for optimization 8 case studies for 9 participating countries
Page 13 Task 38 Case Studies – GHG balances 2/2 Australia: co-firing biomass with coal; wood fired power plant using timber plantations; Canada: pyrolysis plant for bio-Oil production using sawmill residues and thinnings; Finland and Sweden: use of timber for housing construction and wood residues for energy; Ireland: peat use for energy New Zealand: bioenergy CHP plant using sawmill residues; UK: small scale heating systems using conventional forestry and Miscanthus; Croatia: biodiesel in the Joint Implementation context; USA: anaerobic digestion
Page 14 Task 38 Soil carbon paper What are the soil carbon changes due to biomass production systems? Review: natural processes impacts of farming and forestry potential impacts of bioenergy systems management practices to promote soil carbon monitoring soil carbon Modelling: soil carbon changes for several bioenergy systems impact on total systems GHG balance
Page 15 Task 38 Policy Relevant Information: Cooperating with FAO on bioenergy issues in the CDM Linking of bioenergy projects with emission trading systems Contributing to IEA study on biofuels Responding to scientific/technical inquiries from participating countries
Page 16 Task 38 Austria: 2/3 Fuel cycle analysis – Biodiesel
Page 17 Task 38 BIOMITRE – Online Calculator Online at:
Page 18 Task 38 New Task programme : Developing of GHG estimation tools Analysis of other bio-products e.g. biomass-based hydrogen, ethanol, methanol Analysis of systems with multiple outputs e.g. bio-refinery, biomaterials Case studies of domestic, JI and CDM projects Policy relevant activities Policies that encourage bioenergy and C sequestration Support for negotiations for carbon sinks beyond 2012 Bioenergy and emissions trading
Page 19 Task 38 Australia New Zealand Participating Countries USA Canada Croatia Austria The Netherlands Denmark UK Sweden Norway Finland Ireland Task 38
Page 20 Task 38 Australia New Zealand Participating Countries USA Canada Croatia Austria The Netherlands Denmark UK Sweden Norway Finland Ireland Task 38 Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems
Page 21 Task 38 Australia New Zealand Participating Countries USA Canada Croatia Austria The Netherlands Denmark UK Sweden Norway Finland Ireland Task 38 Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems