Feature-sensitive 3D Shape Matching Andrei Sharf Tel-Aviv University Ariel Shamir IDC Hertzliya
Introduction Shape matching measures similarity distance between shapes Common distance metrics: –Geometric –Volumetric –User defined No unique measure defines shape similarity
Motivation Goal: enhanced similarity measures Motivation: Discrimination of complex shapes: –Complex topology models –CAD models –Molecules Topology is hard (geometric matching can be assisted by user)
Previous Work General Shape Matching: [Prokop et. al 92] [Loncaric 98] [Paquet et. al 00] [Bardinet et. al 00] [Novotni et. al 01][Veltkamp 01] [Funkhouser et. al 03] CAD: [Keim 99] [Cicirello et al. 01] Molecular Biology: [Rackovsky et. al 88] [Vriend et. al 91] [Fischer 92] [Taylor 92] [Yee et. al 93] [Holm et. al 93] Topological Matching: Topology matching for fully automatic similarity estimation of 3D shapes [Hilaga et. al 01]
Overview Topology and features are extracted from shape representation –Shape is represented with Union of Spheres and dual skeleton zero-alpha-complex Feature sensitive multi-resolution hierarchy –Decimation operations preserve topology and features structure Metric accounts features distance –Weighted distance
Shape Features Topological features: – 0 - connected components – 1 - holes – 2 - voids Sharp features User defined TunnelsRings Holes
Union of Spheres and Zero-Alpha-Complex Union of Spheres are topological equivalent to zero-alpha-complex Topological features are easy to compute on zero-alpha-complex Union of Spheres are extracted using distance transform
Topology constrain: –clustering of shortest alpha-edge Feature separation: –clustering inside a feature –propagate features properties to enclosing ball Feature-sensitive Multi-resolution
Feature-sensitive adaptive cut Shape matching performs from coarse to fine Match result is most influenced by coarse levels match Feature approximation: shape approximation should correspond to distance metric
Matching Algorithm a)Initial best match b)Descend hierarchy c)Inherit match d)Refine match among descendant spheres e)Refine alignment based on new match
Weighted distance metric π(p i, q j ): geometric distance |V i -V j |: volume difference D t (s i, s j ): topology/feature distance
Feature Enhanced Database
Topology Shape Queries topology weight geometry weight
Feature Shape Queries sharpness weight geometry weight
Matching inside a molecular family features similarity geometric similarity
Matching inside a molecular family features similarity geometric similarity
Matching of dissimilar molecules features similarity geometric similarity
The End