Important Dates: Monday: Homework sent home Friday: Homework due Monday: Technology Tuesday: Music Wednesday: Gym Thursday: Music Friday: Technology Next Monday: Gym Miss Ally Hoke East Elementary Miss Hoke’sMiss Hoke’s K NewsK News March 2nd, 2015March 2nd, 2015 Eday Lessons: REMINDER: We used day 7 & 8 of our given calamity days. This means that Eday Lessons 2 & 3 will be due, Thursday March 5 th and lesson 3 is due on Friday, March 6 th. Please help your student get these sent in. If they are not turned in by March 9 th, your child will be marked absent for the calamity days! Thank you
THINGS NEEDED: Nothing is needed right now. Thank you so much to everyone who donated snacks and hand sanitizer! What we are learning: * We are learning about Dr. Suess. We will be reading many of his books this week!! * We are talking about 3D and 3D Shapes. We will be discussing: sphere, rhombus, cylinder, cone, triangle, circle, square, rectangle, and hexagon. * We are learning a new poem this week. Please read this with your child and sign their chart in the yellow folder. * So far, we know the following sight words: a, I, and, my, see, the, up, you, like, is, can, to, we, here, play, a, at, am, an, on me, go, it, in, he. Please work on these with your students Websites: Please have your child work on the website home! I sent home login information during conferences. This will be extremely beneficial for your student. Other good websites they can play on at home: and We have been working on writing sentences! When writing sentences with your child at home, please emphasize the use of spaces and periods in their sentences! Student of the Week Autumn Each week a new student will be chosen for Student of the Week.
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