Friday 24th October Friday Morning Briefing
English The children did a fantastic job in our Year 2 play on Tuesday which we hope you all enjoyed watching. The children have been writing stories this week incorporating new characters and settings as well as an exciting twist. This piece of work was completed independently in order to assess the children’s writing.
Maths Miss Hughes: We have continued our work on rounding and then moved on to looking at shape. The children have identified 2D shapes by name and have looked at regular and irregular shapes. Miss Regis / Mrs Mitchell: We have been continuing our work on shape. This week the children have been looking at the properties of shapes and sorting 2D and 3D shapes.
RE and PE The children learnt all about Diwali this week and made their own Rangoli patterns. 2MH - In PE this week the children used apparatus, transferring the balancing skills they have learnt in previous lessons.
Next Term Our new topic for next term is going to be FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD! The children will be learning about the different food groups, writing instructions, looking at artists that use food as their inspiration and lots more!