Volumize3d Volumize3d Training Lesson 7 - Volumize
Volumize3d Volumize Takes 2D shapes and creates 3D objects Extrude Lathe Worm Loft
Volumize3d Extrude Extrude a 2D plan into 3D
Volumize3d Holes Interior paths are treated as holes
Volumize3d Lathe Lathe is a rotational extrude About [2D] Y (3D Z) Segments=30, Iterate=0.1
Volumize3d Lathe cont. Translate 2D (X & Y used, Z ignored) Don’t need a plan
Volumize3d Lathe - Helix Helix in mm per revolution Z movement per revolution
Volumize3d Worm Worm uses a path (continuous lines)
Volumize3d Loft Planning Plan a cross section per layer Layer_1 Layer_2 Layer_3Layer_4 Layer_5
Volumize3d Loft Use cross sections; set offsets
Volumize3d Excercises Create a new project lesson7 and a new module module1 Open lesson6 and copy the plans to lesson 7 Extrude the shape you created in lesson 6 exercise 1. Make it 10mm high. Lathe the base of the lightbulb Lathe the glass of the lightbulb Challenge: Lathe a circle into a helix and union it with your new lathed base to make a base with a basic thread. More: look up the Apple tutorial at splod67.com, make the apple and perform a worm to make the stalk.