Ethnicity and EDUCATION
Pupils achieving 5 or more A*-C at GCSE/GNVQ: by sex and ethnic group, 2004, England
Ethnicity and Differential Achievement Some people say that intelligence is inherited However, we know that IQ tests can be culturally biased The Swann Report (1985) suggested that there is no significant difference in IQ between different ethnic minorities
Labelling, Curriculum and Prejudice Labelling theory: Gillborn (1990) Teachers sometimes negatively label black students. Afro-Caribbean students were seen as a challenge to school authority. “ myth of the black challenge ”
Labelling, Curriculum and Prejudice
Is the school curriculum ethnocentric ? i.e. does school favour one ethnic group over another (such as the white, middle class)? It could be argued that the National Curriculum is Europe-centred
Labelling, Curriculum and Prejudice British education: “ institutionally racist ”? Wright (1992) : Asian girls got less attention from teachers, whilst Afro- Caribbean boys were more likely to be sent out of class This is despite a staff commitment to equal opportunities
Language and Achievement Language was once a barrier… Swann Report : Language didn’t affect progress for later generations Driver and Ballard (1981) : Asian children whose first language was not English were just as good at English as their classmates (aged 16)
Language and Achievement
Family Difference Family life varies for different ethnic groups… Driver and Ballard (1981) : levels of achievement are increased for children from Asian communities because of family expectations
Ethnicity + Social Class Swann Report: socio-economic status a factor for Afro-Caribbean pupils Material deprivation amongst Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Afro-Caribbean groups High(er) class: Chinese, Indian groups = material deprivation less likely
Tikly (2005) Dual Heritage Level of achievement – below average (particularly amongst males) Lower income levels? Single parent families? More racism? Ignorant teachers?