BROMINE Element Baby Book By xxxxxxxxx
Introduction to Your Element Bettie Bromine was born in The doctor in attendance was Antoine J. Ballard. She weighed amu at birth. She’s a nonmetal member of the Halogen family. She was 35 atoms tall, about average for her family who live in the French countryside. She is very liquid with a personality that ranges from 58.8 o C to o C on an average day. We call her Br for short. Page 1
(Bro – mean) ther Page 2
Official Birth Certificate Country of France Certificate of Live Birth Attending PhysicianBirth no. Antoine J. Balard{Ar}4s 2 3d 10 4p 5 NameDate of BirthTime of Birth First Bettie Last Bromine18601:15 p.m. MotherFather First Berniece Last Bromine First Bernard Last Bromine Mother’s Maiden NameMother’s BirthdateFather’s Birthdate Halogen HospitalAttending Physician’s SignatureDate Mendeleev General Antoine J. Balard, MD1860 Page 3
Bettie Bromine’s Portrait Protons Neutrons Electrons Page 4
Ode to Bromine YO, YO Bromine, you’re the one. You keep me my stuff from burning and that’s how its done. You are in Some salts and medicine. You are found hiding out in the ocean. You are poisonous and as a gas you could make me die. But as my element I think you are fly. Page 5
Meet the Halogens. 4 Ballard Court French Province of Nonmetallica 7 is their lucky number. Flo FluorineChloe Chlorine Ida Iodine She’s a dentist. She has a pool cleaning business.She’s a nurse and tends to children’s cuts and scrapes. Bettie Bromine’s Family Portrait Page 6
Friends of Bettie Bromine Bettie Bromine has two best friends that she especially loves to hang out with – Ollie Oxygen and Freddy Fluorine. When Ollie Oxygen and Bettie Bromine hang out, they are known as Bromine dioxide or sometimes Dibromine oxide When Freddy Fluorine and Bettie Bromine hang out, they are known as Bromine Fluoride or Bromine trifluoride or even sometimes Bromine pentafluoride **Include diagrams
Minnie Bromine has a number of career choices before her. She can open her own flame retardant chemical factory. When she is chemically combined with flame retardant chemicals, and the material burns, it produces hydrobromic acid which interferes with the oxidation reaction of the fire. Since fires have to have oxygen to burn, they’re harder to start when Minnie’s around. Another career choice for Minnie is to go into the oil industry. When added to gasolines as ethylene bromide, she helps the engine knock less. Which seems to be important to new car owners. However, job prospects in this field have been declining since the 1970’s due to environmental regulations. Another career path Minnie might choose is to go into the soda business. When used in the production of brominated vegetable oil in citrus-flavored soft drinks such as Mountain Dew it acts as an emulsifier. As long as she stays in the US, her prospects are pretty good at securing employment. As you can see, Minnie has many profitable choices ahead of her. Minnie Bromine’s Future Career Choices Page 8 **Include diagrams
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