Chemistry Safety Rules Mr. Williams 8th Grade Science Because we will often work with acid, flammable materials, fire and breakable equipment it is essential that every student abide by the following chemistry safety rules. Failure to follow these rules will result in immediate suspension from chemistry lab. Students suspended from lab for even one infraction of these rule may permanently lose the privilege to participate in lab activities for the remainder of the year.
Student behavior Enter the room calmly. Horseplay is unacceptable. Never touch equipment or chemicals on the lab supply table as you enter the room. Get seated quickly and wait for instructions. Pay close attention to instructions and follow directions given to you. Remember your mother doesn’t work here. Every student must clean their own lab area and put equipment away at the end of the period. There will be no snacking during chemistry lab.
Student attire No lose or baggy clothing should be worn. No open toed shoes or sandals may be worn. It is recommended that shorts not be worn. Long hair must be tied back. Once the lab begins safety goggles must be worn at all times. Students will be told when safety goggles may be removed and put away at the end of the lab. Lab aprons must be worn at all times. These aprons are chemically and fire retardant.
Safety equipment Safety goggles are found in the germicidal cabinet in the front of the room. They will be placed in this cabinet in a neat and organized fashion at the end of the period. The last person to place their goggles in the cabinet should turn on the timer to disinfect them. NEVER look at the light in the cabinet as it may cause damage to your eyes. Lab aprons are found on the apron rack in the rear of the room. They will be placed their according to size at the end of the period. The eye wash can be found in the left rear corner of the classroom. This piece of equipment should only be used in the event chemicals get into the eyes or on the face. Hold face or eyes in the wash at 30 second intervals.
The safety shower is also found in the same corner as the eye wash. This device would only be used in the event of a large acid spill that affects the body torso or legs. This type of spill would require the removal of clothing since clothing will hold the acid next to the skin causing burns. The fire extinguisher is located next to the exit in the rear of the room. Pull the pin and squeeze handle while aiming at the base of a fire.
Safe lab procedure Always assume wet spots or liquid in the room are acid. Clean the spot with a paper towel and dispose of the towel. All books, papers and flammable materials should be kept away from open flames. Do not spill acid on the lab text book. This will destroy the pages of the text over a short period of time. Do not mix chemicals or perform unscheduled experiments without teacher approval. The activities of the text have been tested and are safe if the directions are followed. Never use chemicals from an unlabeled container. You will obtain all chemicals at the supply table. Do not transport stock containers to your work area. Use extreme caution when transporting chemicals to your work area. Do not taste chemicals or bring them into contact with eyes, nose or mouth.
Clean up all spilled liquids immediately. A bucket of warm soapy water is kept in the rear of the classroom. Point the end of a test tube or flask away from yourself and others while heating or mixing chemicals. Discard waste matter in the appropriate container. Use the air pistons and squeeze bottles for their intended purpose. Incase of an accident, or spill of chemicals notify your teacher immediately. Read the safety procedures in your text.
Lab equipment Many pieces of lab equipment such as beakers, flasks, test tubes and cylinders are made of Pyrex glass. While they are resistant to breaking in extreme temperatures they will shatter if dropped. Accidents happen. Sweep up all broken glass with a dust pan and broom. Do not pick up glass with your hands. Alcohol burners are occasionally used in lab. Avoid tipping the burner or spilling the alcohol. Avoid working over an open flame. The rack the burner fits under will get extremely hot. Do not pick up the rack until it has cooled for several minutes Extinguish the burner with the brass cap provided. Always cap the burned when not in use. Triple beam balance scales will be used on occasion. Carry the scale to and from your work area with both hands.
Draw this lab equipment, Place in your 2-1 Notes