Procedures Some Classroom “How To’s”
Class to Class Turn on your laptop during Morning Announcements. Carry your laptop between classes. Teachers will give time at the end of each class to pack up.
Between Classes Between classes, do not turn your laptop off. Instead, put it in “sleep” mode. “Sleep Mode”: Just shut the lid while the laptop is on.
As stated in the previous lesson Class to class: Use your backpack or computer bag – zipped shut! Don’t swing the bag. Don’t throw the bag down – on a desk, on the floor, etc. In a class: Carry with two hands. Do not carry you laptop by the screen!!
Lunch/Break Prior to going to lunch, be sure to put your laptop in sleep mode (just shut the lid). Grade Level teams will instruct students how to handle backpacks at lunch.
Lunch & Bus Don’t use your laptop in the cafeteria. Don’t use your laptop on the bus ride home. During lunch & during your bus ride, you laptop should be in your backpack.
Power If/when you need to plug your laptop in for power during a class, your teacher will explain how, when, and where to do it. At the end of the day, shut down your computer. If you take it home, be sure to charge it for the next day.
Double Check Before leaving a class make sure you have YOUR computer and YOUR charger. Once again: Before leaving a class make sure you have YOUR computer and YOUR charger. If you lose your charger, the cost is $75.00 for the replacement.
Computer/Charger Labels Do NOT peel off your computer label and/or the label on your charger. Once again: Do NOT peel off your computer label and/or the label on your charger.
Batteries NEVER remove the laptop’s battery. If there is an issue with the battery, alert your teacher.
If you lose your laptop If you lose or can’t find your laptop, tell your teacher IMMEDIATELY. The sooner we know, the better chance we have of finding it. Do NOT wait. Tell a teacher right away.