Fundraising 101
A A A A A A A A Where To Start? Fundraising Ideas Trouble Shoot What’s Worked What Hasn’t Worked More Questions
Step 1: Determine how much money or support you need? Step 2: Create a Fundraising Plan (see sample) Step 3: Special Considerations for CACFP
Funds needed for? Basic Needs? New initiative/program? One time project? Board Support? The Board governs a) the people b) the programs and c) the infrastructure. Does your organization have a set mission that every board member knows, understands, and agrees with? / Do they work as a cohesive team? Biggest Responsibility – Provide adequate resources - MONEY – for the organization to fulfill its mission Do you have community support? Recommend: “The Nonprofit Board Answer Book” by Boardsource “ Governance as Leadership: Reframing the Work of Nonprofit Boards” by Richard P. Chait and William P. Ryan
Major Components Goals Budget Evaluation Celebrate! Resources: The Association for Fundraising Professionals - The Zen of Fundraising by Ken Burnett Network for Good –
FNS INSTRUCTION REV. 4 (VIII I 22) 22 Interest, Fundraising, and Other Financial Costs. This category includes interest on debt, fees and charges in lieu of interest, all fundraising costs and other financial costs, including expenses to enhance income from investments. This category does not include interest earned by the institution from Program or non-Program operations or investments. (See item IX D 7, below.)…. b Unallowable Costs…. (12) Costs of fundraising, including financial campaigns, endowment drives, solicitation of gifts and bequests and similar expenses incurred solely to raise capital or obtain contributions;
Direct Giving (including online giving) Annual Fund Special Project/Initiative Fund Matching Corporate Gifts Memorial and Tributes Special Events Grants
Three Square – Giving Campaign Don’t be afraid to ask! Don’t take no personally.
Gift Catalog – Florence Fuller Child Development Centers GiftCatalog/flipbook-plugin/data/book.swf#p=4
Are you a 501c3? Government Entity? What grants are you eligible for? Can you handle the follow-up? Local Community Grants vs. Government Grants Helpful Links: Allowable uses of grant funds for CACFP Example of After School CACFP program grant: Sources for Grant Searches: or