Find out If Teeth Whitening Is Right for You
How to Tell If You're a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening
People with healthy teeth that have either never been restored or only have a few restorations. ● Most of the people who are highly susceptible to getting stained teeth and becoming a candidate for teeth whitening are the following: ○ Smokers ○ Coffee drinkers ○ Tea drinkers ○ Wine drinkers ○ People who regularly eat dark foods such as meat, candy or chocolate bars, etc.
Bad Candidate:Pregnant or breastfeeding women ● Clinical trials for teeth whitening on pregnant or lactating women also haven ’ t been performed yet to assess the risk, so it ’ s better to be safe.
People who have undergone several other cosmetic and restorative dental treatments Restorative material like resin or other such materials used in these procedures don ’ t respond very well to bleaching or whitening agents.
For those who want to make sure they ’ re good candidates for teeth whitening, they can have a checkup from our dentists at The Dental Company.