Paseo Hills 6 th Grade Field Trip Leave: Wednesday 4/6 at 4:15 AM Arrive Home: Friday 4/8 at 8:30 PM April 6th-April 8th, 2016 Imperial Beach, CA
Final Meeting Overview March 31st, 2016 Schedule-Review Itinerary Depart Paseo Hills April 6 th - 4:15 a.m. (Breakfast) Arrive Camp Surf by – 11:30 a.m. What your child will be doing at Camp Surf– Handouts Depart Camp Surf April 8 th – 1:00 p.m. Arrive Paseo Hills– 8:00 p.m-8:30 pm. Packing List---What to Bring and What Not to Bring Refer to handout Spending Money (Snacks/Souvenirs) Chaperones Trained and Finger printed Ratio 1:8 Q and A
Arrive Wednesday 4:00 am in front of Office Meet in front of the school starting at 4:00 am Boys check in with Mr. Smith- get name badge Girls check in with Mrs. Neher- get name badge Chaperones check in with Ms. McNamara If you have medications-please turn in to Ms. McNamara in actual prescription bottle. Ziplock & write students name on it Your badge will tell you Bus # & Cabin # & Group # Busses arrive at 4:15- Front Bus A, Back Bus B Load your own luggage underneath- choose your own seats- Start from back of bus, pair up with a friend. Boys w/ Boys & Girls w/ Girls Attendance will be checked one last time—leave at 4:30 am Bring breakfast with you… healthy snacks only
Schedule Day 1 11:00 Arrive at camp 11:30 Orientation 12:00 Move into cabins 12:30 Lunch 1:15 Recess/Camp Store 2:00-3:30- Classes 3:30-4:30- Group Time 5:30 Dinner 7:00 Campfire & s’mores 9:00 Camp Quiet hours begin Day 2 8:00 Breakfast 9:00 -11:45 Classes 11:45-12:30 Group Time 12:30 Lunch 1:15 Recess/Camp Store 2:00-4:30 Classes 4:30-5:30 Group Time 5:30 Dinner 7:00 Team Project 9:00 Camp Quiet hours begin Day 3 7:30 Cabin clean-up with camp staff 8:00 Breakfast 9:00 -11:45 Classes 11:45-12:30 Group Time 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Load buses and head home
Return Home- 8:00- 8:30 pm on Friday April 8th We will be stopping for dinner and taking it on the bus on the way home. I will have students call when we are 45 minutes away. If you dropped off medication, please pick it up from me before you take you child home.
Packing List- Handout Campers MUST bring: ___ Sleeping bag and pillow ___ Towels (beach & shower) ___ Soap & Shampoo ___ Toothbrush & toothpaste ___ Brush or comb ___ Deodorant ___ Hat with brim or visor ___ Sunscreen & lipscreen ___ Warm jacket or coat ___ 2 Sweatshirts or sweaters ___ Warm shirts/turtlenecks ___ Long pants (2-3 pair) ___ Pajamas/sleepwear ___ Short sleeve/Tshirts ___ Shorts ___ Underclothing ___ Socks ___ 1 pair of sneakers ___ 1 pair of sandals ___ Rain gear (or poncho) ___ Swim wear (if water time) Optional: ___ inexpensive camera ___ Reusable water bottle ___ Stationary & stamps ___ Gloves, mittens, scarves ___ Waist pack or back pack ___ School appropriate reading material You bring it… your carry it
Cell Phones & Electronics Camp Surf Policy- No electronics; cell phones, ipods ect. Reality…. Cell phones must be away during class and family meal times. Calling times: after dinner and before bed time- We will give them a reminder.
Dress Code– Same as School
Chaperones Teachers Ms. McNamara Mrs. Neher Mr. Smith Mr. Helmick Parents David Krebs Aaronn Mattingly Kelly Burns Oliver Littlesalt Tiffany Jewell Shelia Ramirez
Q & A 1. Should my child bring money? If they wish to shop in the Camp Surf store, otherwise all food & items are taken care of. We will not be getting off the busses when they stop along the way. Bring healthy snack food with them, and they can purchase snacks at camp. 2. Need to contact us while we are away? Call the Paseo Hills office and they will get immediately through to us on our cell phones. 3. Updates and posts will go to our Paseo Hills 6 th grade Facebook Site.
Thank You We look forward to giving your child an educational experience beyond the classroom about the world around them and one they’ll talk about for many years to come.