Chapter 3 American Families in Social Context
Chapter Outline Historical Events Age Structure The Economy and Social Class Race and Ethnicity Religion
Families and Historical Events Historical events and conditions affect options, decisions, and everyday lives of families. Changes in society over time have meant changes in how family is defined, experienced, and understood. A historical perspective allows us to understand past and present social forces as they influence the family experience.
Families and Historical Events During the Depression, couples delayed marriage and parenthood and had fewer children. During WWII, married women were encouraged to get jobs and place children in daycare.
Families and Historical Events 1950’s – people married young and had large families. 1960’s and 1970’s – marriage rates declined and divorce rates increased. The present historical moment is one of adaptation to cultural changes and the economic ups and downs affected by globalization of the economy.
Age Structure Historical change involves not only specific events but also the basic facts of human life. One of the most dramatic developments is the increased longevity of the population. In 1900, the life expectancy was 47 years. An American child born in 2006 is expected to live to 78 years.
Age Structure Aging itself has changed: the years that have been added to our lives have been healthy and active ones. Results of increased longevity: More years invested in education Longer marriages Longer retirement Increased need for care for the elderly
Economic Inequality Economic inequality is rising in the United States. Not only lower income sectors, but also the middle class have failed to gain ground.
The Economy and Social Class Life Chances: Opportunities for education, work, and health care depend on economic resources. Income and class position also affect access to technology. 42% of people who make under $30,000 per year have access to broadband, whereas nearly 85% of those with incomes of $75,000 or more have access to broadband.
The Economy and Social Class Class differences in economic resources affect a variety of options and choices: Timing of leaving home Marrying Assuming caretaking responsibilities Retirement Nutrition Safe and comfortable residences Healthcare Education Recreation
Economic Change and Inequality: Income 6.4% of families were classified as “working poor” in Programs of assistance for the poor have been cut. Increased economic risk and volatility Uncertainty about the future of such benefits as pensions and health insurance Work being shifted to low-wage nations
Median Household Income, 1967 to 2008
Number in Poverty and Poverty Rate:
Flat Daddies and Mommies Cardboard cutouts of a parent deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan serve as symbolic placeholders in the families left behind. Flat Daddies and Flat Mommies serve as a reminder and emotional focus for the duration of a family member’s absence.
Facts about Families: Military Families Military families today dramatically illustrate how history and current events impact family life. Half of U.S. military service members are married, and almost three-quarters have children. Effects include separation, risk of injury/death, anxiety, and financial issues.
Facts about Families: Women’s Roles in Military Replace with hi-res of this section of Figure 3.3
Race Race is a social construction reflecting how Americans think about different social groups. The term race implies a biologically distinct group, but scientific thinking rejects the idea that there are races distinguished by biological markers.
Race The 2000 census used five major categories: 1.White 2.Black or African American 3.Asian 4.American Indian or Alaska Native 5.Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Ethnicity Ethnicity refers to cultural distinctions often based in language, religion, and history. For U.S. Census purposes, there are two major categories of ethnicity: Hispanic and non-Hispanic.
Minority African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Asians, and Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders are often grouped into a category termed “minority group.” This conveys the idea that persons in those groups experience some disadvantage, exclusion, or discrimination in American society as compared to the dominant group: non-Hispanic white Americans.
Diversity in the United States In 2008, the United States was: 65.6% non-Hispanic white 12% black 4.3% Asian Less than 1% American Indian/Alaska Native Less than 1% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Hispanics are 15.4% of the population
Child Population The child population of the United States is more racially and ethnically diverse than the adult population and will become even more diverse in the future.
African American Families Between , African American households saw their median income decline 2.8% to $34,218. A higher proportion of black children than those of most other racial/ethnic groups lives in poverty (33.9%), although by 2008 more Hispanic children were living in poverty (39.6%). 71% of births in 2007 were to unmarried mothers. Divorce rates are higher as well
African American Families Black women are more than twice as likely as whites to suffer the death of an infant. Only 35% of African American children are living with married parents, compared to 75% of white and 64% of Hispanic children. In the 1960s, more than 70% of black families were headed by married couples. In 2008, only 31.1% were.
Latino (Hispanic) Families Many Latinos are recent immigrants from Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, or South America. A majority of U.S. Latinos were born in this country, but 40% are foreign born. Binational families are those in which some family members are American citizens while others are undocumented immigrants.
Latino (Hispanic) Families 28.3% of Latino children are poor, compared to 17.6% of all children. Only 62.3% of Latinos graduate from high school and 13.3% from college. Hispanics are most likely to be employed in service level occupations and to have higher rates of unemployment.
Latino (Hispanic) Families Tend to marry at young ages Birth rates are the highest of any racial/ethnic group, but vary by within- group ethnicity. Half of births to native-born Latinas in 2007 were to unmarried women. Families are more likely to be extended and larger than those of non-Hispanic whites.
Latinas Latinas do not necessarily limit their lives to traditional roles. They enter the labor force and undertake important activities in the community.
Asian American Families Asian Americans are one of the fastest growing of all racial/ethnic groups. Asian Americans have the highest proportion of college graduates, high representation in managerial and professional occupations, and family incomes that are the highest of all racial/ethnic groups.
Asian American Families A higher percentage of Asian Americans are married than among general population. 85% of Asian American children are very likely to live in married-couple families. Only 10% live in single-mother families, 2% in single-father families, and 2% live with neither.
Asian American Families Asian Americans are most likely of all groups to be caring for older family members. More diversity exists among Asian Americans in terms of language, religion, and customs than in in other broad racial/ethnic group. Discrimination against Asian Americans still exists, and Asian Americans are more likely than whites to be poor.
Pacific Islander Families Major Pacific Islander groups in the U.S. are Native Hawaiians, Samoans, and Guamians. Hawaiians are American citizens by birth, as are American Samoans, Guamians, and those born in the North Mariana Islands. Relatively young population (median age is 29.8 years old); about 29% of the population are children Just under half are married (47.4%).
Pacific Islander Families Pacific Islander children are more likely to reside in family households (31.5%) than the U.S. population generally (21%). Similar rates of marital stability as compared to non-Hispanic whites Smaller proportion of college graduates Median household incomes is slightly higher ($55,273 in 2007), and poverty is slightly higher (15.7%) than for the general U.S. population.
American Indian (Native American) Families At present there are over 500 federally recognized tribes. In the latter half of the 19th century, American Indians were forcibly removed from their original tribal lands to reservations, and some tribes were dissolved. Assimilation policies led to the creation of boarding schools, where American Indian children were placed for years with little contact with family or tribe.
American Indian (Native American) Families Significantly lower median income at $35,345 One-third have incomes of more than $50,000. Poverty rate is high—25.3% on average for the years Childhood poverty rate for all children under the age of 18 is 46.1% in female-headed families.
American Indian (Native American) Families One of the poorest groups, with poverty rate highest among those living on reservations High rates of adolescent births and nonmarital births Infant mortality rate and childhood mortality rate are higher than overall U.S. rates. Higher rate of cohabitation and lower percentage of married couples In 2006, 51% of children lived with two parents. High rates of intermarriage and mobility of residence
Native American Families These rural Navajo reservation children are learning to weave baskets to sell to tourists. Even within a racial/ethnic group, families and individuals may differ in the degree to which they retain their original culture.
Miller’s Typology of Urban Native American Families Traditional families retain Native American ways, with minimal influence from the urban settings, Bicultural families develop a blend of native beliefs and necessary adaptations.
Miller’s Typology of Urban Native American Families Transitional families have lost Native American culture and are becoming assimilated to the white working class. Marginal families have become alienated from Native American and mainstream cultures.
Arab American Families Arab American population is a little over 1.5 million. Often the subject of media stereotyping and government suspicion Have long been stereotyped as exotic, mysterious, and dangerous After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Arab American families have been the subject of harassment, intimidation, vandalism, physical attacks, discrimination, and murder.
Arab American Families Family is very important, and Arab American families are often extended beyond American borders. Religion is an important factor; 65% of Arab Americans are Christian. Arab American women are employed at lower rates than other women. Traditional gender roles are emphasized.
Immigration Many immigrants to the United States start small businesses. This immigrant family owns a bakery.
White Families Non-Hispanic whites are the majority in the United States at 66% of the population. The non-Hispanic white family appears more likely to be headed by a married couple and less likely to include family members beyond the nuclear family. Older than other groups Lower fertility rates
White Families Higher incomes than all groups but Asians and lower poverty rates than all other racial/ethnic groups. White women are less likely than black and Hispanic women to bear children as teenagers or to have nonmarital births. In 2008, almost 73% of non-Hispanic white children lived with two parents.
Multi-Ethnic Families Multiracial families are formed through: interracial marriage formation of a nonmarital partnership the adoption of children across racial lines
Multi-Ethnic Families 7% of married-couple households include spouses whose racial/ethnic identities differ. 15% of opposite-sex partners and male same- sex partners and 13% of female same-sex partners report different racial/ethnic identities. The proportion of multiracial children in the population is likely to grow with increasing intermarriage and perhaps a greater tendency to acknowledge a mixed racial/ethnic heritage.
Religion 83% of American adults surveyed in 2007 indicated a religious identification, although in 2008 that percentage dropped to 75%. Religious couples are less prone to divorce, because on average they enjoy higher marital satisfaction, face a lower likelihood of domestic violence, and perceive fewer attractive options outside the marriage than their less religious counterparts. 17% of the U.S population belongs to a mainstream Protestantism denomination.
Religion 7% identify with evangelical Protestantism. Roman Catholics makes up 18.8%, Mormons 1%, and Jews.08% of the population. “Born-again” Christians are less likely to cohabitate, but their divorce rates do not differ. More than half of Jews do not have Jewish spouses, and in those marriages, more than 2/3 of children are not being raised as Jews. Islamic families maintain a religious family life in a culture that does not share their beliefs.
Religious Diversity At Arlington National Cemetery, Buddhist monks escort the coffin of an American soldier killed in Iraq. The number of Buddhists more than doubled from 1990 to 2001 as the Asian American population increased through immigration.
Islam Volunteers at the American Muslin Women’s Association work on a project for immigrants and refugees. The organization works to reshape the roles of women in Islam. Some Muslim women have adopted the head scarf to express an identification with Islam.
Quick Quiz
1. _______________ are now the largest minority group in the United States. a) Latinos b) African Americans c) Asian Americans d) American Indians
Answer: a Latinos are now the largest minority group in the United States.
2. Much that is written about “the family” or “the American family” is grounded in common patterns among: a) middle class whites. b) African Americans. c) upper class Asian Americans d) Native Americans.
Answer: a Much that is written about “the family” or “the American family” is grounded in common patterns among middle class whites.
3. __________ percent of American adults surveyed in 2008 indicated a religious identification. a) Fifty b) Sixty c) Seventy-five d) Eighty
Answer: c 75% percent of American adults surveyed in 2008 indicated a religious identification.