Healings Matthew 12, Mark 3, Luke 5, John 5,
If you knew that the Savior were coming to visit your city or town today, whom would you bring to Him to be healed? Why? Imagine that someone you love is suffering from a life- threatening physical challenge that requires specialized treatment. What would you be willing to do if there was only one doctor who could help but it was difficult to schedule an appointment with this doctor?
Healings Jesus had power over… Sickness
Healings Jesus had power over… The Element s
Healings Jesus had power over… Death
Healings Jesus had power over… Devils & Satan
Healings Jesus had power over… Animals
Healings Jesus had power over… Sickness Elements Devils and Satan Death Animals Which would you choose, if you could have one of these powers?
World’s View Miracles Produce Belief Gospel Truth Faith Results in Miracles Reinforc es
Healings Why did Jesus perform miracles? Greatest miracle ever? Greatest miracle today? What conditions must be present? Faith Worthiness Divine will
Healings Mark 1:23-28, 1:32-34 Demons Mark 3:1-6 Withered hand Luke 5:12-16 Heals leper Luke 5:17-26 Heals man with palsy John 5:2-15 Heals at pool of Bethesda Doctrines/Principles Great, amazing, life changing personal application
Come, Follow Me Mark 1:23-28, 1: What did the unclean spirit know about Jesus? How did it know that? How can knowing this truth help us when we feel overwhelmed because of the evil influences and temptations that surround us?
“We know from the scriptures that there was a war in heaven and that Lucifer rebelled and, with his followers, ‘was cast out into the earth’ [Revelation 12:9]. He is determined to disrupt our Heavenly Father’s plan and seeks to control the minds and actions of all” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 16). Mark 1
On one occasion I heard the late Apostle Marriner W. Merrill, President of the Logan Temple, relate this extraordinary incident. He was sitting in his office one morning, he said, when he noticed from the window a company of people coming up the hill to the Temple. As they entered the Temple grounds, they presented rather a strange appearance, not only in dress but on their mode of travel. Some were riding on horses, others were in conveyances, and still others were afoot. He wondered who they could be as he was not looking for accompany of such size that particular morning. They dismounted from their horses, stepped down from their conveyances, put their animals under the shade and walked about complacently as if they had a perfect right to be there. Mark 1
A person unknown to Brother Merrill entered the room. Brother Merrill said to him: “Who are you and who are these people who have come up and taken possession of the Temple unannounced?” He answered and said: “I am Satan and these are my people. ”Brother Merrill then said: “What do you want? Why have you come here?” Satan replied: “I don't like the work that is going on in this Temple and feel that it should be discontinued. Will you stop it?” Brother Merrill answered and said emphatically, “No, we will not stop it. The work must go on.” “Since you refuse to stop it, I will tell you what I propose to do,” the adversary said, “I will take these people, my followers, and will instruct them to whisper in the ears of the people, persuading them not to go to the temple and thus bring about a stop to your temple work.” Satan then withdrew. Rudger Clawson, Deseret News, Dec. 12, 1936 Mark 1
“Joseph Smith stated, ‘Wicked spirits have their bounds, limits, and laws by which they are governed’ [in History of the Church,4:576]. So Satan and his angels are not all-powerful…Satan’s efforts can be thwarted by all who come unto Christ by… “Serving the Lord and Resisting the Devil,” Ensign, Sept. 1995, 6, 7 obedience to the covenants and ordinances of the gospel” What’s the difference between the Devil and any good Christian? Genesis 3:4-5
Daniel 10:1-3, 5-6, 11-13
Healings Mark 3:1-6 Withered hand
Healings Mark 3:1-6 Withered hand “Where is the line as to what is acceptable and unacceptable on the Sabbath? Within the guidelines, each of us must answer this question for ourselves. While these guidelines are contained in the scriptures and in the words of the modern prophets, they must also be written in our hearts and governed by our conscience. … It is quite unlikely that there will be any serious violation of Sabbath worship if we come humbly before the Lord and offer him all our heart, our soul, and our mind. (See Matt. 22:37) “What is worthy or unworthy on the Sabbath day will have to be judged by each of us by trying to be honest with the Lord. On the Sabbath day we should do what we have to do and what we ought to do in an attitude of worshipfulness and then limit our other activities” (“The Lord’s Day,” Ensign, Nov. 1991, 35).
Healings Mark 3:1-6 Withered hand Hermano Henriquez Sabbath commitment. Volleyball on Sunday Charity Wanner (laundry) Other witnesses from you?
Elder Groberg: “The small island kingdom of Tonga lies immediately next to the international dateline, so it is the first country in the world to greet the Sabbath day. Years ago a wise Tongan king decreed that the Sabbath would be kept holy in Tonga forever. “If one goes to the capital of Nuku’alofa on a weekday, he finds the usual heavy traffic of trucks and cars and the bustle of thousands of shoppers making their regular purchases from well-stocked stores and markets. One can watch modern buses whisk tourists off to catch their jet planes. The streets are crowded and business is good. You might wonder, “What is so different about this town from hundreds of others like it throughout the world?” “But when Sunday dawns on the kingdom of Tonga, a transformation takes place. If one goes downtown, he sees deserted streets—no taxis or buses or crowds of people. All the stores, all the markets, all the movie theaters, all the offices are closed. No planes fly, no ships come in or out, no commerce takes place. No games are played. The people go to church. Tonga is remembering to keep the Sabbath day holy. “It is significant that the first country in the world to greet the holy Sabbath keeps the Sabbath holy.
“Some time ago I was assigned to a conference in northern Utah in June. As I drove through Cache Valley on Saturday, I marveled at the temple in Logan—I was impressed with the green fields so rich with a variety of crops in the valley. I particularly noticed the great number of alfalfa fields and the constant activity in nearly all of them. What a pleasing sensation it was to smell that freshly mown hay and to see those meticulously groomed fields. During my return trip the next day, Sunday, there was something different. No one is mowing or hauling hay today. I looked as far as I could and saw hay fields everywhere, tractors stopped, mowing machines idle, and trucks resting in the fields. No one working—for it was the Sabbath and this was Cache Valley and these were good Latter- day Saint people. “As I continued north, I saw everywhere hay to be cut and stacked and hauled and equipment and weather to do it, but no man or woman in the fields. I went by dozens, even hundreds, of farms with machines waiting in the fields—I wondered to myself, “Will someone break this spell, will someone be out in his fields working?” Each time I rounded a corner or came to the top of a hill, I would look and look and then breathe a sigh of relief—no one working.
“Would anyone break the spell? Could it be a whole valley so dedicated to God that no one would work on the Sabbath?” The suspense became almost unbearable. Each curve I rounded or each hill I came over found me looking in almost fearful anticipation, then smiling as the same peaceful scene continued. “Finally I came to the last curve with the main road that marked the end of Cache Valley. I looked and looked, but all was peaceful and quiet. I was so excited, I pulled the car over, got out, raised my hands and shouted, “You did it, Cache Valley. You did it! You didn’t know I was looking, but you did it—not one field being mowed, not one tractor at work, not one truck hauling. You did it!” “I instinctively looked heavenward and said, “Did you see that? Did you see Cache Valley this Sunday afternoon?” For some time after that, I couldn’t get that Sunday afternoon off my mind. I kept feeling, “You have observed and witnessed something very special, something truly significant: an entire valley keeping His Sabbath holy.”
Healings Luke 5:12-16 Heals a leper If you had been the leper, what would it have meant to you to be touched by the Savior? Why? In what ways can leprosy be likened to sin?
Leprosy “A terrible form of skin disease spoken of in the Bible… (Bible Dictionary: Leprosy) decay or corruption of the body Because leprosy was so visible and involved the decay or corruption of the body, it served as an excellent symbol of sin.
Leprosy Leviticus 13:45-46 Hebrews 13:12 “Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.” Leviticus 14:1-3 How can a bishop help you receive the blessing of forgiveness through the Savior’s Atonement?
Leviticus 14:4 “Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet and hyssop.” Is there an event in Christ’s life that involves 2 birds? Why two birds? What two things does Christ help us overcome?
Leviticus 14:4 “Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet and hyssop.”
Scarlet = A Scarlet Dyed Cloth (Footnote) Is there an event in Christ’s life that involved a scarlet cloth?
Leviticus 14:4 “Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet and hyssop.” Is there an event in Christ’s life that involved hyssop?
Hyssop? The Cedar Wood? Scarlet? John 19:29 “Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth.”
Leviticus 14:5
His head (Matthew 27:29-30) His sweat (Luke 22:44) His face (Isaiah 50:6) His back (Isaiah 50:6, Matthew 27:26) His hands (Psalms 22:16, John 20:25) His feet (Psalms 22:16) His side (John 19:34)(Matthew 27:29-30)(Luke 22:44)(Isaiah 50:6)(Isaiah 50:6, Matthew 27:26)(Psalms 22:16John 20:25)(Psalms 22:16)(John 19:34) Christ’s bleeding in 7 different areas Leviticus 14:7
Leviticus 14:8-9 What’s the symbolism?
In ancient times the cry “Unclean!” Would warn of lepers near. “Unclean! Unclean!” the words rang out; Then all drew back in fear, Lest by the touch of lepers’ hands They, too, would lepers be. There was no cure in ancient times, Just hopeless agony. No soap, no balm, no medicine Could stay disease or pain. There was no salve, no cleansing bath, To make them well again. But there was One, the record shows, Whose touch could make them pure; Could ease their awful suffering, Their rotting flesh restore. His coming long had been foretold. Signs would precede His birth. A Son of God to woman born, With power to cleanse the earth. The day He made ten lepers whole, The day He made them clean, Well symbolized His ministry And what His life would mean.
However great that miracle, This was not why He came. He came to rescue every soul From death, from sin, from shame. For greater miracles, He said, His servants yet would do, To rescue every living soul, Not just heal up the few. Though we’re redeemed from mortal death, We still can’t enter in Unless we’re clean, cleansed every whit, From every mortal sin. What must be done to make us clean We cannot do alone. The law, to be a law, requires A pure one must atone. He taught that justice will be stayed Till mercy’s claim be heard If we repent and are baptized And live by every word. … If we could only understand All we have heard and seen, We’d know there is no greater gift Than those two words—“Washed clean!” “Washed Clean” President Boyd K Packer
Washed Clean (Boyd K Packer)
Healings Luke 5:17-26 Heals man with palsy
Healings John 5:2-15 Heals at pool of Bethesda Bethesda can be translated as “house of mercy” (Bible Dictionary, “Bethesda”). Why would He ask the man to take up his bed?
Healings John 5:2-15 Heals at pool of Bethesda In what ways might we all be like this man at the edge of the pool of Bethesda? When have you or someone you know been healed?
Healings Matthew 12, Mark 3, Luke 5, John 5,