OECD Seminar in Kirkenes Infrastructure and regional development With a macro perspective of the NSPA Presentation by Mårten Edberg Strategist on Infrastructure Region Västerbotten
Key Questions (among others) Need to make an offer to other they can not refuse “LinkedWithin” “LinkedTo” (but some of it is also ”LinkedWithin” – not a white area outside the NSPA We have both natural resources and high level skills. We are not that few altogether – but we need to overcome the area By intelligence, innovation and a more functional network North West Russia with huge natural resources – this is a potential. Today it is a rather low on the agenda, but things have changed before… (From a Barents Report – the NSPA area not highlighted on the map)
What's the challenges and possibilities ? – with focus on transport and infrastructure Roads: Pretty good, maintenance and traffic safety should be in focus to make it work better – of coarse some bottlenecks need to bee handled Sea: – we can reach the world by no problem via the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Improved intermodality and the SECA demand improvement North-East Passage? Could make the whole area in a new position Midway Alignment of the Bothnian Corridor – an innovative project with strong support from DG MOVE. Will strengthen the east- west communications
Railway: Bothnian Corridor is a substantial part of the development – together with the Iron Ore to Narvik. It is in function, and is in the TEN T Core system – and is well connected to the Comprehensive system in Norway, Sweden and Finland. Needs more capacity, and increased speed Link the ”Artic” to the two Ten T Core Corridors: Scandinavian-Mediterranean and North sea-Baltic Not only a north-south perspective – the east-west is also a functional part of BC. By ground with Norway and Finland – and also over the Baltic Sea by the Midway Alignment of the Bothnian Corridor Potential in the future is a new railway over Rovaniemi to Kirkenes Midway Alignment ?
An example of the effect of Bothnian Corridor to “shrink” distances and promotes new commuting markets Travelling time year 2000
We need to promote the access and relevance to The TEN T Core Corridors Scandinavian-Mediterranean North sea-Baltic
Air: We have a rather well functional and market driven system – but is focused to each nation´s national nodes In Norway and Sweden, and in some extent Finland, we have PSO-lines. But these are all national – connected to the national node (Sweden) and also to regional nodes (Norway) We would benefit of a PSO for the NSPA Area – to help building up cooperation and new flight markets that in time will finance themselves. This needs deep cooperation – and new insight – at the national level in Norway, Sweden and Finland
Thank You!