Mariculture development co-operation with Centro Investigaciones Pesqueras, Cuba Olav Sigurd Kjesbu
Contributors Grethe R. Adoff Terje van der Meeren, IMR Rafael Tizol, CIP Raúl Flores, CIP
Short recent Cuban history 1959: Revolution completed 1960: USA introduces embargo 1961: Marxism introduced 1972: Member of COMECON 1991: COMECON collapses 2003: major problems with the EU 2004: relationship with the EU slightly improving (Norway/Cuba: mixed feelings) José Martí Fidel Castro
Cuban sea-water temperature
Catches of wild fish (tonnes) Catches of fresh-water fish are at a similar level: (2003) – (2004) tonnes
Catches of shrimps and lobster and farmed shrimps (tonnes) Shrimp hatchery near Cienfuegos
Golf of Batabanó
Extreme complex bureaucratic structures example Ministry of Fisheries including ”empresas” (enterprises)
Involvement of Norwegian companies and institutions a survey showed that many Norwegian companies (25) are interested in developing activities in Cuba, but none are presently in business in Cuba Joint venture/incl. Timar at Caba Cruz: station closed Genova AS (fish genetics) in contact with Polo Cientifico (bio-techological consortium) Bakken et al. 2002; visit Oct 2004
Main objectives of the Cuban Ministry of Fisheries Provide protein to the population. Exportation of marine products to obtain fresh currency. Tizol, 2004
Fresh water aquaculture in Cuba The development of fresh water aquaculture in Cuba began in the 60`s with the support of the Soviet Union. The main species at that time were carp and silver carp. In the 70`s tilapia and American cat fish were introduced. More than 1000 ha in earth ponds. Maximum production tonnes/year while the average is tonnes/year. Tizol, 2004
Fresh-water aquaculture in Cuba: Future challenges Intensification of aquaculture in earth ponds, mainly for tilapia. Increase the production of silver carp, tilapia and clarias. Culture of red tilapia to export market. Obtain the necessary food supply for aquaculture from national sources. Tizol, 2004 Red tilapia Mampostón
Marine Aquaculture in Cuba. Fish Farming: Future Challenges Development of techniques for juvenile production and growth of national species. Obtain the necessary food supply for aquaculture from national sources. Educational programs New technologies Tizol, 2004 Snook (Centropomus undecimalis) broodstock
Background for the CIP-IMR project funded by NORAD Since 1980-ies: Individual contacts between CIP and IMR 1998: Contacts during NAFO meetings Since 1998: Higher-level discussions 1998: Mr Oltuski visits Norway 2001: Mr Oltuski writes to NORAD (several topics) 2002: NORAD positive 2002: Norwegian experts to Cuba
April 2002: Planning and reviews Comprehensive report to NORAD/list of priorities Bakken, E., Engesæter, S., Kjesbu, O.S & Revold, J Report to NORAD on a mission to Havana 9-18 April 2002 regarding possible co-operation between Cuba and Norway in competence building within the fisheries sector. 35 pp.
December 2002: Seminars in Havana (on general aquaculture and larval rearing) CIPEscuela Superior de Pesca
Main project Project period: Main focus: marin aquaculture (biology, bioeconomics, marketing) include a regional component Master programmes
Project document 9 moduls balance between Cuba and Norway 3 mill. NOK in total
Cubans met are very easy to work with; zero corruption; show high level of education (though very few with Ph.D) (poor in English) but are not in contact with any international experts and have no free capital to invest
Competence building training in Norway: 4+4 persons training in Cuba: 6 persons intensive course in English: 10 persons Workshops, Havana –2002: 15 persons –2003: 20 people –2004: persons Conferences Master Students: 2 In total 25 persons in Cuba involved (Flores, pers. comm.)
The biological station Boca ambuila (CIP) used earlier for shrimp production, but now marine fish needed some up-grading excellent water quality very good work force start with pilot experiment/research this moment
Candidate species for marine fish aquaculture 1.Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) 2.Snook/Robalo 3.Red tilapia (in sea) Adoff, G., Flores, E.R., van der Meeren, T (Eds.) Mariculture Workshop Report. Competence Building and Development of Mariculture. 152 pp.
Comparison between cod and cobia (literature search) CodCobia Age at maturation: 1-2 years 1 year Size at maturation: 1-2 kg 4-6 kg Spawning temperature: 4-10°C24-29°C Spawning:SpontaneousSpontaneous Egg size: mm mm Hatching time: 30 hours days Length of newly hatched larva: 3.5 mm 4.0 mm
Continuation? What is needed according to the Cubans Create ”conditions” to develop mariculture Need people with high relevant technical knowledge Need money to develop research in our station but have good natural conditions good co-operations Flores, March 2005
Thank you