Promoting research vacancies through Euraxess Thorbjørn Gilberg The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
What does it look like
Top ten countries promoting vacancies through Euraxess
Top 3 barriers to mobility: 1)Finding a suitable position (23%) 2)Obtaining funding for mobility (21%) 3)Making childcare arrangements (15 %) Share of previously mobile researchers who have rated factors as a severe obstacles to future mobility From a presentation of the MORE Study on Mobility Patterns and career Paths of EU Researchers by Peter Whitten, DG research
Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (SGHRM), Working Group Jobs Strategy: To promote the benefits of the EURAXESS Jobs portal and to improve its added value To develop and foster cooperation between the EURAXESS Jobs portal and job providers/research job posting platforms To develop openness to internationalisation
Openness to internationalisation Accepting that more openness = more competitiveness Hosting researchers from all over the world = talent presence = excellence = competitiveness
Finally … Institutions: open to internationalisation in recruiting also Euraxess: the platform that provides research jobs in Europe and supporting actions and networks The Research Council is in a dialog with NAV aim to increase the number of Norwegian job promotions on the european portal
Doctoral degrees in Norway % with non-Norwegian citizenship