Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance: implementation and good practice in Norway Lise Spikkeland, 31. March 2016 in Sofia Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities
Good local democracy & good governance is important! WHY? Important to secure citizens’ trust in the municipality and politicians – achieved through good governance Politicians elected to represent the citizens The municipalities and municipal service have great importance in the local community and in people’s lives The local government sector manages key assets on behalf of the community
What is “good governance”? -The Council of Europe’s 12 Principles of Good Governance -Good Local Democracy – a Platform (KS) -The Democratic Circle (KS) CitizensAdministration Elected representatives Good representation Good leadership Good task-fulfilment
CHALLENGES – Norwegian context! Turnout Total 60 % in local elections Youth age yrs: 36 % «Immigrant» background 40% Representation - city council reflecting the citizens? Female 39 % Youth (18-24 yrs) 5 % (2013) Employed 92 % (2013) And … Increasing expectations from; - the inhabitants, the central government KS - improving local democracy along two paths: State – municipality relationship: more freedom of action Municipalities – citizens: democratic performance
KS’ Local Democracy Survey citizens & elected representatives Why undertake the survey? Get a good picture of the situation in each individual municipality Uncover where there might be a need for change and development Good results = European Label
Following up - good governance KS material offered to the municipalities: “How to involve the citizens” Involvement of citizens in political decision-making processes between elections, and within the framework of representative democracy. “Good local democratic steering” Important characteristics and measures of good local democratic steering “Elected representative day” Tailored for local politicians on local democracy and autonomy “In the course of the electoral period (…) This contact with the citizens is important as the population has information regarding needs, challenges and solutions that can help to make political decisions better.”
Thank you!