History Mount Vernon George Washington’s Family George Washington’s Myth The Constitution George Washington Martha Washington Pictures of George Washington George Washington Facts Gravesite Bibliography
George Washington was the first president to never live in the White House. He was also the the only one to have a state named after him.Washington was such a highly respected leader that his likeness is on dollar bills, quarters and postage stamps.
The farm where George Washington and his family lived was called “Mansion house farm” Washington developed the property’s 500 acres to create a fitting setting for a country gentlemen. He had designed the grounds to include a deep border of woods, rolling meadow, serpentine walkways,and and a pleasure garden, a kitchen garden, and groves of trees.
This is George Washington and his family celebrating his birthday.
One myth about George Washington is that he chopped down his father’s cherry tree. The story goes like this, George’s father confronted him and the boy replied” I cannot tell a lie.” This is not a true story.
The Constitution of the United States of America took four months to write. It outlines the basic rules for our government.
In 1789, George Washington did something no man had ever done before.He took the oath of office to become the president of the United States of America.Washington is called “The Father of Our Country.”In time people grew unhappy with Britain’s rule. As an adult, Washington spoke out against Britain’s unfairness. He organized an army to fight the British and was chosen to lead the troops. After six years of war, the British surrendered on October 19, Washington became a national hero.
Martha Dandridge Custis Washington was born at Chestnut Grove in New Kent Country,Virginia,on June2,1731.Her father John Dandridge had emigrated to Virginia from England with his older brother William.
Facts George Washington was the only president to be elected unanimously. He was the only president inaugurated in two cities: New York and Philadelphia. He never lived in D.C., although he was interested in the construction of the city and bought property in D.C. He was an active and able mediator between his cabinet members Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.
Facts When George’s father died he went to live with his half-brother Lawrence at Mount Vernon where he learned the morals and manners necessary for a well-to-do 18th Century Virginia gentleman. Lawrence died in 1752 when Washington was nineteen. With his death Washington inherited Mount Vernon.
Facts In 1794 based larger on Alexander Hamilton’s advice Washington summoned the U.S. militia to suppress the Whiskey insurrection which erupted after Congress imposed taxes on distillers.
Gravesite George Washington died on December 14, He had died from a severe soar throat. He had bled three times. He was buried in Mount Vernon. His death brought much grief to all the people.
"On-the-Level." Technidigm Nov Texas A&M - Commerce. Dec Nov < index.htm>. "Mount Vernon." Maryland & Virginia Dec < A40/USA2003/Maryland/>. Ball, William J. Teaching Politics. 30 Sept Nov "George Washington’s Birthday." Maryland State Archives. 19 Mar Dec George Washington. 8 July Dec Burke, Melissa Blackwell. Presidents. N.p.: Publications International, Ltd., n.d.