European Geography Physical Features ClimateNatural Resources VocabularyCompare & Contrast Bonus Question: 5000 pts
Topic 1: 200 Question: Describe the location of the Great European Plain. Answer The Great European Plain stretches from France to the Ural Mountains along the banks of the North and Baltic Seas.
Topic 1: 400 Question: Where is the Rhine River and why is it important? Answer The Rhine River is in Germany, and is important for moving goods and providing hydroelectricity.
Topic 1: 600 Question: What 2 countries do the Pyrenees Mountains divide? Answer France and Spain
Topic 1: 800 Question: What 2 continent do the Ural Mountains divide? Answer The Ural Mountains divide Europe and Russia, they are located in Russia.
Topic 1: 1000 Question: Name two of the three counties located on the Scandinavian Plain. Answer Norway, Sweden, and Finland are located on the Scandinavian Plain.
Topic 2: 200 Question: What is climate? Answer Climate is the pattern of weather over time.
Topic 2: 400 Question: Why is it harder for Russia to trade than it is for the United Kingdom? Answer Russia’s ports are blocked by ice for much of the year, while the United Kingdom has a milder climate.
Topic 2: 600 Question: Why is it easier for Germany to trade with other European countries than it is for Italy? Answer Italy is separated from the rest of Europe by the Alps Mountains.
Topic 2: 800 Question: What two climates are most common in Europe? Answer Mediterranean and Humid Continental
Topic 2: 1000 Question: Describe the climate of Germany. Answer Temperate and marine; cool, cloudy and wet winters, occasional warm, mountain wind
Topic 3: 200 Question: What are natural resources? Answer Natural resources are substances that occur in nature than can be used to support the economy of a country.
Topic 3: 400 Question: Name three examples of natural resources found in Europe. Answer Minerals, forests, crops, sea, oil, natural gas, and arable land.
Topic 3: 600 Question: What natural resources does Italy have? Answer Natural gas, arable land, agriculture
Topic 3: 800 Question: What natural resources can be found in Germany? Answer Natural gas, arable land, mineral resources that are good for energy.
Topic 3: 1000 Question: What natural resources are found in the United Kingdom? Answer Coal, natural gas, access to water for fishing.
Topic 4: 200 Question: What is a peninsula? Answer A piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.
Topic 4: 400 Question: What is a fjord? Answer A long, steep-sided glacial valley filled with sea water.
Topic 4: 600 Question: What is an atoll? Answer Ring shaped island formed by coral buildup on the rim of an underwater volcano.
Topic 4: 800 Question: What is the difference between a gulf and a bay? Answer A gulf is larger than a bay. (A bay is a body of water partially enclosed by land with a wide outlet to the ocean, and a gulf is also an area of sea or ocean partially enclosed by land, but larger than a bay)
Topic 4: 1000 Question: What is the difference between a glacier and an iceberg? Answer Icebergs are chunks of ice that break off of glaciers; glaciers are large bodies of ice that move across the Earth’s surface.
Topic 5: 200 Question: What resources do Germany and Italy have in common? Answer Natural gas and arable land.
Topic 5: 400 Question: What natural resources do Germany and Italy have that are different? Answer Germany has more mineral resources that are good for energy, and Italy’s natural resources are more connected to agriculture.
Topic 5: 600 Question: What resources do Russia and the United Kingdom have in common? Answer Coal and natural gas.
Topic 5: 800 Question: What natural resources do the United Kingdom and Russia have that are different from each other? Answer The United Kingdom has access to water for fishing, and Russia has more resources for hydroelectric power.
Topic 5: 1000 Question: Why are Russia’s resources so much harder to access? Answer They are much harder to access because of Russia’s harsh climate and vast size.
Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question: What countries are the following mountain ranges located in: Alps, Pyrenees, and the Urals? Answer The Alps run through Switzerland, northern Italy, and southern Germany, France & Austria The Pyrenees divide France and Spain Ural Mountains divide Europe and Asia (located in Russia)
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