Vascular Surgery 2/7-2/13/2013 Ayorinde Akinrinlola Shuhao Zhang Joe Sam Robinson Matthew Painter
Cases Date Attending/Res Pt name/MRDx Case 2/7 Albuquerque/ Robinson OsteomyelitisRight 4 th transmetatarsal amputation Brinster/ Akinrinlola/ Zhang AAAEVAR Brinster/ Akinrinlola/ Zhang Resp failureIVC filter, trach, PEG 2/8 Levy/ Zhang/ Robinson Right groin wound infection Debridement, VAC Levy/ Zhang/ Robinson ESRDR femoral permacath Levy/ Akinrinlola/ Zhang L AVG malfunction Fistulogram, central venogram Amendola/ Akinrinlola/ Zhang Right femoral pseudoaneurysm s/p carotid stent Angiogram, attempted thrombin injection, open ligation
Cases Date Attending/Res Pt name/MRDx Case 2/8 Levy/AkinrinlolaLeft subclavian vein stenosis Venogram, angioplasty Levy/ AkinrinlolaL AVF malfunction Fistulogram, venogram 2/9 Amendola/ Akinrinlola/ Zhang Occluded aortobifem (2011) Thrombectomy, re-do left limb anastomosis 2/11 Albuquerque/ Zhang/ Painter Wet gangrene R foot R AKA Albuquerque/ Akinrinlola/ Zhang DVTIVC filter 2/12 Albuquerque/ Akinrinlola PVD, in –stent stenosis Angioplasty of R EIA/CFA, and popliteal/SFA stent 2/13 Albuquerque/ Painter RLE diabetic foot wound Debridement of Levy/ PainterLUE AV fistula stenosis Fistulogram, balloon angioplasty
Cases Date Attending/Res Pt name/MRDx Case 2/13 Levy/ PainterOpen RLE fasciotomy wounds Washout and closure of… Albuquerque/ Akinrinlola PVDRight femoral-peroneal bypass with Taylor patch, fibulectomy
Complications Date Attending/Re sident Pt name/MRDx Case Complication 1/14 Albuquerque/ Levy/ Akinrinlola/ Uchiyama PVD R to L fem- fem, bilateral fem-pop bypasses, R sartorius flap Right femoral wound necrosis 2/4 Albuquerque/ Zhang Recurrent carotid stenosis Left carotid angioplasty stenting Right groin pseudaneurys m (Mynx device failure), DVT
Figure 1. Surgical techniques for prosthetic graft modifications at the distal anastomosis: A, standard end-to-side anastomosis; B, Linton patch; C, Taylor patch; D, Miller cuff; E, vein boot; and F, arteriovenous fistula. Kapadia M R et al. Circulation 2008;117: Copyright © American Heart Association