1 Power Up By Eating Smart Sports Nutrition for Teen Athletes
2 Fuel for Sports Performance + Nutrients for Good Health =FOOD Power Up By Eating Smart
3 Football Basketball Soccer Volleyball Softball Hockey Baseball Cheerleading Poms Whatever activity you are involved in: Cross Country Track and Field Swimming and Diving Cycling Skiing Tennis Golf Wrestling Gymnastics
4 Power Up By Eating Smart Food= FUEL Fuel = Performance
5 Power Up By Eating Smart Sports and Nutrition Nutrition is just as important to sports performance as conditioning and training Eating a balanced diet with a variety of healthy foods is key
6 Power Up By Eating Smart 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans serve as a guide for eating healthy Use guidelines to plan daily meals Eat a variety of foods from each of the food groups Choose nutrient dense foods to stay healthy
7 Power Up By Eating Smart 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans 5 food groups: elements of a healthy diet Grains Dairy Meat Fruits Vegetables
8 Power Up By Eating Smart Grains Excellent source of carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and fiber The carbohydrate fuels muscles and protects against fatigue
9 Power Up By Eating Smart Grains 6 ounces every day Half of all grains should be whole grains 1 slice whole wheat bread 1 ounce = 1 cup whole grain cereal 1/2 cup cooked rice, cereal or pasta
10 Power Up By Eating Smart Vegetables Excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber
11 Power Up By Eating Smart Vegetables 2 1/2 cups every day Choose dark green and brightly colored Eat more dry beans and peas 1 cup raw or cooked vegetables 1 cup raw or cooked vegetables 1 cup = 1 cup vegetable juice 1 cup vegetable juice 2 cups raw leafy greens 2 cups raw leafy greens
12 Power Up By Eating Smart Fruits Rich in vitamins, fiber and carbohydrate Carbohydrate found in fruit aids in recovery after exercise
13 Power Up By Eating Smart Fruits 2 cups every day Eat a variety of fruit – fresh, frozen, canned or dried Limit servings of juice 1 cup fruit 1 cup fruit 1 cup = 1/2 cup dried fruit 1/2 cup dried fruit 1 cup 100% fruit juice 1 cup 100% fruit juice
14 Power Up By Eating Smart Milk, Cheese and Yogurt Good source of protein Excellent source of calcium Good source of carbohydrate
15 Power Up By Eating Smart Milk, Cheese and Yogurt 4 cups every day Choose low fat or fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese 1 cup milk 1 cup = 1 cup yogurt 1 ½ ounces natural cheese 1 ½ ounces natural cheese or 2 ounces processed cheese (same size as 4 dice) or 2 ounces processed cheese (same size as 4 dice)
16 Power Up By Eating Smart Milk, Cheese and Yogurt Lactose intolerance doesn't mean avoid dairy D = Drink lactose-free milk A = Aged cheeses are naturally low in lactose I =I =I =I = Introduce milk and other dairy foods into your diet slowly. Start with small portions with meals or snacks R = Remember LACTAID supplement can help Y = Yogurt contains friendly bacteria that help digest lactose
17 Power Up By Eating Smart Milk, Cheese and Yogurt Choose milk for the best balance of calcium, protein, carbohydrate and other essential nutrients Calcium-fortified foods and beverages including soy beverages or orange juice may provide calcium, but not the other nutrients found in milk and milk products
18 Meat and Beans Protein to repair muscles Helps with muscle development Good source of iron to prevent anemia Power Up By Eating Smart
19 Power Up By Eating Smart Meat and Beans 5 1/2 ounces every day Low fat or lean meat, poultry or fish One 3 ounce serving of meat, fish or poultry is about the size of a deck of cards 1/4 cup dry cooked beans 1/4 cup dry cooked beans 1 ounce = 1 ounce meat, poultry or fish 1 ounce meat, poultry or fish 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1 egg 1/2 ounce nuts or seeds 1/2 ounce nuts or seeds
20 Power Up By Eating Smart Sports and Nutrition Choosing the right food FUEL is key Use the Dietary Guidelines to plan meals Focus on the type and quantity of foods from each food group for peak performance
21 Power Up By Eating Smart Sports and Nutrition Key nutrients for athletes Carbohydrate Protein Water
22 Power Up By Eating Smart Carbohydrate Critical fuel source for exercising muscles More exercise requires more carbohydrate
23 Power Up By Eating Smart Carbohydrate It is important to eat carbohydrate in foods to maintain glycogen stores Carbohydrate is stored in the liver and in muscle as glycogen When glycogen stores are low, the body becomes tired
24 Power Up By Eating Smart Carbohydrate Milk and yogurt Whole grain breads, bagels, rolls Whole grain cereal, granola Crackers, tortillas Potatoes, pasta, rice Fruits Vegetables
25 Power Up By Eating Smart Protein Essential for growth, repair and maintenance of body tissue and muscles Provides some energy Important for refueling after practices and events
26 Power Up By Eating Smart Protein Milk, cheese, yogurt Meat, fish, chicken Eggs, beans, peanut butter
27 Power Up By Eating Smart A word about fat Don't totally eliminate from diet Important to every cell in the body Provides fuel for working muscles Powers endurance activities
28 Fluids 75% of muscle is water Dehydration will impair performance Drink before, during and after practice and events Avoid soft drinks and stimulant drinks Best sources are water, milk, 100% fruit juice and sports drinks Power Up By Eating Smart
29 Power Up By Eating Smart Water Regulates body temperature during activity Helps convert food into energy Lubricates joints
30 Power Up By Eating Smart Water Basics Water is the key nutrient for athletes Active teens and adults need 9-15 cups of fluid daily
31 Power Up By Eating Smart Water Basics Athletes should drink as much water as possible Drink fluids throughout the day Milk, 100% fruit juice and watery foods all contribute to fluid balance
32 Power Up By Eating Smart Milk Nutrient dense beverage that is 90% water Perfect fluid to hydrate during the day Contains 9 essential nutrients
33 Power Up By Eating Smart Calcium in Milk Needed to keep bones strong and healthy Necessary to help build strong bones in teens Teenagers need 4 servings from the milk group daily (milk, cheese, yogurt)
34 Power Up By Eating Smart How much fluid do you need when practicing and competing? 16 oz. 2-3 hours before 8 oz. 15 minutes before 8 oz. every minutes during 3 cups for each pound lost for hours after competition
35 Power Up By Eating Smart FOOD = ENERGY = POWER = PERFORMANCE!
36 Power Up By Eating Smart Eating for Competition Three important time periods to consider with every practice or competition Before During After (recovery)
37 Power Up By Eating Smart Eating for Competition Use dietary guidelines as a guide to eat well Start every day with breakfast Eat the right foods as part of training The school cafeteria offers healthy choices Choose healthy options from school vending machines
38 Power Up By Eating Smart Eating for Competition Choose carbohydrate first Carry healthy snacks and beverages to refuel during the day Eat a high carbohydrate breakfast Eat a high carbohydrate meal 3-4 hours before competition Choose a small meal or snack close to event time
39 Power Up By Eating Smart Pre-Competition Meal (3-4 hours before) Focus on carbohydrate and fluid Rule of thumb: fill 2/3 of plate with high carbohydrate foods and the rest with lean protein 1/3 of Plate = Lean Protein 2/3 of Plate = High Carbohydrate Foods
40 Power Up By Eating Smart Menu Ideas for Breakfast Try to serve 3-5 food groups Can you think of some healthy breakfast ideas?
41 Power Up By Eating Smart Menu Ideas for Lunch Choose foods that are low in fat and high in carbohydrate and fluids Can you think of some lunch ideas from the school cafeteria? Can you think of some lunch ideas for a bag lunch?
42 Power Up By Eating Smart Snacks Choose a small meal or snack about 2-3 hours before competition Can you think of some healthy snack ideas?
43 Power Up By Eating Smart Refueling during competition or game break Focus on carbohydrate Try to eat or drink every 30 minutes Fresh fruits Breads, cereals Energy bars Drink 8 ounces of water every minutes
44 Power Up By Eating Smart Post Competition Meals During exercise muscles use carbohydrate as their primary energy source Fluids lost by sweating need to be replaced Eat within 30 minutes after competition or practice and again 2 hours later Choose high carbohydrate foods and fluids
45 Power Up By Eating Smart Post Competition/Practice (within 30 minutes) choose: Graham crackers, yogurt and fruit juices Yogurt and fruit Whole-wheat bagel with peanut butter and milk Fresh fruit, string cheese and water Yogurt with granola Cereal bar and milk CHOCOLATE MILK – the "new" sports drink!
46 Power Up By Eating Smart Chocolate Milk The "New" Sports Drink!
47 Power Up By Eating Smart Chocolate Milk – Protein- for building and maintaining muscle mass Calcium – for strong bones Fluids – helps with rehydration; milk is 90% water Carbohydrate – for energy
48 Power Up By Eating Smart Chocolate Milk – Chocolate milk also has an optimal ratio of carbohydrate to protein to help muscles refuel 3:1 is the ideal carbohydrate to protein ratio
49 Power Up By Eating Smart Lowfat Chocolate Milk
50 Power Up By Eating Smart Chocolate Milk –The "New" Sports Drink! Effective recovery aid for exhausted muscles after intense workouts Athletes were able to workout longer during a second round of exercise Effective alternative to commercial sports drinks
51 Power Up By Eating Smart Chocolate milk contains nine essential nutrients important for an athlete's health No other sports drink contains the nutrient package found in chocolate milk REFUEL with CHOCOLATE MILK!
52 Power Up By Eating Smart
53 Power Up By Eating Smart Post-Competition/Practice Meals – ( 2 hours after your event ) Do you have some meal ideas?
54 Power Up By Eating Smart Tips for Road Travel Focus on good sources of carbohydrate and fluid Carry healthy snacks and beverages Keep foods cold with ice packs, coolers or insulated bags
55 Power Up By Eating Smart Food Ideas for the Road What are some healthy foods to carry on the bus when your team travels on the road?
56 Power Up By Eating Smart Tips for Tournaments Remember to continually build and maintain energy (glycogen) stores. Plan ahead and bring high carbohydrate foods and fluids. Choose carefully at concession stands
57 Power Up By Eating Smart Track Your Daily Diet Write down what you eat for three days See where you can make adjustments Always think about what you are eating
58 Power Up By Eating Smart Eating well is as important as training and conditioning for success in your sport.