Assumption School Senior Years
Assumption School “The Catholic School strives to develop Christian leaders, responsible citizens and life-long learners” This is Our School!
At Assumption School we help to develop: The Soul Interpersonal Connections The Body The Mind
Our New Ideas for !
3 Terms Instead of 2 This would mean: 6 elective choices, rather than 4 Opportunities for experiencing diverse courses By the time you leave Assumption School in grade 9, you will have had 15 elective choices which will contribute to your high school graduation requirements
Languages Languages The STANDARD ACADEMIC program includes French; however, for struggling students, PARENTS and TEACHERS may decide it is in the child’s best interest to utilize this time to work on another subject area, ie: Math/English. For most, this time will be with a teaching aide to work on reading/writing enhancement. This will be decided on a case by case basis. Should a family desire an alternative language for their child, eg: Spanish, German, it is possible for us to offer it with the support of NIDES. Students opting for this need to be both self motivated, and have the ability to work independently.
Possible Electives Possible Electives Drama Digital Photography Guitar Performance Band Art Media Studies Home Economics Community Recreation Info Tech Business Ed First Aid Boating Safety
Students’ Elective Ideas More sports in electives such as: -Wrestling -Biking -Personal Fitness -Rowing -Archery -Kayaking -Boxing -Sailing -Dance -Horseback Riding -Golf -Rifle Range -Soccer -Swimming -Football -Bowling -Road Hockey -Ice Hockey -Paintball -Fencing -Quadding/Dirt Biking
Other Elective Ideas: -Choir -Drawing -Sewing -Pottery -Stunts/Drama Students’ Ideas
Honour Rolls Let’s celebrate your success! Work Habits Honour Roll Academic Honour Roll Citizenship Honour Roll
Those who achieve the honour roll each term will have the opportunity to engage in a fun lunch party with peers!
We know that school can be hectic and stressful at times. It can be difficult to find time for extra help, so….. What about a period per week scheduled specifically for catching up, or completing assignments and tests? Students may select either Mr. Watson, Mr. Maguire or Miss Cappiello’s classroom to focus on a subject or project. This time may be used to either get extra help or simply for a quiet place to work. This may also be a valuable period for catching up on missed tests. Flex Time
Hang Outs Finding it hard to know what to do at lunch time? The grade 8/9 classrooms will now be opened up at lunch for a place to relax and socialize The gym is another great place to go for activities and fun
What are some other fun activities that you could do to have fun with friends?
Students’ Other Ideas Team intramurals Picnic tables/benches for outside Longer lunch Different recess time More dress-up days More dances Student exchange Uniform input eg: new track suit Taco eating contest Sex Education
Students’ Ideas for Clubs/Activities Choir Spelling Competition Cheerleading Chess Hiking Debate
School Activities and Clubs Student Council Yearbook Social Justice Club Assumption Idol Talent Showcase Speech Arts Teacher vs. Student Sports/Games
School Trips Class Trips: Grade 7 – Camp Homewood Grade 8 - Victoria Grade 9 – Strathcona Other Possible Trip Ideas: Band Trip (out of town performances) Ski Trip “WE Day” Other Ideas?...
Students’ Trip Ideas Hiking ie: Harwood Camping trip Vancouver trip Fishing trip
“And that’s why we make ‘em sign permission slips!”
What do you want to see at Assumption School?
We strive to be a warm welcoming Christ- centred family where all will grow in faith love and knowledge Class size (ranges from 15-22) vs. 30+ Leadership opportunities eg: social justice, coaching, reffing, student council etc. More in depth electives (6 – 12 week electives vs. 8 – 5 week mandated electives) 4 teachers in 4 locations which allows for a homeroom teacher half the time, in comparison to 7 teachers in 7 locations Students and their learning styles are well known to teachers We provide a safe environment with minimal peer pressure, where kids are not afraid to be themselves We provide a solid foundation for students, and are extremely proud of their successful transition into senior high school eg: check out the honour roll! The Assumption Advantage