Sparse LA Sathish Vadhiyar
Motivation Sparse computations much more challenging than dense due to complex data structures and memory references Many physical systems produce sparse matrices Most of the research and the base case in sparse symmetric positive definite matrices
Sparse Cholesky To solve Ax = b; A = LL T ; Ly = b; L T x = y; Cholesky factorization introduces fill-in
Column oriented left-looking Cholesky
Fill-in Fill: new nonzeros in factor
Permutation Matrix or Ordering Thus ordering to reduce fill or to enhance numerical stability Choose permutation matrix P so that Cholesky factor L’ of PAP T has less fill than L. Triangular solve: L’y = Pb; L’ T z = y; x = P T z The fill can be predicted in advance Static data structure can be used – symbolic factorization
Steps Ordering: Find a permutation P of matrix A, Symbolic factorization: Set up a data structure for the Cholesky factor L of PAP T, Numerical factorization: Decompose PAP T into LL T, Triangular system solution: Ly = Pb; L T z = y; x = P T z.
Sparse Matrices and Graph Theory G(A)
Sparse and Graph F(A)
Ordering The above order of elimination is “natural” The first heuristic is minimum degree ordering Simple and effective But efficiency depends on tie breaking strategy
Minimum degree ordering for the previous Matrix Ordering – {2,4,5,7,3,1,6} No fill-in !
Ordering Another ordering is nested dissection (divide-and-conquer) Find separator S of nodes whose removal (along with edges) divides the graph into 2 disjoint pieces Variables in each pieces are numbered contiguously and variables in S are numbered last Leads to bordered block diagonal non-zero pattern Can be applied recursively
Nested Dissection Illustration S
Nested Dissection Illustration S
Symbolic factorization Can simulate the numerical factorization Struct(M i* ) := {k<i | m ik ≠ 0}, Struct(M *j ) := {k>j | m kj ≠ 0}, p(j) := {min{i Є Struct(L *j )}, if Struct(L *j ) ≠ 0, j otherwise} Struct(L *j ) C Struct(L *p(j) )) U {p(j}}, Struct(L *j ) := Struct(A *j ) U (U i<j {Struct(L *i )|p(i) = j}) – {j}
Symbolic Factorization for j:= 1 to n do R j := 0 for j:= 1 to n do S := Struct(A *j ) for i Є R j do S: = S U Struct(L *i ) – {j} Struct(L *j ) := S if Struct(L *j ) ≠ 0 then p(j) := min{i Є Struct(L *j )} R p(j) := R p(j) U {j}
Numerical Factorization cmod(j, k): modification of column j by column k, k < j cdiv(j) : division of column j by a scalar
Elimination Tree T(A) has an edge between two vertices i and j, with i > j, if i = p(j). i is the parent of j
Supernode A set of contiguous columns in the Cholesky factor L that share essentially the same sparsity structure. The set of contiguous columns j,j+1,…,j+t constitutes a supernode if Struct(L *,k ) = Struct(L *,k+1 ) U {k+1} for j<=k<=j+t-1 Columns in the same supernode can be treated as a unit Used for enhancing the efficiency of minimum degree ordering and symbolic factorization.
Parallelization of Sparse Cholesky Most of the parallel algorithms are based on elimination trees Work associated with two disjoint subtrees can proceed independently Same steps associated with sequential sparse factorization One additional step: assignment of tasks to processors
Ordering 2 issues: - ordering in parallel - find an ordering that will help in parallelization in the subsequent steps
Ordering in Parallel – Nested dissection Nested dissection can be carried in parallel Also leads to elimination trees that can be parallelized during subsequent factorizations But parallelization only in the later levels of dissection Can be applied to only limited class of problems More later….
Ordering for Parallel Factorization Natural order Elimination Tree No fill. No scope for parallelization No agreed objective for ordering for parallel factorization: Not all orderings that reduce fill-in can provide scope for parallelization
Example (Contd..) Nested dissection order 1 Elimination Tree Fill. But scope for parallelization
Ordering for parallel factorization – Tree restructuring Decouple fill reducing ordering and ordering for parallel elimination Determine a fill reducing ordering P of G(A) Form the elimination tree T(PAP T ) Transform this tree T(PAP T ) to one with smaller height and record the corresponding equivalent reordering, P’
Ordering for parallel factorization – Tree restructuring Efficiency depends on if such an equivalent reordering can be found Also on the limitations of the initial ordering, P Only minor modifications to the initial ordering. Hence only limited improvement in parallelism Algorithm by Liu (1989) based on elimination tree rotation to reduce the height Algorithm by Jess and Kees (1982) based on chordal graph to reduce the height
Height and Parallel Completion time Not all elimination trees with minimum heights give rise to small parallel completion times. Let each node, v, in elimination tree associated with x,y x – time[v] or time for factorization of column v y – level[v] level[v] = time[v] if v is the root of elimination tree, time[v]+level[parent of v] otherwise Represents minimum time to completion starting at node v Parallel completion time – maximum level value among all nodes
Height and Parallel Completion time a b c d e f g h i e d c b a f g h i f e d c b g h i a , 14 3, 12 3, 9 3, 6 4, 24 6, 20 6, 14 5, 8 3,3 2, 19 3, 17 3, 14 3, 11 3, 8 4, 21 6, 17 6, 11 5, 5
Minimization of Cost Thus some recent algorithms (Weng- Yang Lin, J. of Supercomputing: 2003) pick at each step, the nodes with the minimum cost (greedy approach)
Nested Dissection Algorithms Use a graph partitioning heuristic to obtain a small edge separator of the graph Transform the small edge separator into a small node separator Number nodes of the separator last and recursively apply
Algorithm 1 - Level Structures d(x, y) – distance between x and y Eccentricity: ε(x) = max yin X {d(x, y)} Diameter: δ(G) = max of eccentricities Peripheral node: x in X whose ε(x) = δ(G) Level structure: a partitioning L = {L 0,..,L l ) such that Adj(L i ) C L i-1 U L i+1
Example Level structure rooted at 6
Breadth First Search One way of finding level structures is by BFS starting with the peripheral node Finding peripheral node is expensive. Hence settle for pseudo-peripheral
Pseudo peripheral node 1.Pick arbitrary node r in X 2.Generate a level structure with ε(r) levels 3.Choose node x in last level with minimum degree 4.Generate a level structure rooted at x 5.If ε(x) > ε(r) r =x, go to step 3; else x is the pseudo peripheral 2 1 r r r
ND Heuristic based on BFS 1.Construct a level structure with l levels 2.Form separator S of nodes in level (l+1)/2 3.Recursively apply
Example AB AB a b b a
K-L for ND Form a random initial partition Form edge separator by applying K-L to form partitions P1 and P2 Let V1 in P1 such that nodes in V1 incident on atleast one edge in the separator set. Similarly V2 V1 U V2 (wide node separator), V1 or V2 (narrow node separator) by Gilbert and Zmijewski (1987)
Step 2: Mapping Problems on to processors Based on elimination trees But elimination trees are determined from the structure of L which happens in symbolic factorization (step 3) – bootstrapping problem ! Efficient algorithms exist to find elimination trees from the structure of A. Parallel calculation of elimination tree by zmijewski and Gilbert where each processor computes “local” version of elimination tree and then the local versions are combined. Various strategies to map columns to processors based on elimination trees. Strategy 1: Successive levels in elimination tree are wrap- mapped onto processors Strategy 2: Subtree-to-Subcube Strategy 3: Bin-Pack by Geist and Ng
Strategy 2 – Subtree-to-subcube mapping Select an appropriate set of P subtrees of the elimination tree, say T0, T1… Assign columns corresponding to Ti to Pi Where two subtrees merge into a single subtree, their processor sets are merged together and wrap-mapped onto the nodes/columns of the separator that begins at that point. The root separator is wrap-mapped onto the set of all processors.
Strategy 3: Bin-Pack (Geist and Ng) Try to find disjoint subtrees Map the subtrees to p bins based on first-fit-decreasing bin- packing heuristic Subtrees are processed in decreasing order of workloads A subtree is packed into the current lightest bin Weight imbalance, α – ratio between lightest and heaviest bin If α >= user-specified tolerance, γ, stop Else explore the heaviest subtree from the tree and split into subtrees and p bins are repacked using bin-packing again Repeat until α >= γ or the largest subtree cannot be split further Load balance based on user-specified tolerance For the remaining nodes from the roots of the subtrees to the root of the tree, wrap map.
Parallel symbolic factorization Sequential symbolic factorization is very efficient Not able to achieve good speedups with parallel versions – Limited parallelism, small task sizes, high communication overhead Mapping strategies typically wrap-map processors to the columns of same supernode – hence more storage and work than sequential version For supernodal structure, only the processor holding the 1 st column of the supernode calculates the structure Other processors holding other columns of supernode simply retrieve the structure from the processor holding the first column.
Parallel Numerical Factorization – Submatrix Cholesky Tsub(k) Tsub(k) is partitioned into various subtasks Tsub(k,1),…,Tsub(k,P) where Tsub(k,p) := {cmod(j,k) | j C Struct(L *k ) ∩ mycols(p)}
Definitions mycols(p) – set of columns owned by p map[k] – processor containing column k procs(L *k ) = {map[j] | j in Struct(L *k )}
Parallel Submatrix Cholesky for j in mycols(p) do if j is a leaf node in T(A) do cdiv(j) send L *j to the processors in procs(L *j ) mycols(p) := mycols(p) – {j} while mycols(p) ≠ 0 do receive any column of L, say L *k for j in Struct(L *k ) ∩ mycols(p) do cmod(j, k) if column j required no more cmod ’ s do cdiv(j) send L *j to the processors in procs(L *j ) mycols(p) := mycols(p) – {j} Disadvantages: 1.Communication is not localized
Parallel Numerical Factorization – Sub column Cholesky Tcol(j) is partitioned into various subtasks Tcol(j,1),…,Tcol(j,P) where Tcol(j,p) aggregates into a single update vector every update vector u(j,k) for which k C Struct(L j* ) ∩ mycols(p)
Definitions mycols(p) – set of columns owned by p map[k] – processor containing column k procs(L j* ) = {map[k] | k in Struct(L j* )} u(j, k) – scaled column accumulated into the factor column by cmod(j, k)
Parallel Sub column Cholesky for j:= 1 to n do if j in mycols(p) or Struct(L j* ) ∩ mycols(p) ≠ 0 do u = 0 for k in Struct(L j* ) ∩ mycols(p) do u = u + u(j,k) if map[j] ≠ p do send u to processor q = map[j] else incorporate u into the factor column j while any aggregated update column for column j remains unreceived do receive in u another aggregated update column for column j incoprporate u into the factor column j cdiv(j) Has uniform and less communication than sub matrix version Difference is due to accessing pattern of Struct(L j* ) and Struct(L *j )
A refined version – compute-ahead fan-in The previous version can lead to processor idling due to waiting for the aggregates for updating column j Updating column j can be mixed with compute-ahead tasks: 1.Aggregate u(i, k) for i > j for each completed column k in Struct(L i* ) ∩ mycols(p) 2.Receive aggregate update column for i > j and incorporate into factor column i
Triangular Solve: Parallel Forward and Back Substitution (Anshul Gupta, Vipin Kumar – Supercomputing ’95)
Forward Substitution Computation starts with leaf supernodes of the elimination trees The portion of L corresponding to a supernode is a dense trapezoid of width t and height n t - number of nodes/columns in supernode n - number of non-zeros in the leftmost column of the supernode
Forward Substitution - Example
Steps at Supernode 1.Initial processing - A vector, rhs of size n is formed. 1.The 1 st t elements correspond to the elements in RHS vector with the same indices as nodes of the supernode. 2.The remaining n-t elements are filled with 0’s. 2.Computation 1.Solve dense triangular system at the top of the trapezoid in the supernode. 2.Form updates corresponding to remaining n-t rows of the supernode 1.Vector x – product of (bottom (n-t)xt submatrix of L, vector of size t containing solutions from step 1) 2.Subtract x from bottom n-t elements of rhs 3.Add bottom n-t elements of rhs with corresponding (same index) entries of rhs at parent supernode Step 2.1 at any supernode can begin after contributions from all its children
Parallelization For levels >= logP, the above steps are performed sequentially on a single processor For supernode with 0 <= l < logP, the above computation steps are performed in parallel on p/2 l processors. Pipelined or wavefront algorithm is used.
Partitioning 1.Assuming unlimited parallelism 2.At a single time step, only t processors are used. 3.At a single time step, only one block per row and one block per column are active 4.Might as well use 1-D block cyclic.
1-D block cyclic along rows
Sparse Iterative Methods
Iterative & Direct methods – Pros and Cons. Iterative methods do not give accurate results. Convergence cannot be predicted But absolutely no fills.
Parallel Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR For problems with grid structure (1- D, 2-D etc.), Jacobi is easily parallelizable Gauss-Seidel and SOR need recent values. Hence ordering of updates and sequencing among processors But Gauss-Seidel and SOR can be parallelized using red-black ordering or checker board
2D Grid example
Red-Black Ordering Color alternate nodes in each dimension red and black Number red nodes first and then black nodes Red nodes can be updated simultaneously followed by simultaneous black nodes updates
2D Grid example – Red Black Ordering In general, reordering can affect convergence
Multi-Color orderings In general multi-color orderings for an arbitrary graph Ordering can lead to reduced convergence rate; but can lead to more parallelism Need to strike a balance Multi-color orderings can also be used for pre-conditioned CG
Pre-conditioned CG Instead of solving Ax = b Solve A’x’ = b’ where A’ = C -1 AC -1, x’ = Cx, b’ = C -1 b to improve convergence M = C 2 is called the pre-conditioner
Incomplete Cholesky Preconditioner M = HH T where H is the “incomplete” Cholesky factor of A One way of incomplete Cholesky – Have h ij = 0 when a ij = 0
Pre-Conditioned CG k = 0 r 0 = b – Ax 0 while (r k ≠ 0) Solve Mz k = r k (2 triangular solves – Parallelization is not straightforward) k = k+1 if k = 1 p 1 = z 0 else β k = r k-1 T z k-1 /r k-2 T z k-2 p k = z k-1 + β k p k-1 end α k = r k-1 T z k-1 /p k T Ap k x k = x k-1 + α k p k r k = r k-1 – α k Ap k end x = x k
Graph Coloring Graph Colored Ordering for parallel computing of Gauss-Seidel and applying incomplete Cholesky preconditioners It was shown (Schreiber and Tang) that minimum number of parallel steps in triangular solve is given by the chromatic number of symmetric graph Thus permutation matrix, P based on graph color ordering Incomplete Cholesky applied to PAP T Unknowns corresponding to nodes of same color are solved in parallel; computation proceeds in steps
Parallel Triangular Solve based on Multi-Coloring Triangular solve Ly = b ( 2 steps ) b w = b w – L wv y v (Corresponds to traversing the edge ) y w = b w / L ww (Corresponds to visiting vertex w) The steps can be done in parallel for all v with same color Thus parallel triangular solve proceeds in steps equal to the number of colors 1, 1 2, 7 3, 2 4, 3 6, 8 7, 9 5, 4 8, 5 9, 6 10, 10 Original Order New Order
Graph Coloring Problem Given G(A) = (V, E) σ: V {1,2, …,s} is s-coloring of G if σ(i) ≠ σ(j) for every (i, j) edge in E Minimum possible value of s is chromatic number of G Graph coloring problem is to color nodes with chromatic number of colors NP-complete problem
Heuristics – Greedy Heuristic 1. Compute a vertex ordering {v 1,…,v n } for V 2. For i = 1 to n, set σ(v i ) equal to smallest available consistent color How to do step 1? Non optimal! Leads to more colors. Hence step 1 is important.
Heuristics – Saturation Degree Ordering Let {v 1,..,v i-1 } have been chosen Choose v i such that v i is adjacent to maximum number of different colors in {v 1,..,v i-1 }
Parallel graph Coloring – General algorithm
Parallel Graph Coloring – Finding Maximal Independent Sets – Luby (1986) I = null V’ = V G’ = G While G’ ≠ empty Choose an independent set I ’ in G ’ I = I U I ’ ; X = I ’ U N(I ’ ) (N(I ’ ) – adjacent vertices to I ’ ) V ’ = V ’ \ X; G ’ = G(V ’ ) end For choosing independent set I ’ : (Monte Carlo Heuristic) 1.For each vertex, v in V ’ determine a distinct random number p(v) 2.v in I iff p(v) > p(w) for every w in adj(v) Color each MIS a different color Disadvantage: Each new choice of random numbers requires a global synchronization of the processors.
Parallel Graph Coloring – Gebremedhin and Manne (2003) Pseudo-Coloring
References in Graph Coloring M. Luby. A simple parallel algorithm for the maximal independent set problem. SIAM Journal on Computing. 15(4) (1986) M.T.Jones, P.E. Plassmann. A parallel graph coloring heuristic. SIAM journal of scientific computing, 14(3): , May 1993 L. V. Kale and B. H. Richards and T. D. Allen. Efficient Parallel Graph Coloring with Prioritization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1068, August 1995, pp Springer-Verlag. A.H. Gebremedhin, F. Manne, Scalable parallel graph coloring algorithms, Concurrency: Practice and Experience 12 (2000) A.H. Gebremedhin, I.G. Lassous, J. Gustedt, J.A. Telle, Graph coloring on coarse grained multicomputers, Discrete Applied Mathematics, v.131 n.1, p , 6 September 2003
References M.T. Heath, E. Ng, B.W. Peyton. Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Linear Systems. SIAM Review. Vol. 33, No. 3, pp , September A. George, J.W.H. Liu. The Evolution of the Minimum Degree Ordering Algorithm. SIAM Review. Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 1-19, March J. W. H. Liu. Reordering sparse matrices for parallel elimination. Parallel Computing 11 (1989) 73-91
References Anshul Gupta, Vipin Kumar. Parallel algorithms for forward and back substitution in direct solution of sparse linear systems. Conference on High Performance Networking and Computing. Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (CDROM). P. Raghavan. Efficient Parallel Triangular Solution Using Selective Inversion. Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp , 1998
References Joseph W. H. Liu. The Multifrontal Method for Sparse Matrix Factorization. SIAM Review. Vol. 34, No. 1, pp , March Gupta, Karypis and Kumar. Highly Scalable Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Matrix Factorization. TPDS