Be able to explain the curriculum writing process Identify ad explain the roles and responsibilities of Special Education and Regular Education in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment and grading practices Identify the goal of Special Education in the OCSD Identify the necessary data to collect to determine effectiveness of the Special Education program in the OCSD.
Philosophical basis for work Process used by Regular Education and Special Education teachers when writing curriculum How does the Special Education teacher “fit” into the curriculum process?
As I present, think about YOUR ROLE as a Special Education Teacher. Jot down ideas about: ◦ 1. Your perceived role in each area (CIA) ◦ 2. Your ideal role ◦ 3. Barriers/Issues related to ideal role
Curriculum Teaching And Learning Instruction Assessment Year 1 – alignment to ICC Write Grade Level Benchmarks and Components for each grade/course Alignment in Curriculum Maps Year 3 – Aligning assessments with our curriculum. Writing common summative assessments Training on Assessment OF and FOR Learning Alignment in Curriculum Maps Embedded in Year 2 and Year 3 Professional Development planned around student and staff needs Curriculum Mapping
Second biggest impact on learning is from what is taught. (Shanahan) Explicit curriculum is important in ensuring that teaching occurs. Explicit curriculum prevents excessive overlaps across grade levels. Curriculum needs to be organized. An explicit curriculum makes differentiated instruction possible.
Big Ideas/GLB: Declarative statements of enduring understandings for all students at all grade/course levels. Grade Level Benchmarks (Essential Questions) Concepts: Describe what students should know, key knowledge, as a result of instruction, specific to grade level. Components (Concepts and Skills) Competencies: Describe what students should be able to do, key skills, as a result of this instruction, specific to grade level. Components (Skills)
Worth Being Familiar With – these are those Nice to Know things we want student to know but they are not assessed Important to Know and Do – Part of your subject area but not essential to life-long skill attainment – might be assessed if relate to the enduring understandings Big Ideas– Reflected in the ICC and will be the Grade Level Benchmarks and Components
Content Area Standard/ICCSubject Mission StatementGrade Level/Course PurposeGrade Level BenchmarksComponents The Grade Level Benchmarks and Components drive instruction = they provide the roadmap to what the teacher needs to teach. Currently these are reflected in the Essential Question and the Content and the Skills. But…. They all do not meet the requirements of “Big Ideas” Bigger Ideas….. How do we help students “master” this content? What do we do if they don’t?
Step 1: Define Current Reality Step 2: Analyze the Iowa Core Curriculum Step 3: Align current reality with ICC – eliminate any gaps and/or overlaps Step 4: Develop a Subject Mission Statement Step 5: Develop Grade Level/Course Purposes Step 6 and 7: Write Grade Level Benchmarks and Components Step 8: Develop way to validate or monitor implementation of curriculum
Must: ◦ Be student focused “The student will…. ◦ Be measurable ◦ Begin with a verb which determines level of thinking and indicate method of summative assessment ◦ Be from Bloom’s top 4 levels of Bloom’s taxonomy ◦ Be indicative of the main skill/concept – the essential question or purpose of the unit of study
Developing big ideas/GLB helps students ◦ “Understand rather than memorize ◦ Retain ideas and facts longer because they are more meaningful ◦ Make connections between subjects and facets of a single subject ◦ Relate ideas to their own lives, and ◦ Build networks of meaning for effectively dealing with future knowledge.” (from How to Differentiate in Mixed-Ability Classrooms, 2 nd Edition; C.A. Tomlinson; ASCD; 2001)
Reflect Higher Order Thinking - Rigorous ◦ They require “uncoverage.” or “investigation” or “evaluation” These abstract concepts stimulate higher-level thinking. They are more than just facts. They come from the top 4 levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. They have a greater potential for engaging students. The verb provides clues as to the assessment Student Centered ◦ They reflect what the student will know or be able to do as result, not what the teacher will do Timeless ◦ The concept transcends individual examples and/or activities. They have enduring value beyond the classroom. They will be relevant to any time teaching and do not reflect specifics – reflect skills such as problem solving Measurable ◦ They can be measured to determine success. Essential Concepts or Skills ◦ They are the heart of the discipline. They are worthy of the time it will take to study them at some depth ( and Understanding by Design. Wiggins & McTighe. ASCD )
Describes the “essential” things ALL students in this grade level or course MUST KNOW or BE ABLE TO DO in a grade or course GLB's are units of instruction that make connections between separate concepts or skills
Topics (Apples, Winter, Shakespeare, Maps, Fractions) Facts (2x4=8, red and yellow make orange, the capital of Illinois is Springfield) Skills (multiplying, painting, memorizing, rhyming) Assignments (research paper, collage, speech, book report) Textbook Units (Unit 1, The World At War, Rational Numbers)
Each GLB requires high level of student thinking as well as dynamic student involvement in their learning Written with verbs from top 4 level of Bloom's Taxonomy – application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation Each GLB written directs assessments ◦ Formative and Summative
Criteria: ◦ A positive statement about what the students will do ◦ Verbs describing specific, measurable actions ◦ Includes an end result – what the student will be able to do ◦ High levels of achievement – Bloom's top 4 levels of thinking
Must: ◦ Be student focused “The student will…. ◦ Begin with a verb which determines level of thinking and indicate method of formative assessment ◦ Be measurable ◦ Be from Bloom’s any levels of Bloom’s taxonomy – scaffolding of skills and concepts should take place ◦ Provide direction for instruction toward success of the Grade Level Benchmark
Statements of concepts or skills that describe what students must know or do in order to perform the GLB. Can be written from all levels of Bloom's Taxonomy Content or skills scaffold as the GLB is taught 3-8 per GLB
Simple and Complex skills Must have students being active, not passive learners Teachers become more facilitative instead of only providing information that students memorize
Resources to use ◦ Matrices Use your generated list to identify roles/responsibilities AND solutions to barriers ◦ Special Education Service Delivery Plan ◦ Grades, Diplomas, Transcripts for Students with Disabilities
Communication ◦ What else needs to be determined before we report out? How shall we communicate the roles/responsibilities?
Matrices KASAB What is Program Evaluation? How does Program Evaluation make our programs stronger? What is the process for evaluating programs?
Communication ◦ What else needs to be determined before we report out? How shall we communicate the roles/responsibilities?