Review from previous lesson: Discovery of the Holy Cross TRUE OR FALSE? there was a war between Emperor Heraclius and the Persians. TRUE OR FALSE? there was a war between Emperor Heraclius and the Persians. TRUE OR FALSE? the Persian prince was able to touch the Holy Cross. TRUE OR FALSE? the Persian prince was able to touch the Holy Cross. Where did the Persian prince hide the Holy Cross? Where did the Persian prince hide the Holy Cross? How did Emperor Heraclius found the Holy Cross? How did Emperor Heraclius found the Holy Cross? What happened when they returned to Jerusalem with the Holy Cross. What happened when they returned to Jerusalem with the Holy Cross. "For the ________ of the cross is foolishness to those who are _________, but to us who are _________it is the ________ of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:___ "For the ________ of the cross is foolishness to those who are _________, but to us who are _________it is the ________ of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:___
More than 1000 years before Jesus was on Earth…
God blessed Hannah and gave her a child. Hannah’s baby was named Samuel. Samuel grew and Hannah kept her promise by sending Samuel to live at the temple to serve God with Eli, the priest.
even though God warned Eli that he has to correct his children!! t,
One night, while Samuel was just lying down to go to sleep, … Video
What happened? “Samuel!” While Samuel was just lying down to go to sleep, the Lord called: “Samuel!”… Samuel thought it was Eli. He ran to Eli and said: “Here I am, for you called me.” But Eli said, “I did not call you. Go back to bed.” Samuel went back to bed and God called again: “Samuel!” and again he ran to Eli; but Eli said: “I did not call, my son; go back to bed”
A third time, Samuel heard the voice and went to Eli. Eli had not called. Eli realized that it must be WHO that is calling Samuel? Eli told Samuel to listen again for the voice. When he heard it, he must say, “Speak, LORD, for Your servant hears”. …So Samuel went back to bed and waited… Sure enough, God called again and said: “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant hears.”
So God spoke with Samuel and told him about what He would since Eli did not correct his children who were misbehaving. Samuel then went back to sleep. In the morning, he was afraid to tell Eli about what God had told him, but Eli insisted to hear the message. Samuel told him everything that the Lord had said and every word came true.
Samuel grew and the Lord was with him. All the people learned that God chose Samuel as a prophet, giving him a message for the people.
Does God speak to us today too? YES! But, how? Through the Bible, the Church, Abouna, Sunday-school, mom & dad, and also in our hearts when we pray! What kind of messages does God send us in the Holy Bible He gives us promises He gives instructions/commandments He comforts us He gives us His strength and wisdom! God sends us messages EVERY DAY because He is our Father and He loves us!!
Why should we make sure to listen? Because He knows what is best for us and He is teaching us how to keep ourselves ready and pure to be with Him in His Kingdom -> Heaven! What happens if we don’t try to listen? As time goes by, we will become more and more DEAF and we won’t be able to hear and understand God’s message to us anymore This can be dangerous! The Holy Spirit is like a fire in our hearts: when WE LISTEN to the word of God, the fire grows BIGGER and it becomes easier to know and understand God’s message; BUT, when we don’t listen, it is like we are throwing WATER on the fire, and soon enough, we will not be able to hear or understand God’s messages for us anymore…
QUIZ! TRUE OR FALSE? 1.Samuel was born 1000 after Jesus was on earth. 2.Hannah promised God that if He would give her a baby boy, she would make sure to keep him all to herself and let him serve God only when he was old. 3.When Samuel was still just a very young boy, and he served God with Eli, the priest, in the temple. 4.The LORD called Samuel. And he answered, "Where am I?” (1 SAMUEL 3:4) 5."Now the LORD came and stood and called as at other times, 'Samuel! Samuel!' And Samuel answered, 'Speak, for Your servant _________.' " 1 SAMUEL 3:9 6.God spoke with Samuel and told him about what He would do to Eli and his children since Eli’s children were doing many good things and Eli didn’t care.
HOMEWORK This week, practice listening to God’s message: 1)Every day, before you open the Bible and say: “Speak, Lord, for your servant, ____ (your name), hears!” 2)And then, when you read, make sure to listen to God’s message for you. 3)Make sure to WRITE IT DOWN, and next Sunday, bring it to Sunday-school to share with us the messages God told you every day this week!
Telephone Game: ““But He answered and said to them, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.”” – Luke 8:21 ““My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” – John 10:27