Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov.19-20 2009 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Neil Holdsworth, Head of Data Centre


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Presentation transcript:

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Neil Holdsworth, Head of Data Centre

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov What or who is ICES? -It’s quite old (b. 1902) -It’s all about Marine Science -It’s a network of experts representing 20 countries -Norwegian Marine Research was there from the beginning -Currently 272 active Norwegian members

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov ICES Data Centre The Team Data managers Data scientists IT specialists and programmers IT Project managers The Work Data warehousing Data provision, QA and QC Data standards and protocols Database design and advice Data recovery Web GIS products & services The Partners HELCOM (Marine data centre) OSPAR (Marine data centre) EU Commission (DATRAS, MSFD) EEA (marine data centre, ETC-W MSFD, GIS QA)

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov ICES Data Centre The Data Geography: Arctic, Baltic, Atlantic, Med Time: +120 years hydrographic, +50 years fish trawl, +30 biological Type: In-situ samples water, sediment, contaminants, plankton -> whales Majority of data online

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov The problem: We had created a headless monster Oceanographic Trawl surveys Biological Datasets Others... National National institute data National Platforms, parameters Gears, species Species, chemicals Reference codes External lists Oceanographic Trawl surveys Biological Data extracts Others...

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Common reference codes and mappings Platforms, parameters Gears, species Species, chemicals Reference codes External lists Database of reference codes and mappings Oceanographic Trawl surveys Biological Datasets Others... Having a common place and method for managing all the references was a big step forward We’re still working on the mapping

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Common data layer Oceanographic Trawl surveys Biological Datasets Others... We looked at the lowest common set of information in all the types of data Location and time Sample Measurement Dataset Database of reference codes and mappings

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Common viewing system Considerations: -Different users and uses - Standard units - Parameters in context Location and time Sample Measurement Dataset Datatype Location and time Sample Measurement Data themes Viewing paths

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Common data is worth the effort KML/GML CSV/TEXT ODV/NETCDF PNG/GIFS WoRMS/ERMS WISE EMODNET OBIS/EurOBIS SeaDataNet Web services GeoServer GeoNetworks

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Inventory of data (version 1.3) to be released Dec 2009

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Working towards standards & governance Partner Commissions The Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) The OSPAR Commission (OSPAR) EC DG-Environment EC DG-MARE North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO) ICES Expert Groups Identify gaps in knowledge Initiate research Develop specifications and guidelines in cooperation with Partner Commissions. ICES databases are based on these specifications International Databases, Projects & Standards SeaDataNet (SDN) IOC / IODE Data standards FAO ERMS WoRMS ITIS OBIS CAS ISO the list goes on....

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Focus on WISE-Marine Water Information System for Europe (WISE)  Water Framework Directive Marine/Maritime extension (WISE-Marine)  Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2009 Member state consultation 2010 roadmap for WISE-Marine and reporting sheets 2011/2012 implementation

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Focus on WISE-Marine Reference layers Indicator 2,3,4,… Indicator 2,3,4,… Indicator 1 Indicator 1 Marine Indicator Products Methodologies (as agreed in indicator working group) Examples of Data feeds EIONET EMODNET GMES EIONET EMODNET GMES Marine Conventions National DC’s Common Reference sources Methods and processes by indicator/groups of indicators/themes Data Reporting layer Prepared data GIS, indicator visualisation, and interpretation for wider EU assessments EU Compliance Check Initial assessment Determination of GES Establishments of comprehensive targets Implementation of monitoring programme Initial assessment Determination of GES Establishments of comprehensive targets Implementation of monitoring programme

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Focus on European Monitoring and Observation Data Network (EMODNET) Lobbied for by the European Science Foundation (ESF) and Marine board Steered by DG-MARE in liaison with DG-ENV and EEA Member state advisory group and Domain expert advisory group Permanent structure and funding for European data Linked to INSPIRE directive

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Focus on EMODNET

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov European Regions 3 Regional conventions 3 EC Institutes Focus on EMODNET-Chemical


Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Based on MSFD requirement - Time series, geographically representative - Chemicals in different matrices - 17 selected for the pilot

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov SDN NODC’s External sources OGC viewer + downloading Data products SDN User Interface CDI metadata SDN Shopping Mechanism Extra function DATA ACCESS Direct data access

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov DATA PRODUCTS OGC services Feed to WISE, MarAtlas QA/QC meta- information Link back to the data (CDI)

Norwegian Marine Data Centre, Bergen Nov Things i haven’t mentioned today... - Data policy (ownership, IPR) - Data duplication - The importance of Meta-Data - Quality issues - Regional convention programmes - Exchange protocols [one size doesn’t fit all] - Linking to land, rivers, economic data - Expert assessments and review