There are two chances you are falling into two different groups when you are watching NOT A FAN Vlog: CHAPTER ONE: D.T.R.
Do you go to church? Your Parents or grandparents Christians? Do you shout “amen” during middle or at end of the sermon? Did you grow up going to Vacation Bible School and/or church group? Did you collection of Christian related books or have 3 or more Bibles? Did you view KJV the only real version of the Bible? Have you worn “Witness wear” (band, shirt, or cap). Do you dog Harry Potter and rave about Lord of the Rings? Do you say something nicely before speaking badly about someone?
Many of us are quick to say, “YES, I am follower of Jesus,” BUT did we actually understand what it is like to be true follower of Jesus? “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’ Matthew 7:21-23 (NLT)
When you are watching me, you most likely not in Christianity group: You are being referred by someone is devout Christian encouraged you to watch this video It is likely you would watch for your friend’s sake in order to be polite but you are confronted with question of your life: “If there are only heaven or hell?” which is most common Christians throw their question at you. When you see the group number one, who claimed to be true follower of Jesus but unfortunately they never heard the unedited version of what Jesus taught about following him. My strong believe this group 1 & 2 turn down the invitation to follow Jesus, even after read in the Gospel about people who signed up to follow Jesus but most of them decided to walk away.
What do D.T.R. means to you? D.T.R. stand up for Define The Relationship When young men are involved into romantic relationship, they intended to get intimidated when it comes to see the true define of the relationship, they would get dreaded when it come to true define of relationship. It is most common for young men to run away and terminate the true relationship commitment. D.T.R
A social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character DEFINE OF DATING
DATE WITH GOD? If you are at coffee shop where there are less people and you grab a coffee then sit at small table at corner, somehow Jesus happened to show up at coffee shop and decided to sit next to you. You and Jesus start the conversation.
WHAT IS BANDWAGON? A popular party, faction, or cause that attracts growing support. It is more of enthusiastic admirer.
Am I on bandwagon or not? So therefore, Jesus is NOT interested in anyone who is on BANDWAGON!
We intended to use cultural comparison to see how our Christian living, for instance we intend to to compare see how strong spiritual we are compare to other who have lack of spiritual growth. We intended to measure ourselves by using religious ruler, it is how we follow Christianity belief and their rules: I go to church every Sunday I go to Bible Study once a week I do volunteer in different activities at church I do not hang around with bad people I do not watch R-Rated movies LIST GOING ON! Diagnose yourself: Do you attempt to prove yourself you are true follower of Christ based on your denominational, biblical knowledge, or family heritage? Gospel provided the true define of the relationship where we often overlooked. So now you need to sit back and watch on. Let’s honestly and biblically define the relationship. Are you follower of Jesus? Or are you really just a fan? ARE YOU FAN OR FOLLOWER?