Dr. Tammy Seneca Stephanie Thompson Louisiana Library Association Conference 2015
With Common Core State Standards and the 21 st Century Classroom educators should be looking at research that is Short and Focused (Writing Standard 7 of the CCSS);Short and Focused (Writing Standard 7 of the CCSS); Uses evidence from the text;Uses evidence from the text; Uses a variety of resources; andUses a variety of resources; and Uses more informational text.Uses more informational text. Technology provides a vehicle for the attainment of sources in a variety of ways. Materials are quickly at our fingertips like never before. Primary sources, videos, audio recordings, images, journals, historical accounts and a whole lot more are all available online if you know where to look for them!
One thing that we are encouraging now is that teachers no longer just summarize documents, but that they have the students look at the original document. We want the students to now read the original document and make their own interpretation.
When Elvis Met Nixon
From Slavery to Civil Rights 1.Using Classtools.net’s Fake Tweet option, create fake tweets from throughout history Place a “timeline” on the wall and have the students read each tweet and place them in the correct order on the timeline. 3.In groups, have the students investigate a variety of primary sources and documents about the different events in the timeline. Students in groups will then select what they feel are the 5 most influential events in Civil Rights history. 4.They must justify their answers and present their findings to the entire class in the form of a presentation.
Finding Aaron From Historical Scene Investigations Based on your analysis of the six documents and citing evidence to support your answer, please write a plausible explanation of what happened to Aaron between December, 1767 and January, Indicate whether you were satisfied with the evidence and list any additional questions that have been left unanswered through your investigation. Additional Primary Resources:
Lincoln's Pockets lincolns-pockets
Changing History
Whiskers of Mr. Lincoln In this lesson, the students examine the difference between primary and secondary sources! For lower elementary!
Since our students are working with shorter more focused research units, we utilize content trailers as a way to introduce information to students while scaffolding the content. They are also a great way to get the students to begin thinking about the content being presented as well as the main topics of the research. Examples of Content Trailers created in WBR: Pearl HarborPearl HarborPearl HarborPearl Harbor Civil Rights MovementCivil Rights MovementCivil Rights MovementCivil Rights Movement The HolocaustThe HolocaustThe HolocaustThe Holocaust The Cold WarThe Cold WarThe Cold WarThe Cold War The Pearl Harbor Content Trailer contains images, audio from FDR, and newspaper headlines.
Teacher Resources Science Reference Services: Fun Facts from the Library of CongressScience Reference Services: Fun Facts from the Library of Congress Today in History America’s Story from America’s Library Read.gov Teacher Guides and Analysis Tool Lesson Plans Primary Source Sets Professional Development Resources
Teacher Resources Docs Teach The National Archives on History Pin The March on Washington Women at Work You Tube Professional Development Resources Inside the Vaults The National Archives Channel Document Analysis Worksheets The Digital Vaults
Includes ready-to-use tools for teaching with documents in the classroom. Thousands of primary sources selected from the National Archives. Create your own interactive learning activity.
Students examine the image and try to determine who the person is, what feelings are being portrayed by the person, and for what reason.
View The Disaster and its Aftermath from Discovery Education Citation (APA)WPA Film Library, (1991). History in the Making: [Full Video]. Available from Ronald Reagan, “The Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy Address” ger.htm
Smithsonian for Educators Teaching with Primary Sources Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital AccessSmithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access Smithsonian Folkways Smithsonian X 3D Gallery Air and Space Museum Natural History Museum American History Museum Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Service
Life Photo Archive Hosted by Google American Rhetoric The British Library: Help for Researchers Harvard Library Digital Collections The British Museum The American Folklife Center Colonial Williamsburg Core Documents of US Democracy: US Government Publishing OfficeCore Documents of US Democracy: US Government Publishing Office The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database EuroDocs (Online Sources for European History- includes translations)EuroDocs (Online Sources for European History- includes translations)
TPS-Barat Primary Source Nexus The Newseum PBS History Detectives
We need to make sure that our students understand how to conduct research from an early age. The Kentucky Virtual Library has a great “How to Research” site for elementary students.
Searching skills are very important as our students are faced with the possibility of overwhelming content at their fingertips. It is also important that students are provided with safe searching alternatives. Google Search Education Searchy Pants Kid Rex Kid Friendly Search Sites: Fact Monster Kids Click Kidtopia Quintura for Kids
How to Ensure Google Safe Search filtering is ON within any Browser: 1.The image to the left shows the option available on Google.com after a search is conducted. 2.Conduct a search for any term. 3.Select “Search settings” by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner of Google’s search results page. 4.You will then see the option to turn on safe search and save your settings. (see image to the right)
There are a variety of resources online to help student with their research. One of the best current events websites we have found is DOGO News.
Dr. Tammy Seneca Stephanie Thompson Stephanie Thompson