Civil & Environmental Engineering Wednesday, March 30, 3:10pm Frank Parker Lecture SeriesJacobs Believed In Me Auditorium, FGH 134 The US Army Corps of Engineers: Serving our Nation’s Past, Present and Future Water Resource Needs Major General Jackson will provide an overview of the Corps Civil Works Organization and how it executes a unique combination of engineering services to meet both the national security and water resource needs of our Nation. The presentation will include a discussion of the evolution of the Mission over time, involvement in environmental protection and restoration, emergency response and preparedness, and the BIG Challenges for the future – including the current constrained fiscal environment, and mitigating the impacts of climate change through improved resiliency. Finally, learn how Corps engineers, scientists, managers and leaders make an impact on our country and the world. EXTRA BONUS: A conversation with Major General Jackson and Vanderbilt’s own Professor and Brigadier General (Army Reserves) Eugene LeBoeuf Two Career Trajectories – A Common Life Mission Major General Jackson Brigadier General LeBoeuf Please join us for a reception following the seminar
BIOGRAPHY Major General Donald E. (Ed) Jackson, Jr. assumed responsibility as the Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations, United States Army Corps of Engineers on August 12, Major General Jackson received his commission as an Engineer officer from Clemson University in He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Building Science and Management from Clemson University, a Master of Business Administration from Webster University, and a Master of Strategic Studies from the US Army War College. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Major General Jackson’s command assignments include Commanding General (Forward), US Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Division, Kabul, Afghanistan, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM; Commanding General US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division, Atlanta, Georgia; Commander and District Engineer of the US Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District; and Commander, 54th Engineer Battalion (Mechanized), OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. His awards and decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal with Valor Device, the Army Achievement Medal, the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, the Presidential Unit Citation, the Joint Meritorious Unit Award, the Army Superior Unit Award, the Silver Order of the de Fleury Medal, the German Armed Forces Efficiency Badge-Gold, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, Army Staff Identification Badge, Ranger Tab, Sapper Tab, and the Combat Action Badge. Frank Parker Lecture Series The Frank L. Parker Distinguished Lecture Series honors the life and accomplishments of Dr. Frank Parker, an internationally recognized expert and pioneer in nuclear waste remediation. Dr. Parker is credited with advising the United States and Russia on the clean up of legacy radioactive wasted produced during the Cold War, and the disposition of spent fuel generated by commercial nuclear reactors in the modern era. Among his many honors, Dr. Parker became the first Vanderbilt University School of Engineering faculty member to be elected to the prestigious National Academy of Engineering, and he is the only engineering professor to have received both the Vanderbilt’s Alexander Heard and Harvie Bransomb awards for his achievements. In addition to these accolades for his technical body of work, it was Dr. Parker’s career as ad educator that produced generations of future leaders who are shaping our world. The Frank L. Parker Lecture Series at Vanderbilt University in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering was endowed to celebrate the knowledge, leadership, and mentoring provided by Dr. Parker that serves as an inspiration to us all. The lecture is meant to shine a spotlight on the ways in which engineering has impacted and could impact our social, economic, environmental and other national policies.